Summary of NACI statement of February 19, 2025: Rapid response on preliminary guidance on human vaccination against avian influenza in a non-pandemic context as of December 2024 

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Date published: 2025-02-19
Cat.: HP40-385/2025-1E-PDF
ISBN: 978-0-660-75648-6
Pub.: 240862

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"NACI has developed a framework to help make vaccine decisions as the epidemiology of avian influenza A(H5N1) continues to evolve. While it is not possible to predict exactly what will happen with this virus, the committee has identified some epidemiological scenarios and populations where human avian influenza A(H5N1) vaccine could be considered. NACI supports provinces and territories to work with federal public health leaders to assess which scenarios are occurring in Canada, and whether vaccine will become part of the public health response for those at high risk of exposure."

Dr. Robyn Harrison, NACI Chair

"I would like to thank the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) for their important and proactive efforts in providing this preliminary guidance on human vaccination against avian influenza A(H5N1). Although the current risk to the general population remains low, the evolving nature of avian influenza highlights the need for ongoing vigilance. Preparedness is key to ensuring that we are ready to respond to emerging health threats and protect our communities."

Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer

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