Audit of the Management of Non-Enteric Zoonotic Infectious Disease Activities at the Public Health Agency of Canada

October 2016

Management Response and Action Plan
Recommendation Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsibility

Recommendation 1

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Branch, develop a zoonotic infectious diseases framework that includes governance, roles and responsibilities, risk management and performance measurement.

Management agrees with this recommendation.

PHAC recognizes the need to engage in a more programmatic response to non-enteric zoonotic diseases and other emerging infectious diseases. Management of the Centre and the NML will develop a strategic approach, to respond systematically to non-enteric zoonotic diseases. The Branch will continue to maintain the Health Portfolio governance structure on non-enteric zoonotic diseases in support of the Public Health Agency of Canada-Canadian Food Inspection Agency Memorandum of Understanding (i.e., PHAC-CFIA Steering Committee on Non-enteric Zoonotic Infectious Diseases).

Develop a strategic plan for the PHAC's non-enteric zoonotic disease activities, with options for a comprehensive program on emerging infectious diseases.

March 31, 2018

Director General, Centre for Foodborne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Director General, National Microbiology Laboratory

1.2 A review of SSC will be conducted to remove any duplicate SSCs. This process will also be included in the SSC annual review exercise.

a) June 2016 (completed)

b) March/April 2017

c) Sept./Oct. 2017

d) March 2018

Recommendation 2

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Branch, develop standard operating procedures for activities related to outbreaks of non-enteric zoonotic infectious diseases.

Management agrees with this recommendation.

The Branch will apply learnings from foodborne outbreak management to develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures for activities related to outbreaks of non-enteric zoonotic infectious diseases.

Develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures for PHAC activities pertaining to outbreaks of non enteric zoonotic infectious diseases.

April 30, 2017

Director General, Centre for Foodborne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Director General, National Microbiology Laboratory

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