Invasive Pneumococcal Disease


What are the symptoms of invasive pneumococcal disease?

Many people who have pneumococcal bacteria in their nose and throat will not show any symptoms.

In some cases, pneumococcal bacteria cause local (contained) infections, such as:

  • ear infections (otitis media)
    • symptoms include sore ear(s) and fever
  • sinus infections (sinusitis)
    • symptoms include plugged nose and headaches
  • lung infections (pneumonia)
    • symptoms include coughing up thick mucus and difficulty breathing

In rarer cases, the bacteria invade other parts of the body–like the brain or the spinal cord. When this happens, a serious disease called Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD) can develop.

For children, especially those under age 2, one of the first symptoms of IPD is a high fever. The other symptoms depend upon what part(s) of the body is (are) affected. But typically symptoms will include:

  • stiff neck
  • headache
  • vomiting
  • fussiness (crying)
  • loss of appetite
  • coughing

What to do if you become ill

If you or your children develop the symptoms of IPD, see your health care provider immediately.

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