Public health science
How the Public Health Agency of Canada uses science to promote and protect your health.
On this page
- The scientific approach
- Working with partners
- Setting science and research priorities
- Engagement and outreach
The scientific approach
Science is more than just a tool for discovery. Science informs our strategies, decisions and how we safeguard public health. We use scientific methods to:
- analyze data
- conduct research
- monitor progress
This lets us identify public health threats and challenges and respond to them effectively.
Using a scientific approach lets us make informed decisions that affect millions. With it we're able to make a difference all across Canada, in areas like:
- epidemiology
- policy analysis
- communications
- health promotion
- laboratory sciences
- public health nursing
- emergency preparedness
- disease prevention and control
We apply strict safety rules when working in the area of public health science and with other scientists, especially on projects involving:
- dangerous germs
- matters of public safety
These precautions help us to minimize risks to others as much as possible.
Learn more:
- Biosafety and biosecurity
- Inventory of science professionals
- PHAC Science Strategy 2024-2025 to 2029-2030
Working with partners
Science is a collaborative endeavour, and we work closely with partners across sectors, such as:
- researchers and academia
- industry
- think tanks
- policymakers
- healthcare professionals
- Indigenous communities
- community organizations
- public health partners in other jurisdictions and around the world
Together we share knowledge and solve public health challenges. Working with international partners also helps to coordinate our scientific activities. For instance, we join forces to quickly decide which research projects to focus on during worldwide health emergencies, like the COVID-19 pandemic.
We seek advice from scientific experts inside and outside the agency to provide the best public health guidance possible. These groups recommend ways to promote your health and protect you from diseases.
Learn more:
- Expert roster initiative
- Applied Public Health Chair Program
- National Collaborating Centres for Public Health
- PHAC Expert Panel on Avian Influenza A(H5Nx) in Canada
- External advisory bodies for the Public Health Agency of Canada
Setting science and research priorities
We use a rigorous process to prioritize research activities. First we identify gaps in public health knowledge or evidence, then we determine which scientific and research efforts will address them. For example, every year we identify research priorities to help advance the Chief Public Health Officer's annual reports. Funders can then use these priorities to support research that carries out the recommendations and public health needs identified in each report.
Learn more:
- Avian influenza A(H5Nx): Public health knowledge gaps and research needs
- Generating Knowledge for a Health Promotion Approach to Emergencies
- Generating Knowledge to Inform Public Health Action on Climate Change in Canada
- Reports from the Chief Public Health Officer
Engagement and outreach
We work to share the results of our science with different audiences in meaningful ways. For example, the general public can learn about Public Health Agency of Canada science initiatives through the Science of Health Blog and Healthy Canadians Podcast.
These channels provide deep insights, expert perspectives and practical guidance on key health topics.
We also regularly publish issues of 2 peer-reviewed scientific journals:
- Canada Communicable Disease Report
- Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
These efforts highlight our research and keep our scientists informed, helping to improve health outcomes nationwide.
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