A vision for public health assessment in Canada by 2030: Public discussion guide

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Date published: 2023-11-20

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About public health assessment

Many public health professionals use the term 'public health surveillance' to describe an on-going process of health data:

This process lets us plan, implement and evaluate interventions to protect and improve the health of different populations.

However, for many people the word 'surveillance' means something different. On this page, we instead use the term 'assessment' in 2 ways:

  1. To include monitoring environmental and health status and response to identified problems and hazards.
  2. Interchangeably with surveillance, which is an important part of public health systems aimed at protecting and improving population health.

About Vision 2030

The Public Health Agency of Canada is leading Vision 2030, an initiative to envision what public health assessment in Canada should look like by 2030.

Public health assessment includes monitoring environmental and health status and response to identified problems and hazards. It involves generating the data and information needed to detect and understand health threats. It does this with the goal of promoting and protecting the health of people living in Canada.

The data and information we get from assessments are important for guiding public health actions, such as:

The information we receive and analyze is collected in batches and is analyzed based on groups of people, and not individuals.

Over the last 20 years, public health assessment has had to adapt to take into account:

Despite these advances, the context for public health assessment continues to evolve and systems must continue to adapt. This initiative is an opportunity to re-envision how public health assessment systems can remain useful and ready to respond to future public health issues.

Why a vision

A vision can help to make public health assessment systems in Canada stronger by engaging with the public and stakeholders. It should adapt to changing public health needs and ensure the information collected improves the health of all people living in Canada.

To develop this vision, we'll engage with:

Public health assessment is a collective effort. By collecting input from these contributors, the vision strengthens public health assessment according to their priorities.

What the vision will include

A high-functioning public health assessment ecosystem should include how assessment systems and programs work both on their own and together. As such, the vision will also explain:

For example, public health assessment in Canada in 2030 should:

Finally, the vision will be based on science and evidence, and rooted in real-world examples. It will be transparent about evidence gaps, particularly where research and development can clarify the path forward. When developing the vision, we'll explore themes related to:

When the initiative is complete, we'll openly publish and share the vision for public health assessment in Canada for 2030.

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