Assessment Tools for Everyone

The PPC provides professionally designed assessment tools

Professionally designed instruments are:


PPC assessment instruments give you an objective measure of the essential knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes and other competencies of yourself and your staff. The scoring system is the same for all employees, whatever their level. The assessments are reliable.


PPC assessment instruments help you identify the most competent individuals in your organization. How a person performs on the assessment is an accurate indicator of how well he or she will do on the job. That means peace of mind for you when recommending a person for a position.


  • Because PPC assessment instruments are standardized, every candidate has an equal opportunity to show his or her competencies: knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes, and personal suitability.
  • These instruments help you include more people in your initial selection process because they let you assess a large group of candidates at a time.
  • Special arrangements can be made for candidates who have a disability. These arrangements depend on the nature and severity of the disability. For example, the test environment, administration procedures and test content can be altered to suit specific needs, while maintaining a fair assessment for all.

Quick and Inexpensive

  • PPC assessment instruments measure a wide range of competencies: knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes. And they do so quickly and economically.
  • PPC instruments are ready to use, and require little preparation time for either you or the candidates.
  • Most assessment instruments are administered in group settings, saving you time and effort.
  • We can score your multiple-choice tests within 48 hours. Other types of assessments, such as long-answer tests and in-basket exercises, usually take a few extra days to score.
  • Selecting, training, and developing the right individuals the first time around means you don't have to spend additional resources on extra training, or on going through the selection process a second time. It's a good investment.

For people with disabilities PPC assessment instruments are available in Braille, large print, audio cassette and other alternate formats.

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