Audit of the Management of Public Health Workforce Development - Management Response and Action Plan

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Management Response and Action Plan
Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsible

Recommendation 1

It is recommended that the Director General (DG), Office of Public Health Practice (OPHP) develop a comprehensive Agency mandate statement in relation to Public Health Workforce Development (PHWD) and obtain Executive Committee (EC) approval.


Management agrees with the recommendation noting that the Agency’s PHWD mandate must be developed in collaboration with internal Agency stakeholders, including the DG of human resources in the area of workforce capacity building and in collaboration with federal/provincial/territorial stakeholders.

Much of the work required to develop a comprehensive Agency PHWD mandate statement will occur as part of the workforce capacity business transformation initiative. The DG, OPHP will engage relevant stakeholders within the Agency to develop a mandate. The Agency will engage external partners via the public health network to validate a shared understanding of the mandate across Canadian jurisdictions.

Agency mandate statement for PHWD developed and approved by EC.

June 2013


Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsible

Recommendation 2

It is recommended that the Director General, Office of Public Health Practice  articulate a strategic plan, including clear strategic objectives and supporting strategies, to describe the Agency’s intent in supporting Public Health Workforce Development.

Management agrees with the recommendation noting that the Strategic Plan must be developed in collaboration with other Agency branches, including the DG of human resources.

The DG, OPHP suggests the further step of obtaining the Agency EC approval of the Strategic Plan prior to implementation.

The Workforce Capacity Business Transformation Initiative will develop a strategic plan for the Agency’s PHWD activities based on a clearly defined mandate and with significant consultation with the Agency branches through individual Branch Executive Committees and discussions at the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Steering Committee. This consultation will identify and validate the elements of a strategic plan to ensure that it aligns with business and program objectives, such as training, skills management and identification of workforce needs. Further consultation with external stakeholders through the public health network will be undertaken as required.

PHWD Strategic Plan developed and approved by EC.

November 2013


Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsible

Recommendation 3

It is recommended that the Director General, Office of Public Health Practice establish a formal internal governance structure to provide direction and oversight to the delivery of Agency Public Health Workforce Development activities.

Management agrees with the recommendation and recognizes that there is value to be gained from using governing systems that are already in place.

The DG, OPHP will consult with branch executive committees and/or ADM Steering Committee to explore the feasibility of utilizing existing governing structures, specifically the Workforce Management Committee, to provide direction and oversight to the Agency’s PHWD activities.

The PHWD Strategic Plan will address the changes required to the governance structures and processes to enable decisions to be made in alignment with Agency priorities and objectives.

Identification of appropriate governance structure and processes, and presentation for EC approval.

December 2013


Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsible

Recommendation 4

It is recommended that the Director General, Office of Public Health Practice expand and formalize the risk management process to include the implementation of consistent processes for identifying and managing risks as part of its Public Health Workforce Development management processes.

Management agrees with the recommendation and highlights the importance of the Director General of human resources and Risk Management Oversight Committee involvement in this process.

The Director General, Office of Public Health Practice will ensure that a comprehensive risk management process is clearly identified in the Agency’s Public Health Workforce Development Strategic Plan.

The Director General, Office of Public Health Practice will ensure that improved risk management practices related to Public Health Workforce Development are highlighted in the next iteration of the Agency’s Corporate Risk Profile.

Internally, risks will be managed through the existing monthly reporting as part of the performance measurement framework.

Establish risk management guidelines in Agency PHWD Strategic Plan.

December 2013


Include risk management for Agency’s PHWD in the next Corporate Risk Profile.

Identify and implement best practices for identification of risks as part of the operational level annual planning.

Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsible

Recommendation 5

It is recommended that the Director General, Office of Public Health Practice establish a common process for Public Health Workforce Development program/project planning to ensure a systematic approach to operational planning and monitoring.

Management agrees with the recommendation noting that the operational planning and monitoring processes must be developed in collaboration with other Agency branches and with the DG of human resources.

The Strategic Plan and governance guidelines will include frameworks to assist the Agency branches to coordinate the PHWD planning and monitoring activities.

The DG, OPHP will convene a group of Agency stakeholders to draft PHWD planning and monitoring systems that feed in to the Agency Operational Plan. It is strongly recommended that this activity be undertaken in partnership with the DG of human resources.

Identify and implement common operational planning and monitoring strategies for Agency PHWD.

October 2013


Annual planning meeting of key stakeholders.

October 2014


Annual report card on PHWD activities.

October 2014


Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsible

Recommendation 6

It is recommended that the Director General, Office of Public Health Practice enhance the performance measurement approach for Public Health Workforce Development to include a comprehensive and consistent focus on the measurement of program activities, outputs and results in order to better inform management’s decision-making.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

The Agency is in the process of finalizing the performance measurement framework for PHWD as part of the development of the Program Activity Architecture.

The Agency’s PHWD Strategic Plan will be a key element of Workforce Capacity Business Transformation Initiative. The PHWD strategic and operational plans will incorporate clear performance measurement indicators that will ensure that activities are aligned with overarching Program Alignment Architecture measures.

Implement strategy for performance measurement of Agency PHWD activities.

January 2013


Quarterly reporting on PHWD activities.

March 2013


Annual reporting into Agency Operational Plan.

March 2014


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