New projects funded under the Immunization Partnership Fund


April 2018

In 2016, the Government of Canada launched the Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF). This fund provides up to $3 million per year to support projects aimed at improving vaccination coverage in Canada in three priority areas:

  • Enabling healthcare providers to vaccinate their patients
  • Increasing demand for vaccination
  • Enhancing access to vaccination services

The following multi-year projects have been funded under the IPF this year:

Lead organization: Canadian Public Health Association
Description: To create an online resource centre (Canadian Immunization Resource Centre) that provides valuable information and guidance to public health professionals who work to promote immunization.
Funding: $1,651,093 (2017-18 to 2020-21)

Lead organization: British Columbia – Ministry of Health
Description: To implement an electronic immunization reminder and recall system to automate reminder calls for booked immunization appointments across all 39 health centres in the Interior Health Authority.
Funding: $195,814 (2016-17 to 2018-19)

Lead organization: Quebec – CIUSSS de l'Estrie
Description: To implement an educational strategy to promote vaccination and to provide health care providers in Quebec maternity wards with specialized training that will enable them to better communicate the benefits of vaccination and better address the concerns of vaccine-hesitant parents.
Funding: $500,000 (2017-18 to 2018-19)

Lead organization: Public Health Association of British Columbia
Description: To create an online learning platform (Kids Boost Immunity) that raises student literacy about vaccination by using gamification through a series of online quizzes, videos and articles.
Funding: $599,916 (2017-18 to 2019-20)

Lead organization: Canadian Paediatric Society
Description: To develop training sessions that will provide healthcare providers with increased skills to effectively advise clients in overcoming vaccine hesitancy, and to reinstate the organization’s Education Program for Immunization Competencies for health professionals.
Funding: $420,216 (2017-18 to 2019-20)

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