Meeting between Patrick Borbey, PSC President, and Terence Hubbard, interim President of the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

*Information valid as of January 2022


Deputy Head

Terence (Terry) Hubbard was appointed as interim President of the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) on November 28, 2021, for a term of eight months or until such time as a new President is appointed, whichever occurs first.

Mr. Hubbard is exercising the Public Service Commission’s (PSC) authority for the first time as Deputy Head (DH). A copy of the New Direction in Staffing (NDS) highlights for DHs is attached as Annex A.

Organizational Context


On August 28, 2019, the Impact Assessment Act, the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, and the Canadian Navigable Waters Act came into force. The Impact Assessment Act created the new IAAC (formerly known as the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA)). This change repeals the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, created in 2012.

The IAAC is a federal body accountable to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

The IAAC delivers high-quality impact assessments that contribute to informed decision-making on major environmental projects, in support of sustainable development. Through its delivery of impact assessments, the IAAC serves Canadians by looking at both positive and negative environmental, economic, social and health impacts of potential projects of federal interest.  More specifically, the IAAC:

The IAAC works with other bodies like the Canadian Energy Regulator (formerly the National Energy Board), the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Offshore Boards and other federal departments and agencies. The IAAC also works in cooperation with provinces and territories, Indigenous jurisdictions, environmental organizations, and industry.


Ensuring steady growth of the organization because of legislative changes in support of new impact assessment and regulatory processes will be a challenge due to the current scarcity of competent labor market talent and resources on the issue of climate change impact assessment.


The operational staffing team is comprised of several new human resources advisors.  As such, the PSC has produced various presentations on staffing and recruitment-related topics during this past year (2021-22).  The information sessions generally related to employment equity, diversity and inclusion and assessment. 

Population and Staffing Activities


The IAAC is a small organization that has a population of 459 employees (as of March 31, 2021). In the 2020-2021 fiscal year, it performed 242 staffing actions.

Please refer to Annex B for additional details.

Staffing Activities

In 2020-2021, the IAAC processed a total of 242 staffing actions:

Please refer to Annex B for additional details on staffing activities.

Time to Staff

There are insufficient data to provide time to staff results for internal or external staffing processes at the IAAC.

Staffing Framework

New Direction in Staffing Implementation

The IAAC has implemented the mandatory staffing framework and provided a copy to the PSC. This organization has an appointment process policy that covers the use of advertised and non-advertised appointment processes, the articulation of the selection decision, and an area of selection section. This policy came into effect on April 13, 2016.

PSC Policy Division revised the IAAC sub delegation instrument, and the latest version of the instrument was approved in May 2016.

Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument Annex D Reporting

Use of the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order (PSOLEAO) and the Public Service Official Languages Appointment Regulations (PSOLAR)

Approved Deputy Head Exceptions to the National Area of Selection (NAOS) Requirements for an External Advertised Appointment Process

The IAAC reported that no exception to the NAOS were made to the DH for 2019-2020 & 2020-2021.

Results of Organizational Cyclical Assessment

The IAAC submitted its first cyclical evaluation in July 2020.

Inquiries and Trends

The IAAC human resources advisors have consulted the PSC on a variety of topics, mostly regarding assessment, the Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument (ADAI) and the Appointment Policy. The IAAC has demonstrated openness and willingness to share their tools with other organizations. Other topics of discussion between the IAAC and the SSA involved the articulation of the selection decision, the hiring of former students, reassessing official languages within the same appointment process and questions surrounding sub-delegated authorities and its conditions.



Since the coming into force of the New Direction in Staffing in 2016, the IAAC has not been included in any PSC audit.

The PSC is currently planning the next System-Wide Staffing Audit and a new Audit of Employment Equity Representation in Acting Appointments. Decisions regarding participating organizations will be made in early 2022-2023.


No recent staffing investigations have been conducted by the PSC for the IAAC.

The IAAC does not have any members partaking in the PSC’s Investigators Community of Practice. However, should employees with investigative functions wish to join the PSC Federal Government Investigators Community, we invite them to communicate with Valerie Cannavino, Director of the Quality Assurance Division of the Investigations Directorate, by email at As members, they have a unique opportunity to be part of a professional community of federal public servants working in the investigations field. This community would allow them to develop new partnerships, enhance their skills and share innovative practices. 

Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey Results

Overall, the IAAC’s 2018 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey (SNPS) results are generally more favourable in comparison to other small organizations and the public service overall. Another SNPS has been conducted in 2021 but the results have not yet been published.

Please note that the survey was administered under the previous organisation’s name which was the CEAA (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency).  Below are some of the key findings of the SNPS results:

Diversity Profile

Table 1 - Diversity Profile
Designated Group Public ServiceWork Force Availability (WFA) IAAC As of March 31, 2020 IAAC As of March 31, 2019 IAACAs of March 31, 2019 Representation across the Public Service of Canada
Women 52.7% 67.1% 64.7% 54.8%
Indigenous peoples 4.0% 5.9% 5.4% 5.1%
Persons with Disabilities 9.0% 3.6% 2.4% 5.2%
Members of Visible Minorities 15.3% 13.6% 10.5% 16.7%

* Source:

Employment Equity in the Public Service of Canada 2019-2020, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Employment Equity in the Public Service of Canada 2018-2019, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


The IAAC representation for women (67.1%) and Indigenous peoples (5.9%) are above WFA. 

Strategic Staffing Solutions:

The following array of solutions may be useful as the Department continues to build a representative and diverse organization:

In its Call to Action, the Clerk of the Privy Council asked senior leaders to commit to making measurable change to the diversity and inclusiveness of the public service which includes the creation of staffing plans to close representation gaps for employment equity groups.

In February 2021, staffing targets for the hiring of persons with disabilities were sent by the PSC to IAAC. The 2018-2019 data highlighted the gap in representation of persons with disabilities (PWD) at the IAAC and the estimated level of recruitment required to close this gap within the next five years, taking into consideration factors such as attrition.

Priority Entitlements and Veterans

Appointments of Persons with a Priority Entitlement

From April 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 the IAAC did not appoint any persons with a priority entitlement (PPE) indeterminately. One person with a priority entitlement was appointed in the previous fiscal year 2020/2021.

Appointments of Persons with a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Priority Entitlement

Since the coming into force of the Veterans Hiring Act on July 1, 2015 until December 31, 2021, the IAAC has not made any appointments of persons with a CAF Priority Entitlement.

Priority Clearance Requests

From April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, the IAAC submitted 224 priority clearance requests.

Table 2 - Priority Clearance Requests
Priority Clearance Type Amount Percentage

Internal advertised processes

  • Internal advertised (12)
  • Appointment from a previously established pool (12)
Employment Equity (EE) process (1)
41 18%
Internal non-advertised processes 89 40%

External advertised processes

  • External advertised (43)
  • Appointment from a previously established pool (25)
EE process (4)
33 15%
External non-advertised processes 47 21%
Appointment of persons with a priority entitlement (includes term and indeterminate appointments) 0 0%
Student bridging 11 5%
Section 43 3 1%
Total 224 100%

Source: Priority Information Management System

COVID-19 Related Priority Clearance Requests

Since the Priority Entitlements Policy Division began monitoring priority entitlement clearances related to Covid-19, the IAAC has not submitted any requests of this nature to the PSC.

Persons with a Priority Entitlement

As of December 31, 2021, the IAAC has 4 active persons with a priority entitlement in the Priority Information Management System.

Non-Partisanship in the Public Service

Recruitment Programs

Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities

Employment Opportunity for Students with Disabilities / Indigenous Student Employment Opportunity

Federal Student Work Experience Program

Post-Secondary Recruitment

In 2020-2021, IAAC has submitted 5 requests for referrals from existing PSR inventories to staff a total of 7 positions in clerical, administrative and communications fields for which 79 candidates were referred.

PSC/HRC Working Group – Hiring of Persons with Disabilities:

Participation in Initiatives Related to the Hiring of Indigenous Peoples

 More information on Indigenous recruitment programs is available on the Indigenous recruitment–Information for hiring managers.

Staffing Support

Public Service Commission Representatives and Organizational Contacts

The Staffing Support Advisor (SSA) assigned to this organization is Caroline Fortin-Beaudry, the primary organizational contact is Julie Boyle, Team Leader and the Head of HR is Joelle Raffoul, Director General of Human Resources.


Caroline Fortin-Beaudry
Staffing Support Advisor


Lynn Brault
Director General, Staffing Support, Priorities and Political Activities Directorate,
Policy and Communications Sector

Gaveen Cadotte
Vice-President, Policy and Communications Sector


Annex A – The New Direction in Staffing (NDS) highlights for DHs

Annex B - Data on Population and Staffing Activities

Annex A

Highlights for deputy heads

A New Direction in Staffing – A Merit-Based System That is Effective, Efficient and Fair

Appointment Policy

New focus on core requirements to provide sub-delegated persons with greater discretion in making an appointment


All PSC monitoring and reporting requirements now found in the Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring built by organizations, targeted to their needs

PSC Oversight

System-wide focus

This document should be read in conjunction with the Public Service Employment Act, the Public Service Employment Regulations, the PSC Appointment Policy and the PSC Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument.

Annex B

Population by tenure as of March 31

Text version
Table 1 - Public Service Employment Act population by tenure as of March 31
Year Indeterminate population Term population Casual population Student population Total population
As of March 31, 2016 199 22 29 8 258
As of March 31, 2017 232 25 27 13 297
As of March 31, 2018 236 24 18 4 282
As of March 31, 2019 265 30 27 7 329
As of March 31, 2020 344 46 31 18 439
As of March 31, 2021 374 49 23 13 459

Population by language requirements as of March 31, 2021

Text version
Table 2 - Public Service Employment Act population by language requirements of the position as of March 31, 2021
Linguistic requirements of the position Population as of March 31, 2021 Percentage of population as of March 31, 2021
Bilingual 213 56%
Unilingual 169 44%
Unknowns 77 Not Applicable

Population by occupational group as of March 31, 2021

Text version
Table 3 - Top occupational groups, as a percentage of the Public Service Employment Act population as of March 31, 2021
Occupational group Population as of March 31, 2021 Percentage of population as of March 31, 2021
PC – Physical Sciences 140 31%
EC – Economics and Social Science Services 112 25%
AS – Administrative Services 55 12%
Other 139 31%
Unknowns 13 Not Applicable

Population by region as of March 31, 2021

Text version
Table 4 - Distribution by region, as a percentage of the Public Service Employment Act population as of March 31, 2021
Region Population as of March 31, 2021 Percentage of population as of March 31, 2021
National Capital Region (NCR) 309 67%
Non-NCR 150 33%
Unknowns 0 Not Applicable

External indeterminate hires by occupational group, 2020-2021

Text version
Table 5 - External indeterminate hires by top occupational groups, for fiscal year 2020-2021
Occupational group Number of indeterminate hiring activities Percentage of all indeterminate hiring activities
EC – Economics and Social Science Services 7 37%
AS – Administrative Services 3 16%
IS – Information Services 3 16%
CR – Clerical and Regulatory 2 11%
PC – Physical Sciences 2 11%
Other 2 11%
Total 19 100%

Staffing by region

Text version
Table 6 - Percentage of staffing activities in the National Capital Region compared with all other regions by fiscal year
Fiscal year Percentage of staffing activities in the National Capital Region (NCR) * Percentage of staffing activities in all other regions (Non-NCR) *
2016-2017 66% 34%
2017-2018 75% 25%
2018-2019 73% 27%
2019-2020 72% 28%
2020-2021 76% 24%

* Regional distribution excludes unknowns

Staffing Activities by appointment process type

Text version
Table 7 - Number and percentage of staffing activities by type of appointment process and fiscal year
Fiscal year Non-advertised appointments (excludes unknowns) Advertised appointments Percentage of Non-advertised appointments
2016-2017 14 77 15%
2017-2018 37 56 40%
2018-2019 59 59 50%
2019-2020 85 76 53%
2020-2021 60 35 63%

Staffing by appointment type

Text version
Table 8 - Staffing activities by appointment type and fiscal year
Fiscal year Promotions Lateral and downward movements Appointments to the public service (includes casuals and students) Acting appointments (excludes appointments of less than 4 months) Total
2016-2017 47 57 123 37 264
2017-2018 49 45 88 24 206
2018-2019 64 52 136 32 284
2019-2020 94 76 169 45 384
2020-2021 54 57 101 30 242

Staffing by tenure

Text version
Table 9 - Staffing activities by tenure and fiscal year
Fiscal year Indeterminate staffing activities Term staffing activities Casual staffing activities Student staffing activities Total staffing activities
2016-2017 147 39 55 23 264
2017-2018 128 23 39 16 206
2018-2019 166 41 53 24 284
2019-2020 235 46 68 35 384
2020-2021 151 36 39 16 242

Key findings - Staffing and non-partisanship survey (2018)

Student program hires

Text version
Table 10 - Student staffing activities by recruitment program and fiscal year
Fiscal year Federal Student Work Experience Program Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program Research Affiliate Program Total
2016-2017 10 13 0 23
2017-2018 9 7 0 16
2018-2019 6 18 0 24
2019-2020 17 18 0 35
2020-2021 8 8 0 16

Post-Secondary Recruitment Program and former student hires

Text version
Table 11 - Post-Secondary Recruitment Program and former student hires by fiscal year (indeterminate and term)
Fiscal year Post-secondary Recruitment (PSR) Former student hires*
2016-2017 0 10
2017-2018 0 5
2018-2019 1 11
2019-2020 1 12
2020-2021 0 14

*Hiring of former students includes indeterminate and term hires with experience in a federal student recruitment program within the last 10 years.

Internal time to staff

Text version
Table 12 - Internal time to staff
Number of calendar days The number of internal appointments for which the internal time to staff was within the specified number of calendar days for organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act
0 calendar days 0
0 to 29 calendar days 10
30 to 59 calendar days 67
60 to 89 calendar days 147
90 to 119 calendar days 203
120 to 149 calendar days 191
150 to 179 calendar days 174
180 to 209 calendar days 168
210 to 239 calendar days 136
240 to 269 calendar days 125
270 to 299 calendar days 114
300 to 329 calendar days 79
330 to 359 calendar days 74
360 to 389 calendar days 66
390 to 419 calendar days 56
420 to 449 calendar days 46
450 to 479 calendar days 34
480 to 509 calendar days 28
510 to 539 calendar days 27
540 to 569 calendar days 19
570 to 599 calendar days 10
600 to 629 calendar days 13
630 to 659 calendar days 13
660 to 689 calendar days 12
690 to 719 calendar days 7
720 to 749 calendar days 10
750 to 779 calendar days 8
780 to 809 calendar days 8
810 to 839 calendar days 3
840 to 869 calendar days 5
870 to 899 calendar days 6
900 to 929 calendar days 3
930 to 959 calendar days 2
960 to 989 calendar days 2
More than 990 calendar days 36

Internal time to staff is calculated as the number of calendar days between the opening date of the advertisement and the date of the first notification.

Internal time to staff for fiscal year 2020-2021

The median internal time to staff for the public service (organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act) for fiscal year 2020-2021 is 208 days. The data is insufficient for providing results on internal process times for the for the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

External time to staff

Text version
Table 13 - External time to staff
Number of calendar days The number of external appointment processes for which the external time to staff was within the specified number of calendar days for organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act
0 calendar days 0
0 to 29 calendar days 26
30 to 59 calendar days 28
60 to 89 calendar days 69
90 to 119 calendar days 73
120 to 149 calendar days 79
150 to 179 calendar days 106
180 to 209 calendar days 118
210 to 239 calendar days 94
240 to 269 calendar days 75
270 to 299 calendar days 82
300 to 329 calendar days 78
330 to 359 calendar days 64
360 to 389 calendar days 67
390 to 419 calendar days 48
420 to 449 calendar days 40
450 to 479 calendar days 29
480 to 509 calendar days 22
510 to 539 calendar days 26
540 to 569 calendar days 15
570 to 599 calendar days 14
600 to 629 calendar days 13
630 to 659 calendar days 15
660 to 689 calendar days 8
690 to 719 calendar days 13
720 to 749 calendar days 5
750 to 779 calendar days 11
780 to 809 calendar days 8
810 to 839 calendar days 3
840 to 869 calendar days 5
870 to 899 calendar days 1
900 to 929 calendar days 0
930 to 959 calendar days 1
960 to 989 calendar days 1
More than 990 calendar days 1

External time to staff is calculated as the number of calendar days between the opening date of the advertisement and the date of the first estimated external hire.

External time to staff for fiscal year 2020-2021

The median external time to staff for the public service (organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act) for fiscal year 2020-2021 is 250 days.  The data is insufficient for providing results on external process times for the for the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

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