Minister Mendicino to speak about how Budget 2022 will help make housing more affordable in Durham Region

Media advisory

The Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety, will be speaking about how Budget 2022 investments will help make housing more affordable for Whitby and across Durham Region.

He will be joined by Ryan Turnbull, Member of Parliament for Whitby.

Following the announcement, Minister Mendicino and MP Turnbull will take questions from the media.


Wednesday, April 13, 2022


9:30 a.m. EDT


Otter Creek Co-Operative Homes Inc.
835 McQuay Boulevard – Unit 30
Whitby, Ontario

Media representatives who wish to attend the event must arrive at least 15 minutes in advance to sign in and present photo ID and credentials.

Media and guests are asked to respect local physical distancing guidelines. Participants will be required to share their name and phone number for possible contact tracing. Wearing masks is required, especially when not able to maintain physical distance.

Public health protocols are in effect: please stay home if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed here: About Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Public Health Ontario, practice good hand washing and other hygiene steps, as well as physical distancing.


Audrey Champoux
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Public Safety

Media Relations
Public Safety Canada

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