Public Service Commission’s Three-Year Priority and Risk-based Audit Plan, updates to the Staffing Oversight Reference Tool (23-04)

Dear colleagues,

On June 15, the Commission approved the Three-year Priority and Risk-based Audit plan. This plan presents the list of audit activities planned for the 2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026 fiscal years. Topics were identified as part of a risk assessment exercise that included internal and external consultations. These topics reflect what the Commission sees as potential risks or potential vulnerabilities to the staffing system. Heads of HR and Chief Audit Executives are encouraged to review these topics and consider them as part of their own ongoing monitoring activities and future audit planning.

As of July 4, the PSC has updated the Staffing Oversight Reference Tool to reflect the amendments to the Public Service Employment Act that are now in force. This tool is a resource that outlines the staffing compliance elements stemming from the PSEA, other applicable statutes and regulations, the PSC’s Appointment Policy, and the Appointment Delegation Accountability Instrument. Departments and agencies are encouraged to refer to this reference tool when planning staffing monitoring and oversight activities, based on their own specific context and risks.

Thank you,

Kimberley Jessome
Acting Vice President
Oversight and Investigations Sector
Public Service Commission of Canada

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