Evidence brief on hesitancy of COVID-19 booster doses


Volume 50-10, October 2024: COVID-19 after the pandemic


Evidence brief on facilitators, barriers and hesitancy of COVID-19 booster doses in Canada

Kaitlin M Young1, Tricia Corrin1, Kusala Pussegoda1, Austyn Baumeister1, Lisa A Waddell1


1 National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Guelph ON



Suggested citation

Young KM, Corrin T, Pussegoda K, Baumeister A, Waddell LA. Evidence brief on facilitators, barriers and hesitancy of COVID-19 booster doses in Canada. Can Commun Dis Rep 2024;50(10):338–44. https://doi.org/10.14745/ccdr.v50i10a02

Keywords: booster, COVID-19, vaccine acceptance, vaccine hesitancy


Background: Understanding the facilitators, barriers and hesitancy to accepting COVID-19 booster doses is important for encouraging recommended vaccination. This evidence brief summarizes literature on the intention to accept or reject COVID-19 vaccine booster doses and the factors associated with intention/uptake among individuals in Canada.

Methods: A database of COVID-19 literature established at the Public Health Agency of Canada was searched for articles referencing vaccination and knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards COVID-19 boosters. A grey literature search of Canadian governmental and academic institutions was also conducted. Primary research conducted in Canada (n=21) and relevant systematic reviews of the global literature (n=8) were included in this evidence brief.

Results: Intentions to get a booster dose in the general population have decreased between 2021–2023, with intentions varying across subpopulations. In Canada and within the global systematic reviews, facilitators, barriers and hesitancy were similar. Older age was the most common factor positively associated with intention/uptake of a booster, and the most common motivators were government/healthcare provider recommendations and helping to protect others. The main reasons for hesitancy were concerns about vaccine side effects and a lack of belief in the vaccine’s efficacy.

Conclusion: Intentions to get a booster dose have decreased in Canada. Understanding the reasons for vaccine hesitancy and motivators for obtaining a booster can help guide future public health COVID-19 booster vaccination programs.


Canada has one of the highest vaccination rates for COVID-19 in the world. As of February 2024, more than 81% of the total population had received at least one dose and more than 16% of Canadians had received the most recent XBB.1.5 vaccine, which was released in October 2023 Footnote 1. The XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccine is the current version as of March 2024 and is recommended for both the primary series and as a booster (additional) dose Footnote 2.

Understanding the facilitators, barriers and hesitancy to accept or refuse COVID-19 booster doses among those who have already accepted their primary series is important for encouraging recommended vaccination in the face of waning immunity and more transmissible variants. This evidence brief summarizes literature, available up to January 31, 2024, on the intention and associated factors to accept or reject additional booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine among individuals in Canada. This information is also contrasted with global systematic reviews on the topic. This brief aims to identify whether there are any context-specific roots of vaccine hesitancy in Canada to guide tailored strategies and future public health vaccination campaigns.


A continuous scan of the COVID-19 literature (published and pre-published) by the Public Health Agency of Canada has been underway since January 2020 Footnote 3. Standardized searches to retrieve COVID-19 literature are conducted in PubMed, Scopus and EuropePMC. The results are maintained in an Endnote™ database and are also accessible in Microsoft Excel®. To develop this brief, targeted keyword searching was conducted within these repositories to identify 1) primary research in Canada and 2) global evidence syntheses (i.e., systematic reviews, scoping reviews, rapid reviews summarizing evidence across multiple countries) on vaccination and knowledge attitudes and behaviours towards COVID-19 boosters. Search terms included: (“vaccin*” OR “immuni*”) AND (“third dose*” OR “booster” OR “fourth dose*” OR “fifth dose* OR “additional dose*”). Potentially relevant citations were screened for relevance to the evidence brief question and tagged by country of conduct to identify the Canadian research and global evidence syntheses. Each reference was examined to confirm its relevance and data was extracted by a single reviewer into Table S1 and Table S2 (see Appendix for details on the Supplementary Information) using an a priori developed structured format. Data extraction was verified by a senior reviewer. Research that reported only on vaccination in general or reported analysis such that booster results could not be teased apart from primary series results, were excluded. Narrative reviews and other secondary research were excluded. This evidence brief contains research published up to January 31, 2024.

A grey literature search was conducted to complement the bibliographic database search. The grey literature search focused on targeted Canadian governmental and academic institutions (Grey Literature Search S3). The grey literature search was completed on February 1, 2024.


Twenty-one Canadian studies evaluating the attitudes and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses between August 2021 and October 2023 were identified and included in this evidence brief (Table S1). Of these, ten were published articles and 11 were reports that had not completed a journal’s peer-review process. Many of the studies were observational designs, including longitudinal surveys (n=7), cross-sectional studies (n=9) and a prospective cohort study (n=1). There were also three qualitative studies and one randomized controlled trial. Eight systematic reviews were included in this evidence brief to provide a global comparison (Table S2).


Intention to accept COVID-19 boosters has decreased. Between January and October 2023, 38%–67% of individuals surveyed intended to receive a booster Footnote 4Footnote 5Footnote 6, which is lower than the intention from August 2021 to December 2022, when 61%–89% intended to receive a booster Footnote 7Footnote 8Footnote 9Footnote 10Footnote 11Footnote 12Footnote 13Footnote 14Footnote 15Footnote 16Footnote 17Footnote 18. Two of these studies from October 2021 to July 2022 suggested that 62%–64% of respondents were willing to receive a COVID-19 booster annually Footnote 7Footnote 17. The most recent study, conducted in October 2023, suggests that intention to get a booster in fall 2023 had decreased substantially since 2021 and was highest in British Columbia (45%) and lowest in Ontario (35%), Saskatchewan/Manitoba (35%) and Atlantic Canada (33%) Footnote 5. Across studies, individuals with more doses of COVID-19 vaccines were more likely to accept additional doses Footnote 13Footnote 17Footnote 19. In comparison, booster intention ranged from 56%–98% in studies captured by the global systematic reviews, which included literature published between November 2020 and February 2023 Footnote 20Footnote 21Footnote 22Footnote 23.

Intention of parents/guardians to vaccinate their children varied across four studies. A survey from Manitoba conducted between August and September 2022 reported that 44% of parents/guardians were likely to have their 12–17-year-old child receive a booster vaccine Footnote 18. A Canada-wide survey conducted from November to December 2022 reported that 30% of parents with children aged 12–17 years indicated that their children had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Among parents with children in this age group that had received two doses, 21% intended to have their child receive a third dose and 24% were unsure Footnote 19. The same survey reported that 17% of parents with children 5–11 years old indicated that their children had received three doses, and among parents with children in this age group that had received two doses, 52% intended to have their child receive a third dose and 17% were unsure Footnote 19. Intentions to receive a booster were higher during the rollout of the primary series of COVID-19 vaccines to children in a Canada-wide survey; from November 2021 to February 2022, 80.6% of parents/guardians intended for their children aged 12–17 years to receive a booster Footnote 12. At the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to children, from October to November 2021, parents willing or undecided about vaccinating their children with the primary series reported general acceptance of booster doses (57.8%) and annual COVID-19 vaccination (56.4%) Footnote 24. None of the global systematic reviews included intentions of parents/guardians to get a booster dose for their children for comparison.

Intention to receive a COVID-19 booster was different across population subgroups, including those that have allergies, use illicit drugs, Indigenous people, immigrants, visible minorities and between sexes. A survey conducted between October 2022 and January 2023 among individuals with allergies 6–18 months post initial COVID-19 vaccination, found that 52%–57% would get a booster dose if the government or a doctor recommended it Footnote 25. Among a sample of vaccinated people who use illicit drugs in Canada, intention to receive a booster was 42% between March and October 2022 Footnote 26. Two Canada-wide studies (July–December 2022) reported that Indigenous people were slightly less likely to intend to receive additional doses compared to non-Indigenous people (38%–82% vs. 49%–89%, respectively) Footnote 12Footnote 13. Intention among immigrants and non-immigrants to receive a booster was similar (89.9% vs. 88.9%) between November 2021 and February 2022 Footnote 12. The same survey also found that visible minorities that identified as Black (76.9%) and Latin American (78.6%) were less likely to accept a booster and those that identified as Asian (91.3%–100%) were more likely compared to non-visible minorities (89%) Footnote 12. In the same survey, LGBTQ2+ respondents were more likely than non-LGBTQ2+ respondents to intend to receive a booster (93.9% vs. 88.8%) Footnote 12. Conflicting results were reported on whether women were more likely to accept a booster compared to men; women had higher intention in one study conducted between November 2021 and February 2022 Footnote 12 and men had higher intentions in two studies conducted between September 2021 and March 2023 Footnote 4Footnote 14. In comparing these outcomes with global systematic reviews, conflicting results on whether men or women were more likely to accept a booster were also reported Footnote 22. No other similar outcomes for comparison on intention to receive a booster dose were identified.

Barriers and facilitators

Barriers and facilitators regarding intention and uptake to receive boosters (Figure 1) were similar to accepting first and second doses of the vaccine Footnote 27. Factors positively associated with intention to receive boosters and uptake of boosters were older age Footnote 4Footnote 5Footnote 6Footnote 7Footnote 12Footnote 13Footnote 14Footnote 17Footnote 28, chronic health conditions Footnote 7Footnote 12Footnote 28, not having children Footnote 28Footnote 29, belief in vaccine efficacy Footnote 29, agreement with government decision-making Footnote 29, no history of a previous COVID-19 infection Footnote 28, being a past voter for the Liberal/Democrat parties Footnote 16, living in a larger/populated area Footnote 4 and having less vaccine fatigue Footnote 6. Studies between October 2021 and March 2023 reported that higher education Footnote 4Footnote 7Footnote 12Footnote 29 and higher income Footnote 8Footnote 13Footnote 29 were positively associated with higher intention and uptake to receive a booster. However, the most recent survey in October 2023 suggested that intention to get a COVID-19 booster was no longer associated with education and income groups Footnote 5.

Figure 1: Bubble diagram of the most common barriers and facilitators of getting a COVID-19 booster vaccination, including associated factorsFootnote a, motivators and reasons for hesitancy reported in the 21 Canadian primary literature studies
Figure 1. Text version below.
Figure 1: Descriptive text

This figure shows the most common factors, motivators, and reasons for hesitancy associated with COVID-19 booster vaccination identified in the 21 Canadian primary literature studies included in this evidence brief. The most common factors associated with intention/uptake included income, children, age, health condition and education. The most common motivators included government, healthcare provider, protect others, return to normalcy, info on efficacy and safety and new vaccine formulation. The most common reasons for hesitancy included side effects, safety, disbelief in efficacy, vaccine fatigue and COVID-19 infection.

Footnote a

Income and education were reported to be factors associated with intention to vaccinate in studies prior to March 2023, but the most recent survey (October 2023) found no association

Return to footnote a referrer

Other motivators for booster intention and uptake were government recommendations Footnote 7Footnote 28; healthcare provider recommendations Footnote 7Footnote 28; personal and/or family health reasons Footnote 7; helping to protect others around them Footnote 13Footnote 19Footnote 26Footnote 28Footnote 30; emergence of new, more severe, variants Footnote 19; likelihood of exposure to COVID-19 Footnote 18; a return to normalcy Footnote 13Footnote 28; having information about efficacy and safety of the vaccine Footnote 18Footnote 28; and having new variant-specific vaccine formulations Footnote 13Footnote 19. Social media was identified as a decision influencer in three studies Footnote 7Footnote 26Footnote 30.

The main reasons for being unlikely to accept a COVID-19 booster vaccine included concerns about short and long-term side-effects Footnote 5Footnote 6Footnote 13Footnote 19Footnote 25Footnote 28Footnote 30, concern about the safety of receiving multiple/mixed brand doses Footnote 4Footnote 26, belief that a booster dose would not offer extra protection/help curb the spread Footnote 4Footnote 6Footnote 13Footnote 19Footnote 26Footnote 31, belief that too many doses were required, or vaccine fatigue Footnote 4Footnote 6Footnote 13, and belief they did not need the booster if they already had COVID-19 Footnote 4Footnote 13. One study (July 2022) reported that those concerned with the long-term effects of boosters were more likely to be female, less than 55 years old and not fully vaccinated or vaccinated but not boosted Footnote 11. Recommendations suggested for making booster vaccinations easier to obtain included walk-in appointments, provision of childcare or family appointments and paid time off from work Footnote 7.

Findings from the global systematic reviews were similar to that of the Canadian studies. Factors positively associated with booster intention and uptake included older age, male gender, higher education, higher income, being married, White/Asian/Hispanic ethnicity, geography (country, region and residency), history of other vaccinations and history of chronic disease Footnote 20Footnote 21Footnote 22Footnote 32Footnote 33. Previous COVID-19 infection was negatively associated with intention to have the booster dose Footnote 21Footnote 22, but one review found it to be positively associated with actual uptake Footnote 21. Motivators for booster intention and uptake were trust in vaccine effectiveness, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity and trust in authorities Footnote 21Footnote 22Footnote 32Footnote 33Footnote 34. Reasons for hesitancy included concern about adverse reactions, concerns about safety and efficacy and skepticism/distrust/conspiracy theories Footnote 20Footnote 22Footnote 33. Literature up to November 2022 suggested that a combined influenza and COVID-19 booster vaccine may improve the uptake of boosters Footnote 35.

Attitudes and knowledge

In early 2022 (January to April), 60%–81% of Canadians believed that getting booster doses when necessary was effective at providing protection from the virus, protecting against serious illness or death or slowing the spread of virus Footnote 11Footnote 17Footnote 36Footnote 37. While both unvaccinated and third dose recipients in January 2022 believed they will be exposed to and infected by Omicron no matter what they do (53% vs. 54%), third dose recipients were more likely than unvaccinated to believe that if they caught COVID-19 it could be severe and/or deadly (17% vs. 7%) Footnote 38Footnote 39. In March 2022, a greater proportion of booster dose recipients rated their COVID-19 vaccine knowledge as very good (23%) compared to respondents who had not received a booster dose (14%) (p≤0.01) Footnote 29.

Booster dose recipients between January to March 2022 had higher trust in federal and provincial government decision-making regarding COVID-19 vaccines Footnote 29 and COVID-19 restrictions Footnote 38. However, between February and August 2022, even among those that were boosted, there was some skepticism of pharmaceutical companies, government and public health decisions and policies Footnote 30Footnote 40.

A randomized controlled trial looking at strategies to get people booster doses, conducted between January and February 2022, reported that participants would be less likely to get the booster if they were automatically enrolled for an appointment compared to a control condition where they initiate their own booster appointment Footnote 41. There was high agreement (75%) for the co-administration of COVID-19 and influenza or other routine vaccines among survey participants who were willing to receive a booster in October to November 2021 Footnote 7. None of the global systematic reviews included similar outcomes for comparison.


This evidence brief provides insight into the facilitators, barriers and hesitancy to accepting COVID-19 booster doses among Canadians between 2021 and 2023. There were no major differences observed when contrasted with the global systematic reviews. The included Canadian studies consistently reported a reduction in the intention and uptake of COVID-19 boosters between 2021, when booster doses were first recommended, and 2023. The studies captured suggest attributes of the population who are willing to accept boosters but do not give us insight into the attributes of the population whose intentions have changed as pandemic response activities have been scaled back or stopped over the last two years. These insights were also not found in any of the included global evidence syntheses.

Both the Canadian literature and global systematic reviews consistently reported that older age is positively associated with intention/uptake of a COVID-19 booster, and individuals are motivated by government/healthcare provider recommendations and the notion that they are helping to protect others Footnote 20Footnote 22Footnote 33Footnote 42. Between 2021 and 2023, federal/provincial/territorial public health response activities have scaled back in Canada and there has been a reduction in the general public’s focus on COVID-19. As a result, there has likely been a decrease over time in the positive impact that messaging from trusted sources had on the intentions and behaviours of individuals towards COVID-19 boosters Footnote 43. In addition, recommendations for boosters have varied in time and between provinces, which may have had an impact on intention/uptake of the vaccine Footnote 2Footnote 44. In Canada, hesitancy due to concerns regarding side effects of the vaccine and doubt in the vaccine’s efficacy continues to be a challenge and likely did not improve given the reduced public health messaging noted above. Taking these observations into account, as well as the differences in intention noted among various subgroups in Canada, will hopefully guide more tailored strategies and future public health vaccination campaigns to encourage COVID-19 booster vaccination among the Canadian population.

The evidence summarized in this evidence brief is considered to be at high to moderate risk of bias depending on the sample size and whether the sample represents the target population, as well as how well the survey tool can measure the outcome(s) of interest (e.g., whether it was informed by formative research, validated and pretested prior to implementation). Although a formal risk of bias evaluation was not conducted, the representativeness of the sampling frame, low response rates and issues with social desirability bias influencing key results were common across the observational studies. There was limited evidence on intentions and uptakes in underrepresented populations, including visible minorities, Indigenous people, children, LGBTQ2+ individuals and across genders and varying socioeconomic status. Most studies used online or telephone surveys, which may limit participation from segments of the population due to lack of access. Thus, the extent to which the findings can be applied to the target population should be considered. While many studies in this evidence brief show similar trends, the conclusions could change over time and with additional research, larger sample sizes and different sampling strategies and data collection tools.

Key topic areas for future research are intentions and reasons for hesitancy and refusal in high-risk and underserved populations, comparisons between countries and studies that identify effective interventions that would encourage individuals to stay up-to-date on the National Advisory Committee on Immunization’s COVID-19 vaccine recommendations Footnote 2. As the virus continues to circulate and public health responses have been scaled back to a normal level of service, understanding intentions to get vaccinated and hesitancies for accepting a booster dose remains crucial to improving booster uptake in the face of waning immunity, more transmissible variants and other public health emergencies requiring vaccination strategies.


It is likely that the reduction in COVID-19 booster intentions in 2023 is related to many factors, including pandemic fatigue and the desire to move past the events of the pandemic. There is now less pressure on the community, due to reduced messaging and media coverage, to be aware of COVID-19 and to get boosters when they are recommended, as public health response activities at all levels of government have been scaled back to normal or almost normal operation. Poor vaccine uptake is not a new issue in public health; however, it would be prudent to focus on improving interventions and communication strategies to provide tailored messaging about what, when and why vaccines are needed to encourage vaccination in the general population and in underserved communities. The result of this evidence brief can inform the development of new public health strategies and prioritization of new research to address the existing knowledge gaps.

Authors' statement

  • KY — Supervision, data extraction, writing–original draft, writing–review & editing
  • TC — Conceptualization, methodology, data extraction, writing–original draft, writing–review & editing
  • KP — Data extraction, writing–original draft, writing–review & editing
  • AB — Data extraction, writing–original draft, writing–review & editing
  • LW — Conceptualization, methodology, writing–review & editing

Competing interests





This work was supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada.


Footnote 1

Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian COVID-19 vaccination coverage report. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2024. [Accessed 2024 Mar 28]. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccination-coverage/

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Government of Canada. An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS) National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). Guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccines during the fall of 2024. Ottawa, ON: Government of Canada; 2024. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/vaccines-immunization/national-advisory-committee-immunization-guidance-covid-19-vaccines-fall-2024.html

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Corrin T, Ayache D, Baumeister A, Young K, Pussegoda K, Ahmad R, Waddell L. COVID-19 literature surveillance-A framework to manage the literature and support evidence-based decision-making on a rapidly evolving public health topic. Can Commun Dis Rep 2023;49(1):5–9. https://doi.org/10.14745/ccdr.v49i01a02

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Pandémie et vaccination - Résultats du 4 avril 2023. Québec, QC : INSPQ; 2023. https://www.inspq.qc.ca/covid-19/sondages-attitudes-comportements-quebecois/vaccination-4-avril-23

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

IPSOS. Four in Ten (40%) Canadians Do Not Intend to Get a COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Nor a Flu Shot. Vancouver, BC: IPSOS; 2023. https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/four-in-ten-canadians-do-not-intend-get-covid-19-booster-vaccine-nor-flu-shot

Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

Canadian Pharmacists Association. Vaccine intentions among Canadians August 2023 - OMNI Survey Results. 2023. https://www.pharmacists.ca/cpha-ca/assets/File/cpha-on-the-issues/CPhA-Cold-and-flu-season-survey-Aug2023-Release-deck.pdf

Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

Reifferscheid L, Lee JS, MacDonald NE, Sadarangani M, Assi A, Lemaire-Paquette S, MacDonald SE. Transition to endemic: acceptance of additional COVID-19 vaccine doses among Canadian adults in a national cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1):1745. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14025-8

Return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

Lazarus JV, Wyka K, White TM, Picchio CA, Gostin LO, Larson HJ, Rabin K, Ratzan SC, Kamarulzaman A, El-Mohandes A. A survey of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across 23 countries in 2022. Nat Med 2023;29(2):366–75. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-02185-4

Return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

IPSOS. Global Attitudes on COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots. Vancouver, BC: IPSOS; 2021. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2021-09/Global-attitudes-about-COVID-19-Vaccine-Booster-Shots-Sept%202021.pdf

Return to footnote 9 referrer

Footnote 10

IPSOS. Two in Three (67%) Canadians Believe that a Fully Vaccinated Population Won’t be Enough to Stop the Spread of Omicron. Vancouver, BC: IPSOS; 2022. https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/Two-Three-Canadians-Believe-Fully-Vaccinated-Population-Not-Enough-Stop-Omicron

Return to footnote 10 referrer

Footnote 11

IPSOS. Continued Strong Support for COVID-19 Boosters Among Canadians. Vancouver, BC: IPSOS; 2022. https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/continued-strong-support-for-boosters-among-canadians

Return to footnote 11 referrer

Footnote 12

Statistics Canada. Archived – Canadians’ health and COVID-19, by region, age, gender and other characteristics, inactive. Ottawa, ON: StatCan; 2022. [Accessed 2024 Mar 29]. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1310080901

Return to footnote 12 referrer

Footnote 13

Public Health Agency of Canada. The Impact of the Pandemic Experience on Future Vaccine-Related Intentions and Behaviours (2022). Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2023. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2023/aspc-phac/H14-432-2023-eng.pdf

Return to footnote 13 referrer

Footnote 14

Nanos Research. A strong majority of Canadians say they will definitely take the COVID-19 vaccine booster shot when available. 2021. https://nanos.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/2021-2045-Globe-December-Populated-Report-Booster-with-Tabs.pdf

Return to footnote 14 referrer

Footnote 15

Nanos Research. Strong majority of Canadians show interest in getting a COVID-19 vaccination booster shot. 2021. https://nanos.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021-1981-CTV-September-Populated-report-Powerplay-with-tabs.pdf

Return to footnote 15 referrer

Footnote 16

Angus Reid Institute. Kids and COVID: Half of Canadian parents with children aged 5-11 ready to vaccinate their little ones ASAP. 2021. https://angusreid.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021.10.13_COVID_October_.pdf

Return to footnote 16 referrer

Footnote 17

Angus Reid Institute. COVID-19: Half want boosters ASAP, but two-in-five among vaccinated say they’re not sold on another shot. 2022. https://angusreid.org/covid-19-canada-booster-vaccine-skepticism/

Return to footnote 17 referrer

Footnote 18

Manitoba Health. COVID-19 Vaccine Planning for Fall. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Health; 2022. https://manitoba.ca/asset_library/en/proactive/20222023/covid-19-for-fall-en.pdf

Return to footnote 18 referrer

Footnote 19

Impact Canada. COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring. 2022. [Accessed 2024 Mar 28]. https://impact.canada.ca/en/cosmo-canada

Return to footnote 19 referrer

Footnote 20

Galanis P, Vraka I, Katsiroumpa A, Siskou O, Konstantakopoulou O, Katsoulas T, Mariolis-Sapsakos T, Kaitelidou D. First COVID-19 booster dose in the general population: A systematic review and meta-analysis of willingness and its predictors. Vaccines (Basel) 2022;10(7):1097. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10071097

Return to footnote 20 referrer

Footnote 21

Abdelmoneim SA, Sallam M, Hafez DM, Elrewany E, Mousli HM, Hammad EM, Elkhadry SW, Adam MF, Ghobashy AA, Naguib M, Nour El-Deen AE, Aji N, Ghazy RM. COVID-19 vaccine booster dose acceptance: systematic review and meta-analysis. Trop Med Infect Dis 2022;7(10):298. https://doi.org/10.3390/tropicalmed7100298

Return to footnote 21 referrer

Footnote 22

Limbu YB, Huhmann BA. Why some people are hesitant to receive COVID-19 boosters: A systematic review. Trop Med Infect Dis 2023;8(3):159. https://doi.org/10.3390/tropicalmed8030159

Return to footnote 22 referrer

Footnote 23

McKinley CJ, Limbu Y. Promoter or barrier? Assessing how social media predicts Covid-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy: A systematic review of primary series and booster vaccine investigations. Soc Sci Med 2024;340:116378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116378

Return to footnote 23 referrer

Footnote 24

Humble RM, Sell H, Wilson S, Sadarangani M, Bettinger JA, Meyer SB, Dubé È, Lemaire-Paquette S, Gagneur A, MacDonald SE. Parents’ perceptions on COVID-19 vaccination as the new routine for their children ≤ 11 years old. Prev Med 2022;161:107125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.107125

Return to footnote 24 referrer

Footnote 25

Stehlin F, Khoudja RY, Al-Otaibi I, ALMuhizi F, Fein M, Gilbert L, Tsoukas C, Ben-Shoshan M, Copaescu AM, Isabwe GA. COVID-19 booster vaccine acceptance following allergy evaluation in individuals with allergies. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2024;12(1):242–245.e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaip.2023.09.037

Return to footnote 25 referrer

Footnote 26

Ali F, Kaura A, Russell C, Bonn M, Bruneau J, Dasgupta N, Imtiaz S, Martel-Laferrière V, Rehm J, Shahin R, Elton-Marshall T. Identifying barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among People Who Use Drugs in Canada: a National Qualitative Study. Harm Reduct J 2023;20(1):99. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-023-00826-6

Return to footnote 26 referrer

Footnote 27

Public Health Agency of Canada. Evergreen Rapid Review on COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes and Uptake in Canada - Update 11. Ottawa, ON: PHAC; 2021. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/canadas-reponse/summaries-recent-evidence/evergreen-rapid-review-vaccine-attitudes-uptake-update-11.html

Return to footnote 27 referrer

Footnote 28

Léger C, Deslauriers F, Gosselin Boucher V, Phillips M, Bacon SL, Lavoie KL. Prevalence and motivators of getting a COVID-19 booster vaccine in Canada: results from the iCARE study. Vaccines (Basel) 2023;11(2):291. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11020291

Return to footnote 28 referrer

Footnote 29

Leigh JP, FitzGerald EA, Moss SJ, Brundin-Mather R, Dodds A, Stelfox HT, Dubé È, Fiest KM, Halperin D, Ahmed SB, MacDonald SE, Straus SE, Manca T, Kamstra JN, Soo A, Longmore S, Kupsch S, Sept B, Halperin S. Factors affecting hesitancy toward COVID-19 vaccine booster doses in Canada: a cross-national survey. Can J Public Health 2024;115(1):26–39. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-023-00823-z

Return to footnote 29 referrer

Footnote 30

Zhu P, Tatar O, Haward B, Steck V, Griffin-Mathieu G, Perez S, Dubé È, Zimet G, Rosberger Z. Examining an altruism-eliciting video intervention to increase COVID-19 vaccine intentions in younger adults: A qualitative assessment using the realistic evaluation framework. Vaccines (Basel) 2023;11(3):628. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11030628

Return to footnote 30 referrer

Footnote 31

IPSOS. BC Booster Shots: Fewer than Half (44%) of British Columbians with Two Doses of a COVID-19 Vaccine Plan to Get Their Booster Shot as Soon as Available. Vancouver, BC: IPSOS; 2022. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2022-02/BCPhA_Boosters-Factum-2022-02-09-v1_2.pdf

Return to footnote 31 referrer

Footnote 32

Ayyalasomayajula S, Dhawan A, Karattuthodi MS, Thorakkattil SA, Abdulsalim S, Elnaem MH, Sridhar S, Unnikrishnan MK. A systematic review on sociodemographic, financial and psychological factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine booster hesitancy among adult population. Vaccines (Basel) 2023;11(3):623. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11030623

Return to footnote 32 referrer

Footnote 33

Yazdani Y, Pai P, Sayfi S, Mohammadi A, Perdes S, Spitzer D, Fabreau GE, Pottie K. Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among refugees and other migrant populations: A systematic scoping review. medRxiv 2023. [Accessed 2024 Mar 28]. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.15.23295608

Return to footnote 33 referrer

Footnote 34

Limbu YB, Gautam RK. How well the constructs of health belief model predict vaccination intention: A systematic review on COVID-19 primary series and booster vaccines. Vaccines (Basel) 2023;11(4):816. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11040816

Return to footnote 34 referrer

Footnote 35

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Footnote 36

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Footnote 37

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Footnote 38

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Footnote 39

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Footnote 40

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Footnote 41

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Footnote 42

Government of Canada. Evidence brief on attitudes and acceptance of COVID-19 booster doses. Ottawa, ON: Government of Canada; 2022. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/canadas-reponse/summaries-recent-evidence/evidence-brief-attitudes-acceptance-covid-19-booster-doses.html

Return to footnote 42 referrer

Footnote 43

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Footnote 44

Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Administration de doses de rappel du vaccin contre la COVID-19: recommandations pour l’automne 2023. Québec, QC : INSPQ; 2023. https://www.inspq.qc.ca/publications/3367

Return to footnote 44 referrer

Appendix: Data Availability

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information (Supplementary Files 1–3): https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/8YH7R

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