ARCHIVED - Annex 4 BCHLA Initiatives


Category Initiative Description of Intended Outcomes
1. Healthy Eating Support for School Guidelines Led by Dietitians of Canada, Support for School Guidelines initiative works to support the happier and faster implementation of the provincial government’s Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools. Supports include
2. Healthy Food and Beverage Sales – Branded Stay Active – Eat Healthy The Healthy Food & Beverage Sales in Recreation Facilities and Local Government Buildings has now completed its branding process and is launching its new website, “Stay Active, Eat Healthy” full of tools and resources for communities to implement healthy eating policies and guidelines co-led by BC Recreation and Parks Association and Union of BC Municipalities.
3. Farm to School Salad Bar The program brings fresh, locally-grown produce directly to BC kids, as children consume 30% of their daily calories at school. Led by the Public Health Association of BC this initiative has been piloted in sixteen schools in the North and Interior, where access to such foods can be limited and thus, it builds relationships between schools and local farms.
4. Food Skills for Families Led by Canadian Diabetes Association, Pacific Region the Food Skills for Families Initiatives assists BC’s most vulnerable families to learn to select and prepare healthy food. It builds on the strengths of two existing programs – Cooking Fun for Families and Cook for Your Life!
5. Sip Smart! BC It strives to help BC kids to kick the liquid-sugar habit. The BC Pediatric Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon are launching an elementary school education program, including innovative resources materials.
6. Physical Activity Walk BC Promoting and encouraging people to walk regularly, as it is the easiest, cheapest and quickest way to exercise. As a result, the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon are working with communities to implement local walking program (group and individual programs). In addition, the BCHLA is partnering with communities and provincial organizations such as the BC Medical Association so that health professionals can suggest local walking programs.
7. Everybody Active Supports access to activities, by encouraging communities to adopt policies and programs that remove barriers to participation. The initiative aims to increase physical activity and the access to quality leisure programs among individuals who are economically disadvantaged. Co-led by the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon.
8. Community-Based Awareness Through this initiative, the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation are giving communities the tools to promote and encourage the benefits of physical activity.
9. Built Environment and Active Transportation It strives to build communities to bridge the gaps in physical activity. Unfortunately, rural and smaller communities are often limited in their ability to provide pedestrian and cycling-friendly neighborhoods. This initiative is led by the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the Union of BC Municipalities.
10. Tobacco Tobacco-Free Workplaces The program targets young adults at the workplace. The Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division is working with unions, employers, and industry health and safety associations to establish environments that support tobacco-free employees.
11. Tobacco-Free Post Secondary Initiative This program delivers the message to where people learn (i.e. tobacco-free campuses). It includes protection from tobacco marketing, endorsing tobacco-free policies, developing cessation resources and educating students and faculty on tobacco as a health and safety issues in the workplace. This program is led by the BC Lung Association.
12. Smoke-Free Housing in Multi-Unit Dwellings Works with housing providers to create more smoke-free living spaces. The Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon has implemented a smoke-free housing pilot project to provide technical support to interested housing providers, is providing educational forums across BC and a comprehensive website.
13. Targeted Education Campaign This initiative has the goal of informing young adults about the risks of tobacco use and is led by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon. Quitters Unite was the student concept launched into a full campaign in fall 2008.
14. Community Detailing Initiative This initiative aims to engage businesses and community organizations where young adults spend their time (i.e. recreation centres, restaurants, etc.) to promote cessation resources. It is branded with the Quitters Unite messaging and led by the BC Lung Association.
15. Community Capacity Building Led by the Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division, the Community Capacity Building strategy aims to improve regional and community capacity to achieve community health; support and align healthy eating, physical activity and tobacco reduction initiatives within regional and community networks; facilitate communications on BCHLA initiatives within regions; and expand community opportunities for BCHLA initiatives under the three pillars. A particular focus is on vulnerable populations and Aboriginal communities.

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