Appendix C (Current response): Population-Specific HIV/AIDS Status Report: Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men
Some of the hyperlinks provided are to sites of organizations or other entities that are not subject to the Official Languages Act. The material found there is therefore in the language(s) used by the sites in question.
Appendix C – Current Response to HIV/AIDS Among Gay, Bisexual, Two-spirit, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)
The following information has been gathered from the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on AIDS (F/P/T AIDS); the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), including the Regional HIV/AIDS Network's (RHAN) list of nationally funded programs; and the websites of Toronto Public Health and Ottawa Public Health.
National and Provincial Strategies Addressing Gay Men and Other MSM
There is no specific national strategy targeting HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM. However, the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada identifies gay men as one of eight key populations at risk of, or disproportionately affected by, HIV/AIDS. The initiative was developed as the Government of Canada's response to Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS, a stakeholder-led document outlining a coordinated nationwide approach to HIV/AIDS in Canada. Leading Together highlights the importance of community involvement in the response, as well as the need for culture, gender and age-appropriate programs and services.
No strategy specifically focused on HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM was identified in any of the Atlantic Provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick). However, provincial-level strategies to address HIV/AIDS exist in two of the provinces:
“Acceptance and Action” Prince Edward Island HIV/AIDS Strategy was developed in the 1990s and has not been updated.
Nova Scotia’s Strategy on HIV/AIDS identifies men who have sex with men as one population at particular risk of HIV infection; however, no specific activities are identified in the strategy to address this population.
Following the Cadre de référence pour la prévention de la transmission de l’infection au VIH chez les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes [framework reference for the prevention of HIV infection in men who have intercourse with men] produced in 1999 and the publication of the Quatrième rapport national sur l’état de santé de la population du Québec – L’épidémie silencieuse : les infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang [fourth national report on the health of Quebec’s population – The silent epidemic: sexually-transmitted and blood-borne infections], a document was published outlining the general state of MSM and actions to reinforce the prevention of HIV and other STBBI among this population.
A HIV/AIDS Strategy for Ontario to 2008, which is currently being renewed, includes a call to integrate a social determinants of health perspective into work with HIV-positive and HIV-negative gay men. The Strategy also calls for the creation of a provincial strategy to guide the ongoing development of programs tailored to gay men, resulting in the development of the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH).
No strategy specifically focused on HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM was identified in Manitoba. However, Manitoba Health and Healthy Living, Seniors and Consumer Affairs are co-leading the development process of a comprehensive, coordinated and evidence-based provincial sexually transmitted blood borne infections (STBBIs) strategy for 2012-2017. The province-wide strategic approach integrates HIV into the overall STBBI prevention, treatment and surveillance strategy to address high-risk and vulnerable population groups including gay and other MSM. The strategy’s participatory development process has been a result of key collaborations between provincial, regional, federal and community partners and stakeholders. The strategy will include Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HPV and HIV. The updated strategy is intended to create a more coordinated provincial response to reduce the acquisition and transmission of STBBIs in Manitoba.
No strategy specifically focused on HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM was identified in Saskatchewan. However, Saskatchewan’s HIV Strategy 2010-2014 identifies men who have sex with men as a population at particular risk of HIV. One recommended activity under the Community Leadership and Engagement stream is to create peer networks of persons living with HIV among a number of affected populations, included two-spirit and other men who have sex with men.
No strategy specifically focused on HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM was identified in Alberta. However, the Alberta Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2016 identifies gay men and other MSM as one population at particular risk of HIV infection in Alberta. Stabilizing the rate of new HIV cases among this population by the year 2016 is one target of the action plan.
British Columbia
No strategy specifically focused on HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM was identified in British Columbia. However, the strategy Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics: HIV/AIDS in BC, 2003 – 2007 included an objective to reduce by 50% the incidence of HIV infections among at-risk populations, including gay men and other MSM, within the five years of the strategy (which can be found at: Gay men and other MSM remain a key target group for British Columbia’s current HIV pilot project, Seek and Treat to Optimally Prevent HIV (STOP HIV). STOP HIV aims to better reach and engage hard-to-reach and vulnerable groups in Vancouver and Prince George in HIV prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and care. In addition, several regional strategies identify gay men and other MSM as a population at particular risk of HIV:
Vancouver Coastal Health: Vancouver Community HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2007-2012 identifies increasing HIV prevention activities for gay men and other MSM as one of five strategic priorities, as most of the region’s new reported HIV infections occur in this population.
Vancouver Island Health Authority: Closing the Gap – Integrated HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Strategic Directions for Vancouver Island Health Authority, 2006/07-2008/09 identifies gay men and other MSM as a priority population at particular risk of HIV and hepatitis C.
Interior Health: Interior Health’s Action Plan for Blood-Borne Pathogens, 2006-2009 – Embracing a Healthy Future identifies gay men and other MSM as a population at particular risk of HIV infection.
Provincial Health Services Authority: Collaborating for Action – Provincial Health Services Authority HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework identifies gay men and other MSM as a population at particular risk of HIV infection.
No strategy specifically focused on HIV/AIDS among gay men and other MSM was identified in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories or Yukon Territory.
Nunavut: No specific HIV/AIDS strategy was identified.
Northwest Territories: The Sexually Transmitted Infections: Strategic Directions Document does not mention gay or other MSM.
Yukon: No specific HIV/AIDS strategy was identified.
Population-specific Networks, Coalitions and Advisory Bodies
No networks, coalitions or advisory bodies targeting gay men and other MSM were identified in the Atlantic Provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick).
COCQ-Sida, Quebec's network of AIDS organizations has several committees including one focused on Gay Men and MSM. The role of these committees is to identify training and knowledge transfer projects, as well as intervention and communication tools, in accordance with the needs of the stakeholders working with these communities. The committees work upstream to create and identify innovative intervention strategies that take into account new knowledge in the field. The committees help COCQ-Sida maintain contact with the field and stakeholders, as well as network by pooling their experience. Both committees take into account the specific experiences of the individuals in these communities as well as the unique challenges they face. Their work involves both prevention and support to people living with HIV.
The Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH) is a provincial coalition of gay men and their allies from community-based AIDS service organizations, public health, HIV researchers, policy makers and other community members. It undertakes coordination and communication and provides strategy/outreach workers housed in community-based AIDS organizations across Ontario. The GMSH aims to foster a systematic, evidence-informed, skilled, consistent and effective response to the sexual health needs of Ontario’s diverse communities of gay/bi/men who have sex with men (MSM) with and at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It aims to reduce the transmission of HIV and other STIs, and to improve the overall health and well-being, of gay, bisexual and other MSM. GMSH’s strategy fosters an approach to sexual health work that is gay-affirming, sex-positive and that integrates risk and harm reduction approaches. The GMSH has several working groups (described in Chapter 6), including: a provincial advisory body; Gay and Bisexual Men’s HIV Testing Campaign Working Group; Gay/Bi/Queer Trans Men’s Working Group; Poz Prevention Working Group; and working groups for specific time-limited tasks, including a Campaign Working Group and GMSH Summit Planning Committee.
Groupe de travail pour hommes gais, bisexuels et HARSAH francophones: This working group is responsible for providing support on the development of strategies aimed at improving services for Francophone gay men, bisexual and other MSM living with HIV in Ontario.
The AIDS Bureau at the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care coordinates a series of policy processes to address HIV and other sexual health issues in gay men’s lives including a gay men’s testing campaign, work to advance screening for anal dysplasia and anal cancer, and work to address syphilis in gay men in the province.
The GLBTT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-spirited) Coalition is composed of a number of community organizations, has extensive experience connecting and working with gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men through outreach and social marketing activities. They have recently received funding to develop and produce education and awareness resources designed to reduce new syphilis infections, including a broader message regarding overall STI/HIV prevention and education.
No networks, coalitions or advisory bodies targeting gay men and other MSM were identified.
No networks, coalitions or advisory bodies targeting gay men and other MSM were identified.
British Columbia
No networks, coalitions or advisory bodies targeting gay men and other MSM were identified.
An annual Gay Men’s Health Summit is hosted by the Community-Based Research Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia. The summit brings together community members, researchers and all levels of government from the province and across Canada to improve the health and wellness of gay men.
No networks, coalitions or advisory bodies targeting gay men and other MSM were identified.
Organizations involved in the Delivery of Programs and Time-Limited Projects (2006 – 2010) Addressing HIV/AIDS among Gay Men and other MSM
Canadian AIDS Society (CAS):
Project G1: The Gaynet Youth Forum is an approved work-plan activity under the Canadian AIDS Society’s National HIV/AIDS Voluntary Sector Response Fund project. In collaboration with the Canadian Federation of Students, the objective is to identify the process by which to establish a pan-Canadian student network.
Project G2: The Gay Men’s Sexual Health Project aims to facilitate the creation of a national platform for service providers to share ideas, information, experiences and best practices particular to the HIV, and the sexual and other health needs of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.
AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton:
Project G3: Offers workshops for gay men, including workshops on homophobia and queer health.
Project G4: Making Queer Youth Matter aims to make educational training available to youth service providers on topics such as anti-transphobia and homophobia, suicide intervention, and small group facilitation training.
Project G5: Sydney Transgender Access, Resource & Support (S.T.A.R.S.) a supportive environment for all trans people.
AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia:
Project G6: Offers educational services, including information on mental wellness, stress management and smoking cessation, healthy weight management, nutrition and exercise, assessing disease prevention, hepatitis A and B vaccinations, referrals to GLBTI-friendly health professionals.
Project G7: Specific program targeting HIV-positive gay men.
Project G8: As part of its community development initiatives, the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia offers programs to increase awareness and education on HIV/AIDS among organizations, the community, and service providers. ACNS offers, among other topics, workshops on gay men's health.
Project G9: PrideHealth, in partnership with the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia, provides information on mental wellness, stress management and smoking cessation, healthy weight management, nutrition, exercise, disease prevention, hepatitis A and B vaccinations, and referrals to GLBTI-friendly health professionals.
AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador:
Project G10: The GUYZ Project aims to increase HIV, HCV and STI knowledge and awareness among young gay men and service providers in the St. John’s area.
AIDS Moncton:
Project G11: One-on-one support and referral service to other professionals/agencies and support groups.
Project G12: Public education workshops on homophobia, sexual orientation, and on how to create safe environments for GLBTTQ youth.
New Brunswick Public Health
Project G13: Safe sex messaging social marketing campaign on syphilis targeting MSM and enhanced access to testing for syphilis (recommending HIV testing also).
AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM):
Project G14: Kontak is a project that provides gay and other MSM with outreach materials which address risk-reduction strategies.
Project G15: ATOMc is a peer-based strategy to promote HIV and STI testing among gay and other MSM.
Bureau régional d’action Sida Outaouais (BRAS):
Project G16: Training of stakeholders from different backgrounds on topics including demystifying homosexuality, street work, etc.
Project G17: The Jeunesse Idem project aims to meet the needs of young people who are struggling to accept their sexual orientation. Services include: workshops, group meetings; individual meetings; and support, assistance and information via telephone and Internet.
C.A.C.T.U.S. Montréal:
Project G18: Support groups and activities offered to and organized by transgender people.
Project G19: Outreach to sex workers by other sex workers who offer support, prevention material and referrals to other services.
Project G20: Education and information provision to health and social service professionals regarding transsexuality.
Project G21: Information about the medical, social and economical aspects of the transition process (male to female and female to male).
Coalition Sida des Sourds du Québec:
Project G22: Information on sexual health and prevention for deaf men who have sex with men.
CSSS du Grand Littoral:
Project G23: “Parc des Chutes” - Weekly outreach to MSM that includes STI screening, prevention, partner support, individual screening, counselling/health promotion, and opportunity to receive counselling for other issues: nicotine addiction, drug use, and mental health.
IRIS Estrie:
Project G24: Projet de Parrainage - through peer-led support, this project aims to demystify homosexuality, address vulnerability and risk, and increase awareness of HIV infection.
Maison Plein Cœur:
Project G25: Positive Group Support is a prevention project addressing blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections among HIV-positive gay and other MSM.
MIELS Promotion de la santé:
Project G26: The “Latex wall to wall” program provides condoms and information on HIV and other STIs at establishments frequented by gay men. An extension of this project is carried out in the summer through the "Parks Project."
Project G27: The Phoenix workshop provides sexual risk-reduction workshops for adult gay men and other MSM.
Project G28: Project aimed at providing youth with basic training on HIV/AIDS, STIs and risk behaviours. Other topics include: contraception, demystification of homosexuality, prevention of violence in romantic relationships and sex work.
Project G29: PRISM - provides referral services and peer-facilitated support groups.
Le Miens:
Project G30: The program Mascu-lien offers information on HIV infection, including methods of transmission and risk factors. It also aims to educate on safe sex practices and to promote attitudes of solidarity and compassion vis-à-vis peers.
Mouvement d’Aide et d’Information Sida (MAINS):
Project G31: Park worker for men who have sex and emotional relationships with men. The main duty of park workers is to carry out prevention and provide information on HIV/AIDS. The work is carried out in environments where men who have sexual and romantic relationships with men are found in Rimouski. The park workers address issues of STIs, homosexuality, couple relationships, relationships and any other topics important in the lives of men who have sexual and romantic relationships with men.
Le Néo:
Project G32: Education on homophobia, sexual orientation and sexual health aimed at high schools in order to improve the quality of life for queer youth.
Project G33: Provides regional, provincial and national promotional activities and information kiosks aimed at target groups and/or the general public.
Project G34: “Programme travailleurs du sexe” - aims to improve the living conditions of sex workers and offers information services, support, and referral services.
Project G35: Support groups for gay men to reflect on their experiences. Other support services include: consulting services, referrals, guidance and information on all matters relating to health and well-being of gay and bisexual men offered by qualified personnel. This support is offered on the premises of the agency, by phone, online or in different social settings (e.g., bars, saunas, etc.).
Project G36: Offers information sessions on HIV and other STIs, and vaccines for hepatitis A and B are provided at venues frequented by gay and bisexual men (e.g., bars, saunas, peep shows, sex clubs, etc.) in collaboration with network partners in health (Health and Social Services Centres and medical clinics).
Project G37: “SPOT” is a research project offering anonymous rapid HIV testing for gay and bisexual men in Montréal.
Project G38: "L’enquête « Êtes-vous satisfait?" is a survey to understand health issues that impact gay men and other MSM.
Project G39: Distribution of prevention materials in different social environments and commercial establishments in the community.
Project G40: Internet et Intervention en ligne - a website for young men having sex with other men seeking information and services on gay men’s health, safer sex practices, STIs and HIV/AIDS.
Sidaction Trois-Rivières:
Project G41: Intervention in parks and other social spaces to provide gay men and other MSM with kits, condoms and related information to prevent transmission of HIV, hepatitis and other STIs.
Sida-Vie Laval:
Project G42: Projet Apollon – outreach activities at raves, parks, bathhouses.
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations:
Project G43: Counselling (pre and post-test for HIV), individual, family, friend/partners, and advocacy.
Project G44: HIV/AIDS education and prevention.
The 519 Church Street Community Centre:
Project G45: “Getting Primed” is a training project for HIV-prevention workers focusing on the unique needs of transmen who have sex with men. The group created a sexual health resource for transmen called “Primed: The Back Pocket Guide for Transmen and the Men Who Dig Them” In collaboration with the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance.
Access AIDS Network:
Project G46: Offers a Healthy Sexuality Program targeting MSM and youth. Other key populations are involved. Activities include: bilingual safer sex workshops to MSM and LGBT youth, service providers, and primary and secondary school teachers; volunteer program to promote safer sex information in Internet channels.
African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO):
Project G47: Provides pamphlets, brochures and publications on Black gay men.
Africans in Partnership Against AIDS:
Project G48: Gay Men’s Outreach Program – conducts outreach in gay bars, clubs and parties, bathhouses, online and in other spaces where African gay, bisexual and straight-identified men who have sex with other men congregate.
AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo & Area/Community Education:
Project G49: Offers workshops on homophobia to the community, including at schools.
Project G50: Provides a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer/Questioning (GLBTQ) youth group.
AIDS Committee of Durham Region:
Project G51:Outreach within the community at local colleges, clubs and social events, as well as at AIDS Committee sponsored events.
Project G52: Information on coming out, tattooing and body piercing, substance abuse, and STIs, including HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Committee of Guelph and Wellington County/Wellington and Grey Bruce Rural: Project G53: GBTQ Men's Network offers drop-in sessions for GBTQ men over 19 years of age.
AIDS Committee of London:
Project G54: "Safer sex chat" service that provides safer sex information, support, referrals and Q & As with MSM who chat online in London chat rooms on and
Project G55: Bathhouse outreach for MSM.
Project G56: Staff and volunteers provide a support group once a week for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered/two-spirited youth in London.
Project G57: Safer sex and HIV/AIDS education and information.
AIDS Committee of Ottawa (ACO):
Project G58: The Gay Men's Health and Wellness Project - As part of the Gay Men’s Wellness Initiative (GMWI) in Ottawa, ACO conducts various outreach activities by promoting gay men's health and wellness in local bathhouses, bars, websites and public spaces where gay men and other MSM meet, and at special events.
AIDS Committee of Simcoe County:
Project G59: Theatre-based education and prevention for the people in Simcoe County. Topics include homophobia and heterosexism.
Project G60: GOSSIP is a newsletter providing education on health issues, current trends, events calendars and information links of particular interest to the gay community.
AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT):
Project G61: Portuguese Speaking Community Services – The men’s peer outreach prevention program targets community venues and events as well as bathhouses. Safer sex materials are distributed to more than 30 community venues. The case management program supports Portuguese-speaking people living with HIV/AIDS.
Project G62: Gay Men’s Community Education provides workshops and discussion groups on resilience and gay men’s health and develops resources.
Project G63: Gay Men’s Outreach provides peer-outreach services online and in bars, bathhouses, and community events. More than 200,000 condoms and lubes are distributed annually.
Project G64: Gay Youth and Gay Men’s Harm Reduction provides harm reduction and safer sex outreach online, in bars, clubs, and at special events. Online and print resources are also developed.
Project G65: TowelTalk provides professional counselling services in Toronto bathhouses and follow-up support.
Project G66: Totally OUTright provides sexual health community-leadership course for young gay men aged 18 to 26.
Project G67: SPUNK! Motivational interviewing and group intervention, which supports substance-using gay men to make changes in use patterns and promote increased adoption of safer sex practices.
Project G68: GPS (Gay Poz Sex) is a confidential sexual health discussion group for HIV-positive gay men.
Project G69: Support groups for gay men living with HIV.
Project G70: Men’s Wellness Retreat provides opportunities for people living with HIV/AIDS to enjoy a weekend of relaxation and capacity building.
AIDS Committee of Windsor:
Project G71: Poz Prevention Program provides peer-led and one-on-one sessions which focus on strategies to reduce risk-taking behaviour, availability of coordinated services and support, and basic questions regarding transmission and prevention. Also provides workshops which focus on various areas of positive prevention, promoting safe sex practices, and improving sexual health and well-being.
AIDS Thunder Bay:
Project G72: Educational resources to reduce stigma and discrimination around HIV/AIDS and related issues on sexual orientation through the provision of workshops and presentations.
Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention:
Project G73: "Dosti" is a Toronto-based website for South Asian men to chat, cruise and connect with gay, bisexual, transgendered or other men who have sex with men. The site allows users to post questions regarding safer sex and sexuality.
Project G74: "Snehittan" is a social and support group for Tamil, Sinhala, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada men who are gay, bisexual, transgendered or other MSM.
Asian Community AIDS Services:
Project G75: Offers a comprehensive MSM program with outreach, education, pre- and post-HIV testing counselling services to Asian gay men.
Project G76: As part of its general youth program, ACAS provides supportive social spaces for lesbian, intersex, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, gay, queer and questioning East and Southeast Asian youth through the Queer Asian Youth program (QAY).
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP):
Project G77: "THINK" – a social marketing campaign in which BMSM are engaged by developing resources, such as condom wallets, posters and postcards, and a health promotion website.
Project G78: Conducts HIV/AIDS and sexual health outreach geared towards Black gay, bisexual and straight-identified men who have sex with men (MSM) within Toronto’s Black communities.
Project G79: “Dealing With Being Different” - a resource for Black LGBT youth and their parents to help Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) with the “coming out” process.
Project G80: In partnership with a number of community partners and agencies, BlackCAP developed a designated chapter of PFLAG Canada called Black Families and Friends (BFF), a collective of agencies and community members whose focus is to specifically address the needs of Black LGBT youth and their families.
Project G81: LGBTQ settlement program - offers one-on-one counselling for LGBTQ newcomers and orientation sessions and training on topics including: housing, human rights, and entering the labour force.
Project G82: Black CAP, in collaboration with the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance and other community partners, created the website, a resource for gay, bisexual, and other MSM who are new to Canada to assist them in avoiding HIV during the period when they are settling in the country.
Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples (CSSP):
Project G83: Offers "Mano en Mano Peer Educator HIV/AIDS Prevention Training Course," which provides culturally and linguistically appropriate information needed to reduce risks of infection among Spanish-speaking newcomer men who have sex with men. This project provides three culturally appropriate, peer educator HIV/AIDS training courses in Spanish.
Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH):
Project G84: Development of a legal guidebook gay men living with HIV entitled Positively Healthy, in partnership with Toronto People With AIDS Foundation and the Ontario HIV/AIDS Legal Clinic.
Project G85: Development of a provider manual for people providing sexual health services to gay men living with HIV, in partnership with Toronto People With AIDS Foundation and the Ontario HIV/AIDS Legal Clinic.
Gay Zone Gaie:
Project G86: Screening and treatments for STIs, HIV rapid and anonymous testing.
Project G87: A group for queer youth.
Hamilton AIDS Network:
Project G88: Men for Men - provides sexual health education and other resources to enhance the lives of men who have sex with men by reinforcing self-esteem and personal empowerment.
Hassle Free Clinic:
Project G89: Bathhouse Outreach Project - on-site, anonymous testing for HIV and counselling.
Project G90: HIV testing with pre- and post-counselling.
Project G91: Provides general men’s health education and referral services.
Project G92: Offers support counselling services on issues related to HIV/AIDS and sexuality.
HIV/AIDS Regional Services:
Project G93: Education and training sessions on topics related to gay men and other MSM, including homophobia, stigma and discrimination.
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO):
Project G94: Created the resource document HIV Disclosure: A Legal Guide for Gay Men in Canada, in collaboration with the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance.
J. D. Griffin Adolescent Centre:
Project G95: sprOUT Sexual Health Info Project (SHIP) - Provides HIV/STI info to LGBT youth with developmental disabilities.
Malvern Family Resource Centre:
Project G96: Photograph Your Thoughts (PYT) - Provides HIV/STI/sexual health workshops to gay/bi/MSM youth.
Peel HIV/AIDS Network:
Project G97: Anti-homophobia and queer-positive training and workshops on HIV for gay men and service providers. Offers positive prevention to HIV-positive gay men, HIV testing referrals and treatment option information.
Project G98: Outreach to LGBT communities at events such as Peel Pride and Queer It Up.
Project G99: Offers educational resources and community development activities with service providers on MSM-specific outreach activities.
Peterborough AIDS Resource Network:
Project G100: Queer youth drop-in sessions twice a month.
Project G101: HIV Education Program - Building Our Community Response – The objectives of this project are as follows: to address the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of gay, bisexual, and MSM to reduce their risk for HIV infection; and to decrease homophobia and other barriers to reduce risk of HIV in young gay/bisexual men.
Pink Triangle Services:
Project G102: Health promotion (brochures) on HIV/AIDS for gay men and other MSM.
Toronto People with AIDS Foundation:
Project G103: The PHA Engagement in POZ Prevention for Gay Men program utilizes staff and peer educators to provide peer consultations, service provider training, and social group discussion around sexual health and poz prevention.
Toronto Public Health:
In addition to providing significant funding to various community agencies, Toronto Public Health offers the following programs:
Project G104: Education on issues related to sexually transmitted infections through promotion of an online partner notification website, called InSPOT.
Project G105: M2Men is a free iPhone application and text messaging service from Toronto Public Health is now available as a health resource for gay men and other MSM. M2Men helps men access a wide range of information about sexual health and locate health resources in Toronto.
No projects targeting gay men and other MSM were identified.
Avenue Community Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity:
Project G106: Objectives of the Revitalizing HIV Prevention for Gay Men project include developing safer sex educational material, discussing HIV, hepatitis C and other STI prevention and safer sex in the context of the determinants of health, and increasing testing among gay and bisexual men.
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association (ACAA):
Project G107: Outreach program, called "HEAT," which provides specific education on HIV/STI prevention and health promotion.
HIV Network of Edmonton:
Project G108: Undertaking a community research project, called "GuyQuiz", which aims to investigate the sexual culture of men who have sex with men in Edmonton.
HIV West Yellowhead:
Project G109: Community education workshop on sexual diversity/orientation.
Project G110: Support programs to GLBTQ, called "Out Jasper."
Options Sexual Health Association:
Project G111: Sexual health education to LGBTQ-2QIA and teaches skills to determine personal boundaries and to make healthy decisions within the context of a person's values, beliefs, culture and experience.
Project G112: Counselling or referral services on sexual orientation.
British Columbia
AIDS Network Outreach and Support Society (ANKORS):
Project G113: Transconnect program that provides support and resources for transgender and gender variant people.
AIDS Vancouver:
Project G114: BOYS R Us is a referral and outreach program that provides a supportive drop-in for men and transgender participants who work or used to work in the sex trade.
AIDS Vancouver Island:
Project G115: Men's Wellness Program promoting men's wellness and creating spaces for men to talk about being gay, queer, bi or questioning, and how that impacts on their sexual, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health and well-being. Peer support groups coordinated by AIDS Vancouver Island exist throughout Vancouver Island. Support group activities include: weekly gay men’s group for both HIV-positive and negative men, and intergenerational social and storytelling gathering once a month.
Project G116: Counselling for queer men around sexual challenges and sexual health.
Project G117: Outreach activities.
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
Project G118: iTest is an online screening and laboratory requisition supporting gay men to access STI/HIV testing and results online.
Project G119: Outreach Program is a street nursing program providing outreach and clinic-based STI/HIV screening and referrals to gay men.
Project G120: inSPOT is an online partner notification service for STI/HIV with an approach tailored to gay men.
Community-based Research Centre (CBRC):
Project G121: Undertaking a Sex Now survey, a provincial research project about gay men's sexual health.
Project G122: Totally Outright: A Sexual Health Leadership Training Program for Young Gay Men.
Project G123: Annual BC Gay Men’s Health Summit.
Project G124: Young Gay Investigators Team: Advanced health promotion training for young gay men.
HIM (Health Initiative for Men):
HIM aims to strengthen gay men’s health and well-being and involves and engages gay men to improve the foundations of their physical, sexual, social and mental health through research-based, community-focused, volunteer-driven activities.
Project G125: HIM facilitates groups on various topics, led by volunteers from the community who receive support, training and promotion. The topics are unlimited and vary from physical fitness to writing, yoga, and relationships.
Project 126: Totally Outright is a two-weekend workshop for 18 to 26-year-olds to empower them to consider community service.
Project 127: A volunteer-staffed condom distribution program, which has delivered over 250,000 condoms in two years.
Project 128: HIM operates two Sexual Health Centres, where gay men can access STI and HIV testing (rapid, early and standard HIV tests), sexual health information, peer support, and professional counselling services that are tailored for them. The peer support and professional counselling service is staffed by volunteers from the community who help with a wide range of issues including sex and sexuality, coming out, substance use, health issues, relationships, anxiety, racism, body image, etc.
PEERS Vancouver:
Project G129: Hustle: Men on the Move is a male, trans and youth component of PEERS Vancouver, offering outreach, educational, and support programming.!viewstack1=services
Positive Living BC Society (formerly BC Persons with AIDS Society):
Project G130: Peer Navigator program provides support and connection to care for newly diagnosed HIV-positive people (including a significant proportion of gay men). It offers various social activities and programs, including an Outdoorsmen group for gay HIV-positive men who enjoy outdoor activities; monthly dinners and other social events for gay men; and weekly meetings at Average Joe's Café.
Vancouver Coastal Health
Project G131: Vancouver Coastal Health STOP Team provides outreach HIV testing, public health follow-up, linkage to HIV care, including outreach nursing at three bathhouses, nursing support to Spectrum Health, a primary care practice with a high volume of gay men.
Project G132: Vancouver Coastal Health PRISM provides additional support to LGBT populations.
Project G133: Vancouver Coastal Health VAMP is a gay focused addictions support program for gay men recovering from addiction to methamphetamine.
Project G134: Vancouver Coastal Health 3 Bridges Community Health Centre is a community health centre providing comprehensive primary care services, including culturally competent care to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans populations.
YouthCo AIDS Society:
Project G135: Prevention education and HIV support services to youth aged 15-29 (including initiatives specific to young gay men).
No projects targeting gay men and other MSM were identified.
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