Monkeypox virus: Laboratory licensing

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is monitoring the mpox (monkeypox) outbreak to provide Canadians with evidence-based information and guidance. In addition to the Monkeypox virus (MPXV) Biosafety Advisory, the following information was compiled by the Centre for Biosecurity to help support our stakeholders in understanding and meeting their regulatory obligations with respect to MPXV.

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Licensing requirements for work with MPXV

As part of the licensing process, the organization may be required to submit additional documentation to demonstrate compliance with the conditions of the licence, which includes adhering to the applicable requirements described in the Canadian Biosafety Standard for Containment Level 3 (CL3).

Reactivation and licensing of Containment Level 3 (CL3) laboratories for work with MPXV

Laboratories previously certified for CL3 activities currently being used for lower containment level activities (e.g., CL2) are encouraged to reach out to the Centre for Biosecurity at to obtain the best possible guidance on the requirements for reactivation and subsequent HPTA licensing of the CL3 laboratory to work with MPXV.

Please include the following in your correspondence:

This information is necessary in determining the compliance documentation that will need to be submitted and potential performance and verification testing that may need to be completed in order for the PHAC to authorize an RG3 Pathogen and Toxin Licence for work at CL3. Additionally, an HPTA Security Clearance and review of the organization's Biosecurity Plan is required for issuing an SSBA licence.

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