Government of Canada provides support to youth in Prince Edward Island

News Release

The Boys and Girls Club of Summerside implements federally-funded crime prevention project Strengthening Families Program 

November 9, 2016         Summerside, Prince Edward Island       Public Safety Canada

Today, Robert Morrissey, Member of Parliament for Egmont, on behalf of the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, announced that $1.19 million in federal funding has been made available under the National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) for the crime prevention project Strengthening Families Program.

The Strengthening Families Program will address the priority issue of violence correlated with substance abuse among 120 Summerside and Prince County youth aged 12 to 17 and their families. The project focuses on strengthening family relationships and helping youth improve their social competencies by staying away from problem behaviour associated to violence and substance abuse.

Quick Facts:

  • The Strengthening Families Program will be administered by the Boys and Girls Club of Summerside INC and started on August 1, 2016.
  • The project is comprised of three core components:
    • child/youth classes which focus on developing communication, problem solving, and coping skills;
    • classes which teach parents and caregivers effective skills; and
    • family classes which allow the children and parents to practice what they have learned through practical exercises.
  • The National Crime Prevention Strategy provides national leadership on effective and cost-effective ways to prevent and reduce crime among at-risk populations and vulnerable communities by intervening to mitigate the underlying factors that put individuals at risk of offending.  The NCPS supports the implementation and evaluation of crime prevention programs through grant (5%) and contribution (95%) funding of $41.9 million in 2016-17.


“Youth violence and substance abuse are serious concerns for many Canadians which is why I would like to send my deepest appreciation to the Boys and Girls Club of Summerside for the work they are doing in helping build safer communities.  Strengthening Families hold great promise, and I believe working with at-risk youth and their families is an important investment in the future of this community.

– The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

“Building a safe society, free of crime, begins in our homes and in our streets.  It begins with our children and youth, in connection with their families.  Grassroots organizations like the Boys and Girls Club has a deep understanding of the importance of youth programs and plays a key role in crime prevention, and in keeping the community safe.”

– Robert Morrissey, Member of Parliament for Egmont, Prince Edward Island

“Our vision is that all youth and their families have the skills necessary to overcome life’s challenges and achieve their goals with strength, resilience, love and support.  Through the Strengthening Families Program we will be able to provide a safe, supportive place where youth and their families can come to build healthy relationships, discover their hopes and dreams, learn valuable skills for life, and ultimately achieve their goals through structured preventative programming. The support we’ve received from our community partners and Public Safety Canada has made it possible to launch the Strengthening Families Program here in Summerside, and we are grateful for that support.”

– Adam Binkley, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls of Summerside

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Scott Bardsley
Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

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