Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic: April 29, 2020

Date: April 29, 2020

Amazon COVID-19 supply distribution deal


On April 1, 2020 the Government of Canada entered into an agreement with Amazon to help manage the distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies purchased by the government, to support the COVID-19 response. Amazon is providing these services to Canadians at cost, without profit until Jun 30th.

Suggested response

If pressed on the Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC) role:

If pressed on Amazon’s role:

If pressed on Canada Post and Purolator’s role:

If pressed the health and safety of workers:


On April 1, 2020 the Government of Canada signed an agreement with Amazon for its user interface and tracking of the orders, with the distribution of medical equipment such as masks, gloves and gowns being done by Canada Post and Purolator. Canada will pay to Amazon its standard costs without profit until Jun302020. Amazon fees after Jun302020 will be lower than Amazon’s standard commercial fees for the same services.

This agreement will support the distribution of vast quantities of masks, gloves and other equipment purchased by the government to front-line healthcare workers and others in need as quickly as possible.

This contract award is part of the Government of Canada’s whole-of-government response to COVID-19, which includes major investments in PPE for the health sector, as well as research, science and innovation.

Canada Post: Health and safety


Canada Post continues to provide a vital service to Canadians under difficult circumstances, with employees continuing to operate in the field delivering parcels. Canada Post announced on Marc192020 that they are doing everything possible to continue its service while keeping the health and safety of its staff as its number one priority.

Suggested Response

If pressed on actions taken by Canada Post:

Canada Post is taking action to protect employees and customers, including

If pressed on distribution of the Epoch Times:


On March 19, 2020, Canada Post released a letter stating its number one priority is the health and safety of its employees. They encouraged employees who can work from home to do so. However, the majority of its employees are in the field delivering packages.

Canada Post has eliminated the need for customers to sign for parcels at the door to minimize personal contact. It has also suspended normal delivery guarantees for its parcel services as delivering safely without overburdening its employees requires more time.

Canada Post has been experiencing “Christmas level” volumes during this pandemic. For example, on Monday April 20, they delivered more than 1.8 million parcels to Canadians. That is similar to the biggest delivery days during the Christmas season. Canada Post has introduced several measures to encourage physical distancing and limit contact during the COVID‑19 pandemic, including a “Knock, Drop and Go” approach for parcel delivery. This change eliminates the need for signatures at the door, speeds up delivery and has greatly reduced the number of parcels sent to post offices for pickup. Items that require signatures due to proof of age will be required to be picked up at the retail counter in a more controlled environment, where physical distancing can be accommodated.

International competition and export restrictions impacting personal protective equipment procurement


Countries have begun curbing the export of personal protective equipment (PPE), increasing competition for the procurement of these goods. Media has also reported on several instances of medical supplies procured from unfamiliar overseas suppliers not meeting advertised quality standards.

Suggested response

If pressed on quality-issues of medical supplies:

If pressed on international export restrictions:

If pressed on a plane departing China without cargo:


Global demand for medical supplies remains high for the fight against COVID-19, and competition remains fierce for their delivery. The federal government is procuring materials from a variety of sources, including from overseas suppliers. In addition to federal supply purchases, provinces and cities are also sourcing their own equipment.

Countries have moved to restrict the export of face masks, gloves and other medical supplies critical for front-line workers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a more difficult and expensive procurement process. Sixty-eight countries — Canada is not among them — have curbed exports of PPE or medicine. China is the largest supplier of PPE in the world, and global supply was impacted when the country had to shut down its factories earlier this year when the outbreak began. Canada has taken a two-pronged approach to the acquisition of supplies, by scaling up domestic capacity while seeking to acquire PPE internationally.

The federal government has recently hired private firms to provide quality assurance before supplies are shipped to Canada, and the federal public health agency does further checks before distributing goods.

Harrington Lake renovations


The National Capital Commission (NCC) recently released the amount allocated to repair the prime minister’s Harrington Lake summer residence, with investments totalling $8 million. The funding comes after a 2018 report found the residence to be in critical condition, requiring $1million of repairs and renovations. Work has currently been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Suggested response


While the main cottage at Harrington Lake is 95 years old, most of the buildings were built between 1850 and 1925. Harrington Lake, the official country residence of the prime minister, is used for both official and private functions, with buildings that can accommodate official business as well as state visits.

Harrington Lake last saw major capital investment during the 1950s (over 60 years ago); the property has not seen any investment since 2005, when the NCC made critical repairs to the roofing, eavestroughs, piping, electrical, mechanical and structural systems of the property.

Given the precarity of its condition, the Harrington Lake property was deemed to be in critical condition in the NCC’s 2018 Official Residences of Canada: Asset Portfolio Condition Report (see pages 38 to 43). At the time, the NCC estimated the capital investment required for rehabilitation of the residence and all its ancillary buildings at $17.8 million.

Of NCC’s $8.6 million investment, $6.1 million is to address critical condition and life cycle requirements of the main cottage, including window replacement/rehabilitation, insulation of walls and attic, chimney repairs, foundation damp proofing and functional improvements.

Constructed in the 1850s, the Harrington Lake farmhouse has been closed since 2008 due to health and safety concerns, and is in need of complete rehabilitation to prevent further deterioration and restore usability. The budget of this ongoing farmhouse rehabilitation work is $2.5 million over 2 years.

Status of defence procurement projects


Due to COVID-19, several defence procurement projects have halted or slowed, including the construction and maintenance of ships.

Suggested response

If pressed on the budget, delays and impact:

If pressed on the third yard:

If pressed on the Polar Icebreaker:

If pressed on the Future Fighter Capability Program:

If pressed on ‘excusable delay’ requests:


In response to COVID-19, Irving Shipbuilding Inc. (ISI) has suspended all industrial operations, production at Vancouver Shipyards (VSY) remains ongoing and the Province of Quebec has declared Chantier Davie an essential service.

ISI has suspended most industrial operations as of March 20, 2020. The initial 3-week pause has since been extended. The suspension impacts about 1,100 employees, while special measures for working from home or within ISI’s offices have been implemented for remaining employees. Design work for the Canadian Surface Combatant continues through the suspension, along with limited work for the first and second Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships.

Operations at VSY continue but are being closely monitored. White collar workers not in direct support of production are working from home, while other measures being taken include following self-isolation guidelines, additional social distancing measures, cancelling large gatherings and increased cleaning. VSY has been working closely with WorkSafeBC in implementing these practices, and adjusting and escalating actions in response to new regulations and guidance.

On March 24, 2020, in response to COVID-19, the Quebec Government published a list of essential industrial sectors, under which Chantier Davie qualified. Chantier Davie has conducted on-site training for dealing with COVID-19, implemented a set of strict directives, and negotiated with their union to maintain intact squads instead of rotating employees through different teams. Nonetheless the workforce numbers and capacity has diminished to accommodate the social distancing measures implemented.

A number of Canadian defence suppliers have reached out to government officials identifying the need for urgent support, as they are experiencing serious cash flow difficulties resulting from reduced activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. In collaboration with other government organizations and central agencies, Public Services and Procurement Canada is currently exploring measures to support the defence industry.

Procurement of medical supplies


Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has been working aggressively with domestic and international suppliers, along with provincial and territorial governments to procure medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Suggested response

If pressed on domestic suppliers:

If pressed on provincial and territorial collaboration:

If pressed on providing the private sector with PPE:


The federal government posted a notice on its Buy and Sell website calling on companies to let it know if they could supply products like N95 masks and surgical masks, nitrile gloves, vinyl gloves, gowns and bottles of hand sanitizer, as well as services ranging from security guards to nurses, food and laundry services and IT support.

This federal effort helps fill provincial and territorial needed. For example, Toronto says it faces a “significant shortfall” in surgical masks and asked the province for help to expedite the order. Ontario is relying on the Government of Canada to help procure protective gear such as masks, gowns, gloves and face shields, as demand for them around the world outpaces supply.

Across Canada governments are trying to ramp up domestic manufacturing to reduce reliance on international supply chains but it is not clear when that will scale up enough to replace or supplement global procurement.

Federal construction work


Construction work continues for critical federal health and safety infrastructure. Work also continues within the Parliamentary Precinct, in line with recommendations and the approach taken by the Ontario government.

Suggested response

If pressed on Parliament Hill construction:

If pressed on the Canadian Construction Association Request to support industry:


PSPC continues to monitor the situation to ensure that any decision regarding construction sites respects the advice of public health officials and aligns with the Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) standardized COVID-19 protocols for all Canadian construction sites and respective provincial and territorial government direction.

The CCA has voiced their support for keeping federal construction sites open and its workforce employed on project sites that can meet a high standard of health and safety measures and that involve defence, security, infrastructure and the administration of justice and government. Federal unions (e.g., Unionized Building & Construction Trades Council) have also written to the Minister directly expressing their gratitude for maintaining jobs by keeping the Parliament Hill site open specifically, noting that it is among the safest in the country.

PSPC has taken steps to significantly reduce construction activities in the Parliamentary Precinct as a result of the announcement by the Government of Ontario on Friday, Apri32020 to scale back construction activity throughout the province.

In addition to continuing work on the Centre Block and the East Block, PSPC will also continue emergency repairs and maintenance work to ensure the continued safe operations of parliamentary facilities. This is directly aligned with Province of Ontario direction.

Projects not aligned with the revised Province of Ontario directives have paused construction work. The 85 demobilized projects are in three primary categories:

Phoenix status


This note focuses on the continuity of pay services in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pay and pension services are essential, and we have the resources in place to make sure they are operating without interruption.

Suggested response

If pressed on specific measures for COVID-19:

If pressed on the Bouchard class action lawsuit for all employees affected by the Phoenix pay system:


Services related to pay are considered essential and measures are in place to ensure that operational requirements are met.

Following the recommendation of the Public Health Agency of Canada, PSPC asked all its employees, including those at the Public Service Pay Centre and the Client Contact Centre (CCC), to work from home if possible, while ensuring the delivery of essential services.

The Pay Centre continues to focus on processing essential pay services, which include regular pay, return from leave, maternity and parental leave, disability insurance and departmental emergency salary advances.

Supporting employees and eliminating the backlog remain our top priorities and we continue to see progress.

From February 19 to April 1, 2020, the backlog of transactions with financial implication has decreased by 17,000. Over the past two years, since January 2018, the backlog has decreased by 57%, from 384,000 to 166,000 transactions.

The CCC remains the first point of contact for current and former federal public servants looking for information or help with compensation and benefits, and for technical issues when using the Compensation Web Applications or MyGCPay. Clients may, however, experience increased wait times when calling the CCC.

We are working closely with all our partners, including employees, unions, Members of Parliament offices, departments and their representatives from HR and pay, to provide support during this challenging time.

Eventual staged returns to the workplace


A large proportion of the public service has transitioned to working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Government offices remain open and have been maintained for essential and critical workers to support Government of Canada efforts nationally. This situation is now evolving as some key service functions are increasing their incremental presence in offices while remaining guided by public health agencies within regional jurisdictions.

Suggested response

If pressed on Government building Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems spreading COVID-19:


PSPC continues to expand its body of guidance to departments to support them in establishing their plans for an eventual return to the workplace.

Return to the workplace strategies are being elaborated based on the client’s nature of work, the functions to support services provided to Canadians, and the current configurations of their workplaces. Key practices include physical distancing for workstations, gathering rooms, and pathways for circulation within the work areas along with enhanced sanitation measures for workers including hand sanitizer and wipes for workspaces supported by guidelines recommended by the public health authorities to be accommodated within the workplace. Further, as other key employment infrastructure elements progressively resume, such as small businesses, schools and daycares, progressive back to work strategies will continue to require balancing office work with teleworking, sustaining and improving network infrastructure and bandwidth, and providing employees with access to mobility tools such as laptops, screens, mobile phones and virtual collaboration platforms to ensure continued program delivery.

Next steps

The department will continue engagement with central agencies and clients to collaborate on guidance for workplace return to work strategies. PSPC will also continue to advance procedures to ensure healthy and productive work environments for the resumption of occupancy in our buildings as guidance evolves.

Media article on the spread of COVID-19 through ventilation systems

A recent National Post article reference a Chinese study that was done on individuals who contracted COVID-19 while at a restaurant. The restaurant had a wall mounted air conditioning unit above the table with infected individuals that was blowing high velocity air into the rest of the restaurant.

Such high velocity air could transport and spread droplets that are released by infected individuals near the air conditioning unit beyond a 2 meter area of physical distancing. The mode of transmission for infection in this case is droplet spread that was influenced by the high velocity air from the wall mounted air conditioning unit.

Unlike the air conditioning system referenced in the Chinese study, the HVAC system(s) in PSPC buildings are centrally located and do not distribute air into the occupied zone at high velocity. The air that is distributed into the occupied spaces by the central HVAC system(s) promotes appropriate air circulation and removal of fine particles that are suspended in the air.

In response to COVID-19 PSPC has implemented the following additional HVAC measures to enhance occupant wellness in our buildings.

These measures are in keeping with industry guidance and consultation with Health Canada:

Rent relief measures for federal building occupants


Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC) has put in place measures to alleviate financial pressure on its commercial tenants during a period of low-building occupancy brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Suggested response


Given the health and safety measures put in place to contain COVID-19, buildings under PSPC’s management are largely empty. As a result, commercial tenants may have experienced reductions in their business volumes.

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