New Interim Management Advisory Board to help drive RCMP modernization
News release
January 16, 2019
Ottawa, Ontario
Public Safety Canada
The most important responsibility of a government is to protect the safety and security of its citizens. Under the leadership of its Commissioner, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) plays a central role in helping the Government carry out its responsibility to keep Canadians safe. A healthy work environment is paramount in enabling the RCMP to fulfill its role.
Today, the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness announced that the Government of Canada is accepting all of the recommendations made by the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (CRCC) and Ms. Sheila Fraser, in their respective reports related to harassment in the RCMP workplace.
Immediate steps are being taken to establish an Interim Management Advisory Board to provide the RCMP Commissioner with expert external advice on the management and administration of the RCMP, and to guide the foundational changes required to address the recommendations. The Government is launching a process to appoint initial Board members by April 1, 2019. It will also introduce legislative changes this spring to the RCMP Act to make the Board permanent.
Improving the organizational culture of the RCMP and further addressing the issues identified in these reports is a complex and long-term undertaking. The Government and RCMP are committed to continuing to build on the changes already undertaken to ensure a safe, healthy and effective RCMP, described in the Response to the CRCC and Fraser reports.
“Establishing an Interim Management Advisory Board suited to the unique structure of the RCMP as a 145-year-old national policing force will provide Commissioner Lucki and the Government with expert advice and support in leading the Force through this period of transformation – a task the new Commissioner has accepted with unwavering commitment. Maintaining a modern, healthy and inclusive workplace is not a single event; it is a process that must be relentlessly pursued.”
– The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Management
“The creation of an Interim Management Advisory Board is a critical step to help modernize our RCMP and ensure we continue to be transparent and accountable to our people and the public. The Board’s expertise will provide additional information for decisions to support a diverse, healthy and effective RCMP that is trusted for our policing excellence.”
– Brenda Lucki, Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Quick facts
In 2016, in response to persistent allegations of workplace harassment and related civil claims, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness requested two independent reviews of harassment within the RCMP, one by the CRCC, the other by Ms. Sheila Fraser.
The CRCC and Fraser reports were publicly released in May 2017, and found the RCMP continues to have systemic issues contributing to harassment and bullying behaviour in the workplace.
The reports also reiterated calls for structural reforms as enablers of culture change.
In May 2018, Minister Goodale publicly released the RCMP Commissioner’s mandate letter which called on the Commissioner to: tackle the underlying causes of harassment; promote gender parity and diversity at all levels; instill a culture of leadership; and ensure robust employee wellness supports.
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Associated links
- Response to the Review of the Four Cases of Civil Litigation against the RCMP on Workplace Harassment and the Report on Workplace Harassment in the RCMP
- Review of Four Cases of Civil Litigation Against the RCMP on Workplace Harassment – Report to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness – by Ms. Sheila Fraser
- Report into Workplace Harassment in the RCMP – by the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission (CRCC)
- RCMP Commissioner Lucki’s mandate letter
- Announcement of RCMP Commissioner Lucki’s mandate letter
- Minister of Public Safety announces the appointment of a Special Advisor: Sheila Fraser to examine the RCMP’s handling of four harassment claims
- Statement on Review of Harassment in the RCMP
- RCMP Change Initiatives: Status Update
- National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee – Annual Report
Scott Bardsley
Senior Advisor for Communications
Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Media Relations
Public Safety Canada
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