ARCHIVED - Yellow Fever


Nationally notifiable since 1988

1.0 National Notification

Only confirmed cases of disease should be notified.

2.0 Type of Surveillance

Routine case-by-case notification to the federal level

3.0 Case Classification

3.1 Confirmed case

Clinical illness with laboratory confirmation of infection:

  • isolation of yellow fever virus
  • detection of yellow fever viral antigen in body fluids or tissue
  • detection of yellow fever nucleic acid in body fluids or tissue
  • a significant (i.e. fourfold or greater) rise in antibody titre to the yellow fever virus in the absence of yellow fever vaccination
  • a single elevated yellow fever IgM antibody titre in the absence of yellow fever vaccination within the previous two months

3.2 Probable case

Clinical illness with laboratory evidence of infection:

  • a stable elevated antibody titre to yellow fever virus with no other known cause
  • cross-reactive serologic reactions to other flaviviruses must be excluded, and the patient must not have a history of yellow fever vaccination

4.0 Laboratory Comments

5.0 Clinical Evidence

Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral illness characterized by acute onset of fever and constitutional symptoms followed by a brief remission and a recurrence of fever, hepatitis, albuminuria and, in some instances, renal failure, shock and generalized hemorrhages.

6.0 ICD Code(s)

6.1 ICD-10 Code(s)


Sylvatic yellow fever (Jungle yellow fever)
Urban yellow fever
Yellow fever, unspecified

6.2 ICD-9 Code(s)


7.0 Type of International Reporting


Probable case definitions are provided as guidelines to assist with case finding and public health management, and are not for national notification purposes.

9.0 References

Date of Last Revision/Review:

May 2008

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