LHHR: Priority Entitlements Program Changes (18-02)

February 7, 2018

As the Public Service Commission (PSC) continues to examine ways to modernize the Priority Entitlements Program, two changes will be implemented, effective February 15, 2018: the limitation of the use of the Manager’s Attestation Form to surplus employees and the introduction of a new version of the Privacy Consent Form for the PSC’s Priority Information Management System (PIMS).

In order to reduce the time to register persons with a priority entitlement (PPE) within PIMS, the Manager’s Attestation Form will no longer be required except for surplus employees. In the case of surplus employees, this will fulfill the requirement in the Workforce Adjustment (WFA) Directive and WFA Annexes in collective agreements, that organizations provide the PSC with written confirmation they would reappoint their surplus employees. In these instances, a copy of the Form must be sent to the PSC as part of the supporting documentation listed in the Guide on Priority Entitlements.

The removal of the requirement for the Manager’s Attestation Form in no way reduces a home organization’s responsibility to address, on a timely basis (ideally before a person gains a priority entitlement), any performance or behavioural issues that could hinder their ability to find a new job.

The new version of the Privacy Consent Form will increase access to job opportunities for PPEs by authorizing the sharing of their personal information with any portion of the federal public administration. Changes brought to the Form allow the sharing of a PPE’s personal information to federal organizations who are not subject to the Public Service Employment Act and who would like to consider PPEs for job opportunities.

Should you have any questions, please contact Michael West, Director General, Staffing Support and Priority at 819-420-6494 or via email at Michael.West@cfp-psc.gc.ca or your PSC Staffing Support Advisor.

Thank you for your collaboration.

Patricia Jaton
Policy and Communications Sector

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