Cost-effectiveness of RSV vaccination strategies for older Canadians


Volume 51-2/3, February/March 2025: Health Economics in Public Health

Health Economics

Cost-effectiveness of respiratory syncytial virus vaccination strategies for older Canadian adults: A multi-model comparison

Monica Rudd1,2, Alison E Simmons1,2, Gebremedhin B Gebretekle1, Ashleigh R Tuite1,2


1 Centre for Immunization Programs, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON

2 Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON


Suggested citation

Rudd M, Simmons AE, Gebretekle GB, Tuite AR. Cost-effectiveness of respiratory syncytial virus vaccination strategies for older Canadian adults: A multi-model comparison. Can Commun Dis Rep 2025;51(2/3):54–67.

Keywords: respiratory syncytial virus, vaccination, cost-utility analysis, health economics, modelling


Background: Two respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines are currently approved for use in adults aged 60 years and older in Canada.

Objective: To conduct a multi-model comparison to explore the impact of alternate model structural and methodological assumptions on the estimated cost-effectiveness of RSV adult vaccination programs.

Methods: We compared three static cost-utility models developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada, GSK and Pfizer using a common set of input parameters. Each model evaluated sequential incremental cost-effectiveness ratios in 2023 Canadian dollars per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) for a set of policy alternatives, with vaccine eligibility determined by combinations of age and chronic medical condition (CMC) status. Results were calculated for each vaccine separately for scenarios assuming two or three years of vaccine protection using the health system perspective and a 1.5% annual discount rate.

Results: The three cost-utility models were broadly concordant across the scenarios modeled. In all scenarios, focusing on vaccination of people with CMCs was preferred over broader age-based policies. Respiratory syncytial virus vaccination for people with CMCs over the age of 70 years was most commonly identified as the optimal policy when using a cost-effectiveness threshold of $50,000/QALY. When only considering policies based on age criteria, vaccinating people over 80 years was cost-effective at this threshold.

Conclusion: A multi-model comparison of Canadian cost-utility models shows that RSV vaccination programs for RSV are likely cost-effective for some groups of older adults in Canada. These findings were consistent across models, despite differences in model structure.


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory infections in Canada, with a large burden of disease occurring in young children and older adults Footnote 1. Respiratory syncytial virus was estimated to account for 4.8% of hospitalizations for acute respiratory infections among Canadian adults aged over 50 years between 2012–2015 Footnote 2. Hospital mortality rates increased with age and among those with chronic medical conditions Footnote 2Footnote 3Footnote 4.

With the recent authorization of two vaccines for adults aged over 60 years in Canada, policymakers are evaluating the use of these products in this population, including whether to recommend publicly-funded vaccination programs Footnote 5. Economic considerations are one important input to these decision processes.

We recently conducted an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of various vaccination program options for older adults in Canada Footnote 6 to inform forthcoming National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommendations for the use of RSV vaccines in older adults. This analysis showed that vaccinating older adults may be cost-effective, depending on the program design. In particular, we showed that programs focused on vaccinating people with chronic medical conditions (CMCs) that place them at increased risk of RSV disease are expected to provide better value for money than more general age-based programs.

While model-based economic evaluations can provide useful insights for decision-makers, an exploration of how uncertainty impacts the results is important to avoid making suboptimal decisions. Sensitivity analyses can be performed to test uncertainty due to model inputs and parameter assumptions. Although changes to assumptions about model structure can be assessed in scenario analyses, such analyses may be challenging. Multi-model comparison studies can be used to address uncertainty due to model structure and methodology Footnote 7Footnote 8, and are recommended in the NACI guidelines for economic evaluations Footnote 9. By comparing results across independently developed economic models with standardized input parameters, researchers can assess the extent to which model-derived results are robust to differences in model mathematical formulation and methodological choices, allowing for higher confidence when evaluating this evidence.

We conducted a multi-model comparison of three economic cost-utility models to assess the robustness of findings regarding the cost-effectiveness of RSV vaccination program options in older adults in Canada to variation in model assumptions and structure.


Model selection

The multi-model comparison was conducted to support NACI and was part of an economic evidence package considered during the development of recommendations for the use of RSV vaccines in Canadian adults. In addition to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)-developed model Footnote 6, we restricted our focus to models from manufacturers with a product approved for use in Canadian adults aged over 60 years for the 2024–2025 RSV season (Arexvy [GSK] and Abrysvo [Pfizer]). Both GSK and Pfizer provided their models, which were constructed in Microsoft Excel Footnote 10. Model reparameterization and re-analyses were conducted by our team.

Health economic framework

We evaluated all models in a population of 100,000 Canadian adults over the age of 50 years. Although the current RSV vaccines were authorized for use in the population aged 60 years and older at the time of the analysis, we included some vaccination strategies that considered a lower age limit of 50 years, given that a lower age indication is currently under review Footnote 11. The population was distributed by age group Footnote 12 and stratified as higher risk or average risk based on the presence or absence of any CMCs placing them at increased risk of RSV disease Footnote 13. Model-estimated outcomes of interest included the number of RSV-attributable outpatient healthcare provider visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, deaths and adverse events following immunization, quality-adjusted life year (QALY) losses, vaccination costs and healthcare costs. We computed expected vaccination costs, RSV-attributable medical costs and QALY losses for a range of possible vaccination programs. We evaluated the impact of vaccination programs using either Arexvy or Abrysvo, for a policy time horizon of two to three years, depending on the assumed duration of vaccine protection. All models began in September of the first year to cover the expected start of the typical RSV season (prior to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic), with vaccination occurring at the start of the first season. Lifetime QALY losses were computed in the case of RSV mortality. All costs and QALY losses were discounted at a rate of 1.5% per annum Footnote 9. Costs and QALYs were used to compute sequential incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) for all policy options under consideration. We only considered the health system perspective in this analysis.

Model overviews and standardization

Each cost-utility model had unique features that required us to adapt input assumptions to be directly comparable, as described below. An overview of important characteristics of the PHAC, GSK and Pfizer models is also provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Overview of models included in the multi-model comparison
Model attribute PHAC GSK Pfizer
Dynamics Static Static Static
Aggregation Individual Cohort Cohort
Age groups (years) 50–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 70–74, 75–79, 80 and older 50–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79, 80 and older 18–49Footnote a, 50–59, 60–69, 70–79, 80 and older
Risk strata Two strata representing people with and without chronic medical conditions Strata not explicitly modeled. Average and high risk adults were modeled as separate cohorts Two or three risk strata, with option to allow people to move to higher risk strata as they age
RSV-related outcomes Outpatient healthcare provider visit, ED visit, hospitalization, ICU RSV-URTD (outpatient healthcare provider or ED visit), RSV-LRTD (hospitalization) Non-medically attended, outpatient visit, ED visit, hospitalization
Seasonality Monthly distribution of yearly cases “Seasonality factor” multiplying expected monthly cases Monthly distribution of yearly cases
VE Separate VEs for hospitalization and outpatient visit. Waning over 36 months modelled using a cubic polynomial regression model Separate VEs for RSV-URTD and RSV-LRTD. First month efficacy reduced by half. Linear waning between months 1–7, 7–18, 18 and over Four VE curves for hospitalization, ED visit, outpatient healthcare provider visit, and non-medically attended RSV. Linear waning between months 0–3, 3–6, 6–12, 12–18, 18–24, 24–36
AEFI Local and systemic Local and systemic Not modelled
Vaccination timing September and October 2024 October 1, 2024 September and October 2024
Time horizon Three years. Third-year VE in two-year scenario is assumed to be zero Any integer Any integer, but lifetime horizon must be used to capture QALY losses due to RSV mortality

Abbreviations: AEFI, adverse events following immunization; ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; LRTD, lower respiratory tract disease; PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; URTD, upper respiratory tract disease; VE, vaccine effectiveness

Footnote a

Not included in results, but cannot be removed from model

Return to footnote a referrer

Public Health Agency of Canada model

The PHAC model is a static individual-based model with five age groups and two risk strata and includes the following RSV outcomes: outpatient healthcare provider visits, emergency department visits, hospitalization without intensive care unit (ICU), hospitalization with ICU and death Footnote 6. Hospitalizations without ICU and hospitalizations with ICU were collapsed to simplify hospitalization for comparability with other models. Adverse events following immunization are assumed to result in a proportion of all immunizations given. The model includes lifetime QALY losses for RSV mortality and uses a fixed policy time horizon of three years.

Pfizer model

The Pfizer model is a static cohort model with five age groups and two or three risk strata. The model structure has been previously described Footnote 14 and the model inputs were adapted for the Canadian context. Because there are fewer age groups in this model than in the policy alternatives considered (described below) we merged some age groups, using population-weighted averages where input assumptions differed between merged age groups.

The model includes costs and QALY losses for non-medically attended cases, outpatient visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations and death. We excluded costs and QALY losses associated with non-medically attended cases for consistency with the PHAC model. Adverse events following immunization are not explicitly considered in this model. We added the expected cost of treating these adverse events following immunization ($0.67 per vaccinated person) in the vaccine administration cost but were unable to incorporate expected QALY losses. Although the model has a user-specified time horizon, a lifetime model horizon is necessary to fully count QALY losses due to RSV mortality. Finally, unlike the other models, the Pfizer model assumes that age-specific parameter inputs are piecewise linear between age groups in one-year increments, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Comparison of Pfizer piecewise linearityFootnote a and Public Health Agency of Canada/GSK uniformFootnote a assumptions for age-varying dataFootnote b

Figure 1. Text version below.
Figure 1: Descriptive text
Figure 1A)
RSV hospitalizations
(per 100,000 person-years)
PHAC Pfizer
50 22.65 22.65
51 22.65 22.65
52 22.65 22.65
53 22.65 22.65
54 22.65 22.65
55 22.65 24.40
56 22.65 28.36
57 22.65 32.57
58 22.65 37.04
59 22.65 41.75
60 71.25 46.72
61 71.25 51.94
62 71.25 57.42
63 71.25 63.14
64 71.25 69.12
65 71.25 76.22
66 71.25 83.82
67 71.25 91.43
68 71.25 99.03
69 71.25 106.63
70 144.6 114.23
71 144.6 121.83
72 144.6 129.44
73 144.6 137.04
74 144.6 144.73
75 144.6 169.09
76 144.6 194.14
77 144.6 219.87
78 144.6 246.30
79 144.6 273.41
80 461.1 301.21
81 461.1 329.70
82 461.1 358.88
83 461.1 388.74
84 461.1 419.29
85 461.1 450.53
86 461.1 482.46
87 461.1 515.08
88 461.1 548.38
89 461.1 582.37
90 461.1 617.05
91 461.1 652.42
92 461.1 688.48
93 461.1 725.22
94 461.1 762.65
95 461.1 800.77
96 461.1 839.58
97 461.1 879.07
98 461.1 919.26
99 461.1 960.13
Figure 1B)
Percent of population
with one or more CMCs
PHAC Pfizer
50 38.4% 38.4%
51 38.4% 38.4%
52 38.4% 38.4%
53 38.4% 38.4%
54 38.4% 38.4%
55 38.4% 39.4%
56 38.4% 41.6%
57 38.4% 43.8%
58 38.4% 46.1%
59 38.4% 48.3%
60 60.1% 50.5%
61 60.1% 52.7%
62 60.1% 54.9%
63 60.1% 57.1%
64 60.1% 59.3%
65 60.1% 60.1%
66 60.1% 60.1%
67 60.1% 60.1%
68 60.1% 60.1%
69 60.1% 60.1%
70 60.1% 60.1%
71 60.1% 60.1%
72 60.1% 60.1%
73 60.1% 60.1%
74 60.1% 60.1%
75 60.1% 61.2%
76 60.1% 62.2%
77 60.1% 63.3%
78 60.1% 64.3%
79 60.1% 65.4%
80 72.1% 66.5%
81 72.1% 67.5%
82 72.1% 68.6%
83 72.1% 69.6%
84 72.1% 70.7%
85 72.1% 71.7%
86 72.1% 72.8%
87 72.1% 73.9%
88 72.1% 74.9%
89 72.1% 76.0%
90 72.1% 77.0%
91 72.1% 78.1%
92 72.1% 79.2%
93 72.1% 80.2%
94 72.1% 81.3%
95 72.1% 82.3%
96 72.1% 83.4%
97 72.1% 84.4%
98 72.1% 85.5%
99 72.1% 86.6%

Abbreviation: PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada

Abbreviations: CMC, chronic medical condition; PY, person-years; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus

Figure 1 Footnote a

Pfizer piecewise linearity data are shown in blue and Public Health Agency of Canada/GSK uniform are shown in red

Return to footnote a referrer

Figure 1 Footnote b

Results are shown for A) incidence of RSV-associated hospitalizations per 100,000 person-years and B) prevalence of chronic medical conditions

Return to footnote b referrer

GSK model

The GSK model is a static cohort model with up to seven age groups. The model structure has been previously described Footnote 14Footnote 15 and the model parameters were adapted for the Canadian population. All people in each age group are assumed to be the lowest age; therefore, we staggered age groups to start at the mid-point of desired ranges so that age groups had the same average age and life years lost in the case of RSV mortality. The model does not model risk strata explicitly, but by treating high and low risk people as separate cohorts we achieved the same effect. As in other models, lifetime QALY losses are considered for RSV mortality, but a policy time horizon of two or three years may be selected by the user.

Rather than modelling vaccine effectiveness (VE) as protecting directly against healthcare system use outcomes such as outpatient visits and hospitalization, the original model assumes that all RSV acute respiratory infections (RSV-ARI) lead to either upper respiratory tract disease (RSV-URTD) or lower respiratory tract disease (RSV-LRTD). Differing levels of healthcare resource use are then assumed, depending on whether a person has RSV-URTD or RSV-LRTD. We made a change to this formulation by modelling RSV-LRTD as equivalent to RSV requiring hospitalization, and RSV-URTD as resulting in either outpatient healthcare provider or emergency department visits, with probabilities proportional to the age- and risk-stratified number of cases of each outcome estimated in the PHAC model.

Vaccination in the GSK model confers two levels of protection: against RSV-LRTD and against all RSV-ARI. In the original model VE against RSV-ARI and RSV-LRTD were based on clinical trial results and VE for RSV-URTD was calculated based on the other two VE inputs. For this analysis, we computed RSV-ARI waning profiles for each age-risk stratum such that the resulting VE against RSV-URTD matched the assumptions of VE against outpatient and emergency department visits in the other models.

Input parameters

Common input parameters were based on those used in the PHAC cost-utility analysis, which preferentially used Canadian data when available, and otherwise used data from other jurisdictions or expert opinion Footnote 6. A full description of input parameters used is published separately Footnote 6, and the values used in the current analysis are provided in Table A1 (see Appendix) for reference. Some key parameters are described below.

Age-specific proportions of people with one or more CMCs were based on Canadian prevalence estimates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity (self-reported body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg/m3), high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and suffering from the effects of a stroke, diabetes or dementia Footnote 13. Vaccine coverage was assumed to follow influenza vaccine uptake Footnote 16. Vaccination costs included administration costs and the public Canadian list price of $230 per dose for both vaccines. Vaccine effectiveness against RSV requiring outpatient medical attendance or hospitalization was assumed to be equal to published VE against mild and severe RSV infections, and to wane over a two or three year period, with the three-year period estimates based on extrapolation from existing data, which were limited to two RSV seasons at the time of the analysis Footnote 17Footnote 18Footnote 19. Age-specific incidence of RSV-associated hospitalization was estimated based on results from Canadian studies Footnote 2, with an assumed case under-detection factor of 1.5-fold Footnote 4. Respiratory syncytial virus infections were assumed to be seasonal, with most cases occurring in January to March Footnote 20. Where necessary, due to model structural assumptions, we adapted input parameters to have equivalent effects across models but did not modify the underlying logic of any model.

Model comparisons

As described above, we modelled the use of the Abrysvo (Pfizer) or Arexvy (GSK) vaccines separately under the assumption of either two or three years duration of protection following vaccination, with VE assumed to wane over the specified time period. In addition to no vaccination, we evaluated 19 policy alternatives using different combinations of age and comorbidity eligibility requirements under each scenario Footnote 6:

  • Age-based policies: all adults older than 60, 65, 70, 75 or 80 years of age were considered eligible
  • Medical risk-based policies: all adults older than 60, 65, 70, 75 or 80 years of age who also had one or more CMCs were considered eligible
  • Age- and medical risk-based policies: all adults over a general age threshold, plus adults with CMCs over a range of lower age thresholds (50 or 60 years) were considered eligible

While all three models used a lifetime horizon for QALY losses due to RSV mortality, each has differing policy time horizons for evaluating the impact of vaccination programs. As VE is assumed to be finite (i.e., a maximum of three years considered in this analysis), these differing horizons did not impact comparisons of incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. In graphical comparisons of cost-effectiveness frontiers, we used net program costs and effects relative to no vaccination to account for differences in model time horizons.


A comparison of the cost-effectiveness frontiers for the three models using VE assumptions for Abrysvo (Pfizer) and Arexvy (GSK) in the two-year and three-year waning scenarios is shown in Figure 2. The three models were broadly concordant across the four scenarios. The PHAC and GSK models identified the same policy alternatives as potentially cost-effective, with the optimal policy dependent on the cost-effectiveness threshold. The Pfizer model had similar results overall, but identified an additional policy, vaccination for higher-risk people over the age of 65 years, as a potentially cost-effective option. This policy was consistently subject to extended dominance (i.e., not cost-effective at any cost-effectiveness threshold) using the PHAC and GSK models. For all models, all of the policies identified as potentially cost-effective were either risk-based or age- and risk-based; age-based strategies were never identified as cost-effective options. We found that a policy of vaccinating higher-risk people aged 80 years and older dominated a policy of no vaccination across all models using either vaccine’s assumed VE.

Figure 2: Potentially cost-effective respiratory syncytial virus vaccination strategies, generated using outputs from Public Health Agency of Canada, GSK and Pfizer modelsFootnote a

Figure 2. Text version below.
Figure 2: Descriptive text
Figure 2A
Policy PHAC GSK Pfizer
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
80 HR 42.65 −0.45 43.68 −0.39 37.38 −0.47
75 HR 60.19 0.21 59.97 0.25 57.13 −0.10
70 HR 79.15 1.09 77.83 1.07 75.81 0.78
65 HR Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated 89.73 1.78
60 HR 104.37 3.57 102.21 3.41 100.75 2.93
80 AR & 50 HR 115.09 5.82 112.65 5.57 112.89 5.15
75 AR & 50 HR 115.62 6.57 112.92 6.30 113.40 5.80
70 AR & 50 HR 116.26 7.54 113.20 7.24 113.76 6.75
60 AR & 50 HR 117.10 9.41 113.57 9.04 114.34 8.67
Figure 2B
Policy PHAC GSK Pfizer
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
80 HR 41.36 −0.37 43.09 −0.33 37.51 −0.37
75 HR 58.31 0.32 59.00 0.33 56.93 0.04
70 HR 76.56 1.23 76.45 1.17 75.17 0.96
65 HR Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated 88.74 1.99
60 HR 101.10 3.74 100.26 3.53 99.48 3.15
80 AR & 50 HR 111.60 5.99 110.44 5.70 111.28 5.39
75 AR & 50 HR 112.18 6.74 110.70 6.43 111.77 6.03
70 AR & 50 HR 112.86 7.71 110.98 7.37 112.10 6.99
60 AR & 50 HR 113.79 9.58 111.33 9.17 112.66 8.91
Figure 2C
Policy PHAC GSK Pfizer
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
80 HR 54.46 −1.11 52.62 −0.88 45.45 −1.02
75 HR 76.05 −0.61 72.62 −0.38 70.33 −0.90
70 HR 99.70 0.07 96.74 0.24 93.99 −0.23
65 HR Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated 111.68 0.64
60 HR 131.77 2.37 126.83 2.39 125.64 1.69
80 AR & 50 HR 145.50 4.55 140.32 4.46 141.03 3.82
75 AR & 50 HR 146.16 5.30 140.81 5.18 141.74 4.46
70 AR & 50 HR 146.91 6.27 141.40 6.11 142.21 5.41
60 AR & 50 HR 147.99 8.13 142.11 7.90 143.01 7.32
Figure 2D
Policy PHAC GSK Pfizer
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
QALYs gained Costs
($ millions)
80 HR 51.52 −0.92 51.00 −0.76 45.06 −0.84
75 HR 71.96 −0.37 70.14 −0.23 69.14 −0.64
70 HR 94.39 0.36 93.04 0.44 91.81 0.10
65 HR Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated Extended dominated 108.72 1.01
60 HR 124.81 2.72 121.84 2.65 122.08 2.10
80 AR & 50 HR 138.03 4.91 134.29 4.75 136.73 4.26
75 AR & 50 HR 138.72 5.66 134.60 5.48 137.39 4.89
70 AR & 50 HR 139.51 6.63 134.97 6.42 137.83 5.84
60 AR & 50 HR 140.69 8.49 135.41 8.22 138.58 7.76

Abbreviations: Abrysvo, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by Pfizer; AR, average risk; Arexvy, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by GSK; HR; high risk; PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; VE, vaccine effectiveness

Figure 2 Footnote a

Results are shown for the following scenarios: A) Arexvy VE data with waning protection over 2 years, B) Abrysvo VE data with waning over 2 years, C) Arexvy VE data with waning protection over 3 years and D) Abrysvo VE data with waning over 3 years. Labels indicate the vaccination strategy. For clarity, only strategies that were on the cost-effectiveness frontier are shown. All other strategies were dominated or excluded by extended dominance and were not cost-effective options, regardless of the cost-effectiveness threshold used. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for the non-dominated strategies are provided in Tables 2 and 3. As described in the methods, costs and QALYs gained are shown relative to no vaccination to allow for a comparison across models

Return to footnote a referrer

Two-year vaccine protection scenarios

Sequential ICERs for all policies that were not dominated or extendedly dominated in the two-year vaccine protection scenario are shown in Table 2. Compared to vaccination of higher-risk people aged 80 years and older, the PHAC and GSK models estimated sequential ICERs between $38,029/QALY and $41,325/QALY for a policy of vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 75 years, while the Pfizer model had ICERs of approximately $20,000/QALY. With the exception of the Pfizer model parameterized with Arexvy VE estimates, all sequential ICERs for the higher-risk adults aged 70 years and older policy were less than the commonly used $50,000/QALY cost-effectiveness threshold when compared to vaccination of higher-risk adults aged 75 years and older; the sequential ICER for the Pfizer model using Arexvy VE estimates was only slightly above this threshold at $50,388/QALY. The Pfizer model was the only model to estimate that a policy of vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 65 years could potentially be a cost-effective option, with sequential ICERs of $71,933/QALY to $75,457/QALY compared to a policy for higher-risk adults aged 70 years and older. For all models, sequential ICERs for a policy of vaccinating all higher-risk people over the age of 60 years were approximately $100,000/QALY compared to vaccination of higher-risk adults aged 70 (PHAC and GSK models) or 65 (Pfizer model) years and older. Above this threshold, the next most cost-effective policies were all those vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 50 years and progressively lower age groups of people without CMCs. Strictly age-based policies were never identified as cost-effective options, regardless of the model used.

Table 2: Sequential incremental cost-effectiveness ratios ($/quality-adjusted life year) for respiratory syncytial virus vaccination strategies identified as potentially cost-effective, assuming that vaccine protection wanes within two yearsFootnote aFootnote b
Policy Arexvy Abrysvo
80 years of age and older at HR - - - - - -
75 years of age and older at HR $40,660 $41,325 $21,219 $38,029 $39,199 $18,682
70 years of age and older at HR $49,502 $48,068 $50,388 $46,157 $45,591 $47,309
65 years of age and older at HR Extended dominated $75,457 Extended dominated $71,933
60 years of age and older at HR $102,356 $99,485 $108,641 $98,583 $96,188 $104,544
80 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $214,052 $212,578 $189,414 $209,131 $206,540 $182,774
75 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $1,317,114 $2,865,566 $1,329,263 $1,421,826 $2,784,588 $1,265,781
70 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $1,421,897 $3,391,567 $2,829,476 $1,519,503 $3,298,674 $2,703,549
60 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $2,013,359 $5,059,381 $3,449,849 $2,235,963 $4,920,460 $3,286,184

Abbreviations: Abrysvo, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by Pfizer; AR, average risk; Arexvy, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by GSK; HR, high risk; PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada; -, not applicable

Footnote a

Only strategies that were not dominated or subject to extended dominance are listed. For this analysis, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is calculated relative to the strategy in the preceding row

Return to footnote a referrer

Footnote b

Results are shown for each model and using data for either the Arexvy or Abrysvo vaccines

Return to footnote b referrer

Three-year vaccine protection scenarios

Sequential ICERs for all policies that were not dominated or extendedly dominated for a scenario assuming that vaccine protection extends through a third season are provided in Table 3. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for these scenarios were predictably lower than their equivalents in the two-year scenarios, owing to longer assumed duration of vaccine protection. Sequential ICERs for a policy of vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 70 years were between $25,727/QALY and $32,907/QALY compared to vaccination of higher-risk adults over the age of 80 years. As with the two-year vaccine protection scenario, only the Pfizer model identified vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 65 years as a cost-effective option, with sequential ICERs of $48,856/QALY to $53,647/QALY compared to a policy for higher-risk adults aged 70 years and older. Vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 60 years resulted in ICERs between $71,513/QALY and $81,335/QALY compared to vaccination for higher-risk adults aged 70 (PHAC and GSK models) or 65 years and older (Pfizer). At higher cost-effectiveness thresholds, as with the two-year vaccine protection scenarios, age- and risk-based policies that included vaccinating higher-risk people over the age of 50 years and progressively lower age groups of average risk people were identified as cost-effective options. Age-based policies were never cost-effective when compared with these other policy options.

Table 3: Sequential incremental cost-effectiveness ratios ($/quality-adjusted life year) for vaccination strategies identified as potentially cost-effective, assuming that vaccine protection wanes within three yearsFootnote aFootnote b
Policy Arexvy Abrysvo
80 years of age and older at HR - - - - - -
75 years of age and older at HR $26,834 $27,801 $8,269 $23,169 $24,695 $4,745
70 years of age and older at HR $32,907 $29,320 $32,736 $28,814 $25,727 $28,557
65 years of age and older at HR Extended dominated $53,647 Extended dominated $48,856
60 years of age and older at HR $77,338 $76,430 $81,335 $71,776 $71,513 $75,674
80 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $165,771 $169,258 $147,249 $158,601 $153,336 $138,356
75 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $1,090,178 $2,350,773 $975,340 $1,135,141 $1,461,416 $905,774
70 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $1,219,926 $2,534,807 $2,132,683 $1,290,424 $1,560,714 $1,984,098
60 years of age and older at AR and 50 years of age and older at HR $1,588,568 $4,112,609 $2,577,733 $1,717,449 $2,547,744 $2,394,941

Abbreviations: Abrysvo, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by Pfizer; AR, average risk; Arexvy, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by GSK; HR, high risk; PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada; -, not applicable

Footnote a

Only strategies that were not dominated or subject to extended dominance are listed. Note that for the results in this table, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is calculated relative to the strategy in the preceding row

Return to footnote a referrer

Footnote b

Results are shown for each model and using data for either the Arexvy or Abrysvo vaccines

Return to footnote b referrer

Age-based policies

Though age-based policies were never identified as cost-effective when considered alongside risk- or age- and risk-based options, these may be preferred by some decision-makers based on other considerations, such as potentially reduced complexity of program delivery. We therefore performed a sub-analysis of the two-year vaccine protection scenarios, restricted to only age-based policies (Table 4). Sequential ICERs for a policy of vaccinating all people over the age of 80 years were between $3,161/QALY and $6,194/QALY compared to no vaccination. Policies including younger people were unlikely to be considered cost-effective at a $50,000/QALY cost-effectiveness threshold; the PHAC and GSK models estimated ICERs between $78,637/QALY and $85,805/QALY for a policy of vaccinating all people over the age of 75 years compared to a policy for all people over the age of 80 years. However, the Pfizer model had ICERs of between $50,090/QALY and $53,205/QALY in this scenario. More expansive age-based policies had progressively higher ICERs and were unlikely to be considered cost-effective at commonly-used thresholds.

Table 4: Sequential incremental cost-effectiveness ratios ($/quality-adjusted life year) comparing only age-based strategies and assuming vaccine protection wanes within two yearsFootnote aFootnote b
Policy Arexvy Abrysvo
No vaccination - - - - - -
80 years of age and older at AR and HR $5,391 $6,194 $5,883 $3,261 $4,838 $3,161
75 years of age and older at AR and HR $82,326 $85,805 $53,205 $78,637 $82,607 $50,090
70 years of age and older at AR and HR $99,045 $100,332 $100,829 $94,264 $96,651 $96,496
65 years of age and older at AR and HR Extended dominated $136,241 Extended dominated $131,165
60 years of age and older at AR and HR $172,061 $172,531 $201,336 $167,226 $167,515 $194,749

Abbreviations: Abrysvo, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by Pfizer; AR, average risk; Arexvy, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine manufactured by GSK; HR, high risk; PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada; -, not applicable

Footnote a

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is calculated relative to the strategy in the preceding row

Return to footnote a referrer

Footnote b

Results are shown for each model and using data for either the Arexvy or Abrysvo vaccines

Return to footnote b referrer


Our multi-model comparison of three Canadian cost-utility models has shown that RSV vaccination programs for older adults may be a cost-effective intervention, particularly when these programs are focused on population groups with the highest risk of RSV disease. These findings were broadly concordant across the scenarios considered; the policies identified as optimal at commonly used cost-effectiveness thresholds were generally consistent. Additionally, estimated ICERs did not differ greatly between the two vaccines considered.

Using harmonized model input parameters, all models consistently identified policies based on medical risk as optimal compared to policies based only on age. One difference across the models related to the identification of a policy of vaccinating higher-risk adults over the age of 65 years as potentially cost-effective only using the Pfizer model. Using the other two models, this policy option was extendedly dominated, as there were alternative policy options that provided better value for money. This difference is likely due to how the models use age-varying data. Although the assumption in the PHAC and GSK models of constant values across each age grouping aligns more closely with source data, the age gradient assumptions used by the Pfizer model may be considered more realistic by some decision-makers.

Although most other published economic evaluations of RSV vaccination in older adults to date have focused on age-based strategies only, the general trends observed in our analysis can be compared with other studies. A systematic review of economic evaluations of RSV vaccines in adults, conducted in the United States and Hong Kong, found that in most studies vaccination programs offered to all adults aged 60 or 65 years and older were unlikely to be cost-effective using a $50,000/QALY threshold, unless there was a substantial reduction in vaccine price Footnote 21. As with our analysis, studies that considered multiple age cutoffs for vaccination programs found that ICERs were lower when programs were more restrictive with respect to age eligibility Footnote 14Footnote 22. A recent Canadian economic evaluation examined policies offering vaccine to residents of long-term care homes alone or alongside age-based vaccination of community dwelling adults Footnote 23. This study used a threshold analysis to identify the maximum vaccine price at which vaccination would be cost-effective for a $50,000/QALY threshold and found that higher vaccine prices were acceptable for vaccination strategies restricted to residents of long-term care homes, where the risk of RSV disease is highest. The maximum acceptable vaccine price was reduced as age eligibility for community-dwelling adults was expanded to younger ages Footnote 23.

This analysis has some limitations which must be considered when interpreting our results. All models included in our comparison were static models and did not consider indirect effects of vaccination programs. As a result, these models may underestimate the potential cost and QALY savings of these programs, leading to the identification of less expansive policy options as optimal. Second, we did not conduct an analysis using the societal perspective and did not consider the possible impact of vaccination for the prevention of non-medically attended RSV disease; our findings may underestimate the benefits of vaccination programs. Finally, we limited our analysis to a small number of scenarios and did not conduct sensitivity analyses. However, given the consistency of our results across the models, the value of further exploration of the impact of parameter uncertainty is likely small for this comparative analysis.


The multi-model comparison shows that RSV vaccination programs are likely cost-effective for some subgroups of older Canadian adults, particularly those with CMCs that place them at increased risk of RSV disease. These findings are robust to alternate model structural assumptions.

Authors' statement

  • MR — Conceptualization, formal analysis, writing–original draft
  • AES — Conceptualization, writing–review & editing
  • GBG — Conceptualization, writing–review & editing
  • ART — Conceptualization, writing–review & editing

Competing interests


ORCID numbers


The GSK Canadian cost-utility model for older adults was developed by Sydney George (GSK, Mississauga, Canada), Michael Dolph (Cytel, Toronto, Canada), Yufan Ho (GSK, Singapore), Dessi Loukov (GSK, Mississauga, Canada), Emily Matthews (Cytel, Toronto, Canada), Shreena Malaviya (Cytel, Toronto, Canada), Janine Xu (GSK, Mississauga, Canada), Daniel Molnar (GSK, Wavre, Belgium). The Pfizer Canadian cost-utility model for adults was developed by Ahuva Averin (Avalere Health, Boston, USA), Mark Atwood (Avalere Health, Boston, USA), Derek Weycker (Avalere Health, Boston, USA), Erin Quinn (Avalere Health, Boston, USA), Alexandra Goyette (Pfizer Canada, Kirkland, Canada), Reiko Sato (Pfizer, New York, USA). The authors thank members of National Advisory Committee on Immunization RSV Working Group, who provided feedback on model parameters.




Footnote 1

Wu M, Wu Q, Liu D, Zu W, Zhang D, Chen L. The global burden of lower respiratory infections attributable to respiratory syncytial virus in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Intern Emerg Med 2024;19(1):59–70.

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Footnote 2

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Footnote 3

Mac S, Shi S, Millson B, Tehrani A, Eberg M, Myageri V, Langley JM, Simpson S. Burden of illness associated with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)-related hospitalizations among adults in Ontario, Canada: A retrospective population-based study. Vaccine 2023;41(35):5141–9.

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Footnote 4

McLaughlin JM, Khan F, Begier E, Swerdlow DL, Jodar L, Falsey AR. Rates of medically attended RSV among US adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Forum Infect Dis 2022;9(7):ofac300.

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Footnote 5

Killikelly A, Shane A, Yeung MW, Tunis M, Bancej C, House A, Vaudry W, Moore D, Quach C. Gap analyses to assess Canadian readiness for respiratory syncytial virus vaccines: report from an expert retreat. Can Commun Dis Rep 2020;46(4):62–8.

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Footnote 6

Tuite AR, Simmons AE, Rudd M, Cernat A, Gebretekle GB, Yeung MW, Killikelly A, Siu W, Bachan SA, Brousseau N, Tunis M. Respiratory syncytial virus vaccination strategies for older Canadian adults: a cost-utility analysis. medRxiv 2024;2024.03.20.24304630.

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Footnote 7

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Footnote 8

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Return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

Public Health Agency of Canada. National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Guidelines for the economic evaluation of vaccination programs in Canada. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2023.

Return to footnote 9 referrer

Footnote 10

Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Excel. 2018.

Return to footnote 10 referrer

Footnote 11

Health Canada. Drug and Health Product Submissions Under Review (SUR): Supplemental submissions under review. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada; 2024. [Accessed 2024 Feb 27].

Return to footnote 11 referrer

Footnote 12

Statistics Canada. Table 17-10-0057-01. Projected population, by projection scenario, age and sex, as of July 1 (x 1,000). Ottawa, ON: StatCan; 2022. [Accessed 2024 Jan 5].

Return to footnote 12 referrer

Footnote 13

Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0777-01. Number and percentage of adults (aged 18 years and older) in the household population with underlying health conditions, by age and sex (two-year period). Ottawa, ON: StatCan; 2020.

Return to footnote 13 referrer

Footnote 14

Ortega-Sanchez I. Economics of vaccinating U.S. adults ≥60 years-old against respiratory syncytial virus [slides presented at Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting June 21, 2023]. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2023. [Accessed 2024 Feb 27].

Return to footnote 14 referrer

Footnote 15

Molnar D, La EM, Verelst F, Poston S, Graham J, Van Bellinghen LA, Curran D. Public health impact of the adjuvanted RSVPreF3 vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus prevention among older adults in the United States. Infect Dis Ther 2024;13(4):827–44.

Return to footnote 15 referrer

Footnote 16

Public Health Agency of Canada. Seasonal influenza vaccination coverage in Canada, 2022-2023. Final Report. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2023.

Return to footnote 16 referrer

Footnote 17

Friedland L. Manufacturer presentation: GSK season 2 safety & efficacy; coadministration with influenza vaccine [slides presented at Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting June 21, 2023]. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2023. [Accessed 2024 Feb 27].

Return to footnote 17 referrer

Footnote 18

Ison MG, Papi A, Athan E, Feldman RG, Langley JM, Lee DG, Leroux-Roels I, Martinon-Torres F, Schwarz TF, van Zyl-Smit RN, Verheust C, Dezutter N, Gruselle O, Fissette L, David MP, Kostanyan L, Hulstrøm V, Olivier A, Van der Wielen M, Descamps D; AReSVi-006 Study Group. AReSVi-006 Study Group. Efficacy and safety of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) prefusion F protein vaccine (RSVPreF3 OA) in older adults over 2 RSV seasons. Clin Infect Dis 2024;78(6):1732–44.

Return to footnote 18 referrer

Footnote 19

Gurtman A. Manufacturer presentation: Pfizer season 2 safety & efficacy; coadministration with influenza vaccine [slides presented at Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting June 21, 2023]. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2023. [Accessed 2024 Feb 27].

Return to footnote 19 referrer

Footnote 20

Public Health Agency of Canada. Respiratory virus detections in Canada. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2024. [Accessed 2024 Feb 27].

Return to footnote 20 referrer

Footnote 21

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. Cost-effectiveness of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines for adults: Technology review. Ottawa, ON: CADTH; 2024.

Return to footnote 21 referrer

Footnote 22

Hutton D. Economic analysis of RSV vaccination in older adults [slides presented at Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting June 21, 2023]. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2023. [Accessed 2024 Feb 27].

Return to footnote 22 referrer

Footnote 23

Shoukat A, Bawden CE, Röst G, LeBlanc JJ, Galvani AP, Langley JM, Moghadas SM. Impact and cost-effectiveness analyses of vaccination for prevention of respiratory syncytial virus disease among older adults in Ontario: A Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study. Vaccine 2024;42(7):1768–76.

Return to footnote 23 referrer

Footnote 24

Shi T, Vennard S, Jasiewicz F, Brogden R, Nair H, RESCEU Investigators. Disease burden estimates of Respiratory Syncytial Virus related acute respiratory infections in adults with comorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Infect Dis 2022;226 Suppl 1:S17–21.

Return to footnote 24 referrer

Footnote 25

Bernardo CO, Gonzalez-Chica D, Stocks N. Influenza-like illness and antimicrobial prescribing in Australian general practice from 2015 to 2017: a national longitudinal study using the MedicineInsight dataset. BMJ Open 2019;9(4):e026396.

Return to footnote 25 referrer

Footnote 26

Chen KA. Ingen Tv, Smith BT, Fitzpatrick T, Whelan M, Parpia AS, Alessandrini J, Buchan SA. Neighbourhood-level burden of social risk factors on respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization in Ontario, Canada, 2016–2019. medRxiv 2024:2024.02.27.24303436.

Return to footnote 26 referrer

Footnote 27

Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0114-01. Life expectancy and other elements of the complete life table, three-year estimates, Canada, all provinces except Prince Edward Island. Ottawa, ON: StatCan; 2023. [Accessed 2024 Jan 5].

Return to footnote 27 referrer

Footnote 28

Public Health Agency of Canada. Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage in Canada, 2022–2023. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2023.

Return to footnote 28 referrer

Footnote 29

World Health Organization. Revising global indicative wastage rates: a WHO initiative for better planning and forecasting of vaccine supply needs. Geneva, CH: WHO 2019.

Return to footnote 29 referrer

Footnote 30

Melgar M, Britton A, Roper LE, Talbot HK, Long SS, Kotton CN, Havers FP. Use of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in older adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72(29):793–801.

Return to footnote 30 referrer

Footnote 31

O’Reilly R, Kwong JC, McGeer A, To T, Sander B. The cost-effectiveness of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) program for older adults (65+) in Ontario, Canada in the context of infant immunization and changing serotype distributions. Society for Medical Decision Making 39th Annual North American Meeting; 22–25 October 2017; Pittsburgh, PA.

Return to footnote 31 referrer

Footnote 32

Robertson G. What you need to know about RSV this flu season. The Globe and Mail, 15 September 2023. [Accessed 2023 Oct 19].

Return to footnote 32 referrer

Footnote 33

Sander B, Kwong JC, Bauch CT, Maetzel A, McGeer A, Raboud JM, Krahn M. Economic appraisal of Ontario’s Universal Influenza Immunization Program: a cost-utility analysis. PLoS Med 2010;7(4):e1000256.

Return to footnote 33 referrer

Footnote 34

Canadian Institute for Health Information. An overview of physician payments and cost per service. Ottawa, ON: CIHI; 2022. [Accessed 2024 Jan 5].

Return to footnote 34 referrer

Footnote 35

Alliance for Healthier Communities. Emergency department costs averted attributed to community health centres in Ontario. 2022. [Accessed 2024 Jan 5].

Return to footnote 35 referrer

Footnote 36

Lee BY, Ercius AK, Smith KJ. A predictive model of the economic effects of an influenza vaccine adjuvant for the older adult (age 65 and over) population. Vaccine 2009;27(16):2251–7.

Return to footnote 36 referrer

Footnote 37

National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Recommendations on the use of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine - 15 valent (PNEU-C-15) and 20 valent (PNEU-C-20) in adults: Economic evidence supplementary appendix. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2023. [Accessed 2023 Apr 27].

Return to footnote 37 referrer

Footnote 38

Yan J, Xie S, Johnson JA, Pullenayegum E, Ohinmaa A, Bryan S, Xie F. Canada population norms for the EQ-5D-5L. Eur J Health Econ 2024;25(1):147–55.

Return to footnote 38 referrer

Footnote 39

Herring WL, Zhang Y, Shinde V, Stoddard J, Talbird SE, Rosen B. Clinical and economic outcomes associated with respiratory syncytial virus vaccination in older adults in the United States. Vaccine 2022;40(3):483–93.

Return to footnote 39 referrer

Footnote 40

Mao Z, Li X, Korsten K, Bont L, Butler C, Wildenbeest J, Coenen S, Hens N, Bilcke J, Beutels P; RESCEU Investigators. Economic burden and health-related quality of life of Respiratory Syncytial Virus and influenza infection in European community-dwelling older adults. J Infect Dis 2022;226 Suppl 1:S87–94.

Return to footnote 40 referrer

Footnote 41

Zeevat F, Luttjeboer J, Paulissen JH, van der Schans J, Beutels P, Boersma C, Postma MJ; RESCEU Investigators. Exploratory analysis of the economically justifiable price of a hypothetical RSV vaccine for older adults in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. J Infect Dis 2022;226 Suppl 1:S102–9.

Return to footnote 41 referrer

Footnote 42

Meijboom MJ, Pouwels KB, Luytjes W, Postma MJ, Hak E. RSV vaccine in development: assessing the potential cost-effectiveness in the Dutch elderly population. Vaccine 2013;31(52):6254–60.

Return to footnote 42 referrer

Footnote 43

Statistics Canada. Table 98-10-0022-01. Age (in single years), average age and median age and gender: Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions. Ottawa, ON: StatCan; 2022. [Accessed 2024 Jan 5].

Return to footnote 43 referrer

Prosser LA. Economic analysis of vaccination with mRNA booster dose against COVID-19 among adults [slides presented at Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting Sep 12, 2023]. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2023. [Accessed 2024 Jan 29].

Return to footnote 44 referrer


Table A1: Model input parameters from Tuite et al., 2024 Footnote 6 used in the present analysis
Parameter Base Range Reference
Population distribution (%)
50–59 years 31.7 - Statistics Canada Footnote 12
60–64 years 17.5 -
65–69 years 15.8 -
70–74 years 12.8 -
75–79 years 9.9 -
80+ years 12.2 -
% of population with one or more CMCs
50–59 years 38.4 - Statistics Canada Footnote 13
60–79 years 60.1 -
80+ years 72.1 -
Monthly % of annual RSV cases
September 1.2 - Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System (average of 9 seasons, 2010–2011 to 2018–2019) Footnote 20
October 1.9 -
November 5.5 -
December 14.2 -
January 17.6 -
February 21.1 -
March 17.0 -
April 11.0 -
May 5.6 -
June 2.6 -
July 1.3 -
August 1.1 -
Odds ratio for medically-attended outpatient care in adults with one or more CMCs
All ages 1.1 - Shi et al., 2022 Footnote 24
% of patients requiring hospitalization with one or more CMCs
All ages 98.2 - ElSherif et al., 2023 Footnote 2
Under-detection factor for medically-attended RSV in adults
All ages 1.5 1–2 McLaughlin et al., 2022 Footnote 4
Annual incidence of medically-attended RSV requiring outpatient healthcare provider visit per 100,000 population (unadjusted for under-detection)
50–59 years 261.9 186.5–337.3 ElSherif et al., 2023 Footnote 2;
McLaughlin et al., 2022 Footnote 4;
Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System Footnote 20
60–69 years 604.1 472.8–707.8
70–79 years 780.0 625.1–934.1
80+ years 2,487.1 2,097.1–2,877.2
Annual incidence of medically-attended RSV requiring emergency department visit per 100,000 population (unadjusted for under-detection)
50–59 years 16.8 12.0–21.6 ElSherif et al., 2023 Footnote 2;
McLaughlin et al., 2022 Footnote 4;
Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System Footnote 20
60–69 years 43.3 33.9–50.7
70–79 years 68.5 54.9–82.0
80+ years 218.3 184.1–252.5
Annual incidence of RSV-attributable hospitalization per 100,000 population (unadjusted for under-detection)
50–59 years 15.1 10.8–19.5 ElSherif et al., 2023 Footnote 2;
Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System Footnote 20
60–69 years 47.5 37.2–55.7
70–79 years 96.4 77.3–115.4
80+ years 307.4 259.2–355.6
% of patients hospitalized with RSV requiring ICU admission
All ages 13.7 10.2–17.9 ElSherif et al., 2023 Footnote 2
% of patients with medically attended RSV prescribed an antimicrobial
All ages 50 14–89 Bernardo et al., 2019 Footnote 25;
ElSherif et al., 2023 Footnote 2
RSV mortality per hospitalization (%)
50–64 years 7.2 5.4–9.5 Chen et al., 2024 Footnote 26
65–74 years 6.6 5.2–8.4
75+ years 10.1 9.0–11.3
All-cause mortality rate (per year, per 1,000 population)
All ages Age-specific rates - Statistics Canada Footnote 27
Immunization coverage (%), with CMCs
50–59 years 58.6 - Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage Survey, 2022–2023 Footnote 28
60–64 years 59.9 -
65–69 years 65.2 -
70–79 years 82.7 -
80+ years 83.4 -
Immunization coverage (%), without CMCs
50–59 years 36.7 - Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage Survey 2022–2023 Footnote 28
60–64 years 49.4 -
65–69 years 61.1 -
70–79 years 74.9 -
80+ years 74.8 -
Vaccine effectiveness (%), Arexvy (GSK)
Outpatient RSV — season 1
(7-month follow-up)
82.6 - Friedland, 2023 Footnote 17;
Ison et al., 2024 Footnote 18; assumption for season 3
Outpatient RSV — season 2
(6-month follow-up)
56.1 -
Outpatient RSV — season 3 18.7 -
Hospitalized RSV — season 1
(7-month follow-up)
94.1 -
Hospitalized RSV — season 2
(6-month follow-up)
64.2 -
Hospitalized RSV — season 3 21.4 -
Vaccine effectiveness (%), Abrysvo (Pfizer)
Outpatient RSV — season 1
(7-month follow-up)
65.1 - Gurtman, 2023 Footnote 19; assumption for season 3
Outpatient RSV — season 2
(4-month follow-up)
48.9 -
Outpatient RSV — season 3 16.3 -
Hospitalized RSV — season 1
(7-month follow-up)
88.9 -
Hospitalized RSV — season 2
(4-month follow-up)
78.6 -
Hospitalized RSV — season 3 26.2 -
Vaccine wastage rate (%)
All ages 5 - WHO, 2019 Footnote 29
Adverse events following immunization (%)
Severe local adverse event 0.51 0.16–1.84 Melgar et al., 2023 Footnote 30
Severe systemic adverse event 0.57 0.10–2.35
Cost of vaccine administration per dose ($)
All ages 18 13–22 O’Reilly et al., 2017 Footnote 31
Immunization cost per dose ($)
Arexvy (GSK) 230 100–230 Robertson, 2023 Footnote 32
Abrysvo (Pfizer) 230 100–230
Attributable costs per person hospitalized with RSV ($)
Hospitalization (6 months) 32,228 31,622–32,836 Mac et al., 2023 Footnote 3
Hospitalization, dying in hospital 27,534 22,027–33,041Footnote a
Costs per person with RSV treated in the outpatient setting ($)
Healthcare provider visit 62 48–82 Sander et al., 2010 Footnote 33;
CIHI Footnote 34;
Alliance for Healthier Communities Footnote 35
ED visit 340 302–509
Direct medical costs for severe local adverse event following vaccination ($)
<65 years 62 48–82 Sander et al., 2010 Footnote 33;
CIHI Footnote 34;
Lee et al., 2009 Footnote 36
65+ years 63 49–83
Direct medical costs for severe systemic adverse event following vaccination ($)
<65 years 62 48–82 Sander et al., 2010 Footnote 33;
CIHI Footnote 34;
Lee et al., 2009 Footnote 36
65+ years 66 51–87
Transportation costs ($)
Cost of travel to inpatient care 417 210–623 NACI Footnote 37
Background health utility
50–59 years 0.848 - Yan et al., 2023 Footnote 38
60–64 years 0.839 -
65–74 years 0.867 -
75+ years 0.861 -
QALY loss, outpatient, with or without ED visit
All ages 0.0056 0.0037–0.0075 Herring et al., 2022 Footnote 39;
Mao et al., 2022 Footnote 40;
Zeevat et al., 2022 Footnote 41;
Meijboom et al., 2013 Footnote 42
QALY loss, hospitalization
All ages 0.020 0.017–0.030 Herring et al., 2022 Footnote 39;
Mao et al., 2022 Footnote 40;
Zeevat et al., 2022 Footnote 41;
Meijboom et al., 2013 Footnote 42
QALY loss, death
50–59 years 20.26 - Yan et al., 2023 Footnote 38;
Statistics Canada Footnote 27Footnote 43
60–64 years 16.74 -
65–69 years 14.29 -
70–74 years 11.75 -
75–79 years 9.38 -
80+ years 5.84 -
QALY loss, adverse event following vaccination
Serious local adverse event 0.0003 0.0002–0.0004 Prosser, 2023 Footnote 44; assumption
Serious systemic adverse event 0.0004 0.0003–0.0005

Abbreviations: CIHI, Canadian Institute for Health Information; CMC, chronic medical condition; ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; NACI, National Advisory Committee on Immunization; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; WHO, World Health Organization; -, not applicable

Footnote a

Range defined as ±20% of the base value

Return to footnote a referrer

Page details

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