Figure 2.1 Age-specific fertility rate by select age groups, Canada, 1930 to 2008
Figure 3.1 Population distribution by age group, Canada, 2006
Figure 3.2 High school dropout rate, academic years 1990/1991 to 2009/2010
Figure 3.3 Completion of post-secondary education by select age groups, select OECD countries, 2008
Figure 3.4 Occupation by sex, youth and young adults, Canada, 2006
Figure 3.5 Unemployment rate by highest level of completed education, youth and young adults, Canada, 1990 to 2009
Figure 3.6 Youth and young adults living in low-income households, after tax, Canada, 1976 to 2008
Figure 3.7 Very good or excellent self-perceived mental health, by origin, youth and young adults, Canada, 2009
Figure 3.8 Mood disorder by age group and sex, youth and young adults, Canada, 2009
Figure 3.9 Anxiety disorder by age group and sex, youth and young adults, Canada, 2009
Figure 3.10 Indirect forms of bullying in victim students by grade and sex, Canada, 2006
Figure 3.11 Direct forms of bullying in victim students by grade and sex, Canada, 2006
Figure 3.12 Suicide rate per 100,000 population, by age group and sex, Canada, 2007
Figure 3.13 Major causes of death by sex, youth and young adults aged 12 to 29 years, Canada, 2007
Figure 3.14 Tuberculosis incidence rate by origin, youth and young adults aged 15 to 29 years, Canada, 2001 to 2009
Figure 3.15 Measured BMI category by age group and sex, Canada, 2007-2009
Figure 3.16 Percentage of measured overweight and obesity by income and sex, young adults, Canada excluding territories, 2004
Figure 3.17 Incidence of select cancers by sex, youth and young adults aged 15 to 29 years, Canada, 2007
Figure 3.18 Hospitalizations due to injuries, youth and young adults aged 12 to 29 years, Canada excluding Quebec, 2005/2006
Figure 3.19 Rates of chlamydia by select age group and sex, Canada, 2009
Figure 3.20 Rates of gonorrhea by select age group and sex, Canada, 2009
Figure 3.21 Rates of infectious syphilis by select age group and sex, Canada, 2009
Figure 3.22 Percentage of population by age and sex who have had sexual intercourse, youth and young adults aged 15 to 29 years, Canada, 1996-97 and 2009
Figure 3.23 Rates of pregnancy and live birth, female youth, Canada, 1975 to 2005
Figure 3.24 Percentage of youth and young adult smokers by sex, Canada excluding territories, 1999 and 2009
Figure 3.25 Alcohol consumption by smoking status, students Grades 7 to 9 and Grades 10 to 12, Canada excluding territories, 2009
Figure 3.26 Illicit drug use by sex, youth and young adults, Canada excluding territories, 2009
Table 3.1 Demographics of Canada's youth and young adult population
Table 3.2 Social and economic status of Canada's youth and young adults
Table 3.3 Mental health of Canada's youth and young adults
Table 3.4 Mental illness of Canada's youth and young adults
Table 3.5 Perceived health and mortality of Canada's youth and young adults
Table 3.6 Physical health of Canada's youth and young adults
Table 3.7 Health behaviours of Canada's youth and young adults