Management Response and Action Plan – Audit of the Management of HIV/AIDS Programs

June 2014

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Management Response and Action Plan Audit of the Management of HIV/AIDS Programs June 2014 (PDF document - 45 KB- 5 pages)

Audit of the Management of HIV/AIDS Programs
Recommendations Planned Management Actions Deliverables Proposed/Approved Completion Date Accountability/ Responsibility
Recommendation 1

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch, update the strategic plan, based on current risks (with an implementation strategy) for the HIV/AIDS programs, including governance, roles and responsibilities, surveillance, research, plans and priorities, grants and contributions and performance measurement frameworks, and update the relevant website pages.
Management agrees with the recommendation.
In support of advancing the HIV/AIDS program, based on current risks, the Agency will be developing a five-year strategic plan and implementation strategy for the Federal Initiative. This document will articulate the shift towards integrated sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections approaches, where relevant.

The strategic plan will include an implementation strategy that will detail key activities and identify responsible lead (and any partner), milestones and timelines.

2015-20 Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada - Strategic Plan. February 2015 Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Disease and Prevention Control Branch
The renewed strategic plan will be tabled at the Risk Management Oversight Committee for review and comment and tabled at the Executive Committee for approval. Once approved, the plan will be reviewed and revised annually during the Federal Initiative Responsibility Centre Committee joint work planning and priority setting process, to address any emerging issues and required course corrections.

Directors General from the four partner departments and agencies will participate once per year in a special Responsibility Centre Committee meeting to confirm joint priorities and work plans.

Table at Risk Management Oversight Committee for review and comment. March 2015 ADM, IDPCB
Table at Executive Committee for approval. March 2015
A five-year strategic plan will also be developed for the Vaccine Initiative, should the Government of Canada decide to renew the initiative post 2016-17. Five-year strategic for the Vaccine Initiative should the Government of Canada decide to renew the initiative post 2016-17. May 2015 ADM, IDPCB
Recommendation 2

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch, develop and implement an integrated work plan, including appropriate financial and non-financial information.

Management agrees with the recommendation.
Under the Federal Initiative, the Centre for Communicable Disease and Infection Control Directorate developed activity costing supported by internal order codes as a tracking mechanism within the Agency’s financial system for key funding agreement deliverables. The directorate is revising the methods used to track program-related costs by simplifying the financial coding structure.

In the interim, while the Agency is exploring options to identify appropriate business intelligence tools to assist with the corporate planning, the directorate has developed a common work plan to drive consistency in application and level of detail across divisions. The work plan is designed to capture program alignment, funding source, strategic priority (directorate and division), Agency operational planning alignment, activities, deliverables and quarterly milestones. The deliverables will be aligned with full-time equivalent (FTE) requirements measured against actual FTEs.  The work plan also highlights program risks, communications requirements, external stakeholder engagement and levels of senior management approvals. The activities will be linked to the centre’s performance outcomes.

Standardized work plan and program consolidated operational plan. May 2014 ADM, IDPCB
Recommendation 3

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch, conduct a privacy impact assessment for the HIV/AIDS programs.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

The Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch is committed to protecting the privacy of Canadians. The branch is now working within an enterprise HC/PHAC Privacy Management Framework that includes a Privacy Impact Assessment Toolkit.

The Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control Directorate, in collaboration with the National Microbiology Laboratories and the Agency’s regional offices, will lead a privacy impact assessment of the Agency’s HIV/AIDS activities. Privacy Impact Assessment. September 2015 ADM, IDPCB
Recommendation 4

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Infectious Disease and Control Branch, implement a surveillance solution that will allow for the efficient importation of data submissions.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

The Infectious Disease Prevention Control Branch provides strategic advice and information on the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in Canada, based on timely and high quality surveillance data, as outlined in the Agency’s Surveillance Strategic Plan (PSSP2 2013-16).

The CCDIC, in collaboration with Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Corporate Services Branch (Health Surveillance Applications Unit), will take the lead on the identification of a surveillance solution for the efficient importation of data submissions. Assessment report reviewing alternative commercial ‘off-the-shelf’ (COTS) products for interim use by CCDIC surveillance programs for importation of data submissions. December 2014 ADM, IDPCB
Report on implementation of a surveillance solution for data importation. March 2015 ADM, IDPCB

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