ARCHIVED: Acknowledgements: Young people in Canada: their health and well-being


This report presents findings from the fourth cycle of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) survey in Canada. It is a culmination of collaborative efforts among research teams from 35 European countries, as well as Canada and the United States.

The execution of the HBSC survey and the presentation of its findings into this report were made possible by funding from Health Canada's Division of Childhood and Adolescence. Special appreciation is given to Lesley Doering and Patricia Walsh, Senior Research Analysts, Strategic Policy and Research Section, Division of Childhood and Adolescence; Mary Johnston, Manager Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Team; and Christina Stanford, Senior Research Analyst for providing invaluable input throughout the planning of the study and the writing of the report.

The group of researchers who authored the report include the following:

  • Will Boyce, Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen's University.
  • Wendy Craig, Psychology, Queen's University.
  • John Freeman, Education, Queen's University.
  • Matthew King, Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen's University.
  • Don Klinger, Education, Queen's University.
  • Mark Lee, Education, Trent University.
  • Will Pickett, Community Health and Epidemiology, Queen's University.
  • Hana Saab, Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen's University.

The Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen's University, was responsible for collecting and analyzing the data under the supervision and organization of Matthew King. Helen Connop, Lee Fisher-Goodchild, Amanda Moir, and Beverly Coles were responsible for contacting participating schools and coordinating the administration of the survey. Angela Severson was responsible for the organization of data entry, which was carried out by a group of enthusiastic students: Andrew Burns, Amy Lang, Broze Steggles, Tanya Whittaker, and Angelina Young.

Diane Earle, Keenan Hunt, and Diane Yocum provided endless patience preparing and editing figures and updating edited and revised versions of the chapters.

Kirsteen McLeod and Charlotte Duchenne edited the manuscript and Marie Tappin designed and laid out the report. Delta Printers was responsible for the production of the report.

Jean-Pierre Doyon and Jean-Charles Daoust were responsible for translating the English documents to French.

Last but not least, we wish to thank all the students who were willing to share their experiences with us, as well as the school principals, teachers, school boards, and parents for making this survey happen.

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