Annual Report on Travel, Hospitality and Conference Expenditures

As required by the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures, this report provides information on travel, hospitality and conference expenditures for the Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, except for information withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.

Travel, hospitality and conference expenditures incurred by a federal department or agency relate to activities that support the department or agency's mandate and the government's priorities.

In September 2004, the Agency was created within the federal Health Portfolio to deliver on the Government of Canada's commitment to increase its focus on public health in order to help protect and improve the health and safety of all Canadians and to contribute to strengthening the health care system.

The Agency's travel, hospitality and conference expenditures support the delivery of the following core programs and services to Canadians:

Public health involves the organized efforts of society to keep people healthy and to prevent injury, illness and premature death. It includes programs, services and policies that protect and promote the health of all Canadians. In Canada, public health is a responsibility that is shared by the three levels of government in collaboration with the private sector, non-government organizations, health professionals and the public.

Overall, the Agency manages travel, hospitality, and conference activities / expenditures with prudence and probity so that they demonstrate value for money and use the most economical options to minimize costs whenever possible.

For more detailed information on the Agency's mandate, including roles and responsibilities, please refer to the Agency's 2020-21 Departmental Plan and the 2019-20 Departmental Results Report.

Travel, Hospitality and Conference Expenditures
Public Health Agency of Canada
Year ended March 31, 2020
Expenditure Category Expenditures for the Year ending March 31, 2019
($ thousands)
Expenditures for the Year ending March 31, 2018
($ thousands)
($ thousands)
Operational activities 2,810 3,179 -369
Key Stakeholders 1.080 1,453 -373
Internal governance 119 230 -111
Training 575 690 -115
Other 226 389 -163
A. Total Travel 4,811 5,942 -1,131
B. Hospitality 139 188 -49
C. Conference Fees 181 317 -136
Total (A+B+C) 5,131 6,446 -1,315
Differences may arise due to rounding

Significant variances compared with previous fiscal year:


Compared with fiscal year 2018-19, the Agency's travel expenditures decreased by 19% or by $1.1M in 2019-20 mainly due to less participation in stakeholder engagement and operational activities across Canada.


Compared with fiscal year 2018-19, the Agency's hospitality expenditures decreased by 26% or by $49K in 2019-20 mainly due to one-off, legislated commitments in 2018-19 to host national conferences on dementia and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Conference Fees:

Compared with fiscal year 2018-19, the Agency's conference fee expenditures decreased by 43% or by $136K in 2019-20 mainly due to less participation in conferences and workshops.

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