Manager's Attestation Form - Priority Entitlements

In registering (name of person with a priority entitlement) in the priority inventory

I, (name of current manager) , am attesting that (name of home organization)

would be prepared to appoint the employee to a suitable position, commensurate with their qualifications, if such a position were available.

I understand and agree to the following:

  • The Priority Entitlements Program is not an appropriate means to address concerns such as performance, incapacity or discipline that may affect the person’s ability to find alternative employment;
  • It is the responsibility of my organization to raise any such concerns with the Public Service Commission (PSC) when registering the person with a priority entitlement;
  • Working to resolve such concerns with the person with a priority entitlement and the PSC during the period that the person has an active priority entitlement remains my organization’s responsibility;
  • I may be asked to provide a reference for this person; and
  • The PSC will refer persons with a priority entitlement who demonstrate significant performance, incapacity or discipline issues solely to the home organization, in the case of indeterminate appointments.

Manager's signature:

Date (dd/mm/yy):

Home organization: For an employee with a surplus priority entitlement, please scan the completed form and send it via email to the Commission and keep a copy in the person’s personnel file.

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