Staffing Dashboard Upgrade (21-05)

I am writing to inform you of recent improvements we have made to the Public Service Commission of Canada’s Staffing Dashboard. It has been upgraded to an interactive data visualization tool designed to be more intuitive for users and to meet Government of Canada accessibility guidelines. 

Information on departmental staffing activities is now easier to find, and users can interactively generate tables and graphs with greater ease. The data and graphs are also available for direct download, and the visuals can be more easily integrated within reports or presentations.

The dashboard will continue to be updated on a quarterly basis. The 2020–21 data for the fourth quarter will be available during the first quarter of 2021–22. As in the previous version of the dashboard, detailed data on employment equity is not included; the latest employment equity data may be found in the federal public service’s employment equity report for 2019–20.

We will continue to work on offering data visualization tools to make public service staffing data more accessible. For more information, please contact our Data Services and Analysis Directorate:

Thank you for your support.

Stan Lee

Vice-President, Oversight and Investigations Sector

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