Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Self-assessment on actions undertaken to advance a renewed conversation on values and ethics


Part I. Values and ethics training plans

Question 1

Has your organization developed department-specific values and ethics training plans down to the divisional level?

  • Yes

If not, to what level have department-specific values and ethics training plans been developed and what is your target time frame for completing this work?

The Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor or the Agency) is a micro-Agency with approximately 120 employees. Our headquarters are located in Iqaluit, Nunavut, with regional offices in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and Whitehorse, Yukon, along with a liaison office in Ottawa. Given our unique operating environment, CanNor has developed values and ethics scenarios that individual teams within CanNor can use for in-depth discussions relevant to their functional areas and operating realities. This training complements the existing mandatory training provided by the Canada School of Public Service.

Question 2

Has your organization fully implemented department-specific training plans?

  • No

If not, what is your target time frame for completing this work?

CanNor has not yet implemented the new Agency-specific training; we expect to have it fully implemented in the fall of 2024.

Part II. Codes of conduct

Question 3

Has your organization reviewed its code of conduct?

  • Yes, my organization has reviewed its code of conduct.

Question 4

If your organization is in the process of reviewing its code of conduct, what is your target time frame for completing the review?

CanNor recently completed a review of its code of conduct and will be implementing the new code over the coming months along with the new Agency-specific training mentioned above.

Question 5

If your organization has completed the review of its code of conduct, did this review lead to updates?

  • Yes, my organization updated its code of conduct.

Please briefly describe the nature of any updates made (e.g., to clarify expected behaviours, to align with the emerging context, to include emerging risks) or explain why no updates were deemed necessary.

CanNor's review of its code of conduct has led to several updates, including:

  • CanNor-specific examples: We've added specific examples relevant to CanNor employees. For instance, a section on gifts and hospitality from Indigenous groups now provides guidance, considering our close collaboration with Indigenous communities and organizations.
  • Conduct outside the workplace: Unlike the previous Code, the updated version explicitly addresses the connection between expected behaviors and conduct outside of work. This clarity is especially crucial for employees in small communities, where their occupation and workplace are well-known, potentially impacting the Agency's reputation.
  • New sections covering:
    • Duty of loyalty
    • Prevention of harassment and conflict in the workplace
    • Use of government electronic networks and devices
    • Social media usage
    • Use of artificial intelligence

These updates reflect the evolving work environment and aim to offer employees better guidance.

Part III. Discussions on personal accountability in upholding public service values and ethics

Question 6

What activities or actions has your organization undertaken to foster a conversation at all levels on personal accountability to uphold our public service values and ethics?

  • Dedicated discussions at executive and management committee meetings
  • Focused engagement sessions for specific functional areas (e.g., operations, finance, communications, policy, human resources)

Please provide additional details on activities that you have undertaken, including those not listed above.

Work in this area will continue over the next few months as we roll out the updated CanNor Code of Conduct and training initiatives. Individual team discussions will offer additional opportunities for management to involve employees throughout the Agency in understanding the significance of upholding our public service values and ethics within the context of CanNor’s northern mandate and operating environment.

Question 7

Has your organization taken any actions to ensure that conversations on personal accountability to uphold our public service values and ethics occur on a continuing basis?

  • Included as part of the onboarding process for new employees
  • Incorporated in employees’ professional development and mandatory learning plans

Please provide details on activities that you have undertaken, including those not listed above.

To ensure that conversations on values and ethics occur on a continuing basis, the Agency has implemented the following:

  • Values and ethics and the CanNor Code of Conduct are included as discussion items in our onboarding checklist. 
  • Values and ethics training is mandatory for all employees.
  • Many executives include a discussion on values and ethics as part of the performance management process.

Part IV. Additional information

Question 8

What recurring themes (e.g., social media, emerging technology, conflicts of interest) have emerged from conversations with employees (e.g., students, new public servants, front-line service providers, managers, executives, members of functional/horizontal communities/employee networks) across your organization?

Conversations at the executive level have highlighted the use of social media, the use of artificial intelligence, and conduct outside of the workplace as topics requiring special attention. Additionally, ensuring that our employees in small communities understand how to manage and mitigate real, potential and perceived conflicts of interest is essential. 

Question 9

How have you adjusted your learning activities to address recurring themes (e.g., adjusted training plans, developed specific case studies, invited expert speakers to focus on emerging themes)?

As previously mentioned, information sessions across the Agency will include targeted scenarios to elicit discussion and provide guidance on the recurring themes. 

Question 10

Are there any actions or learning activities that have been particularly successful in fostering conversations within your organization (e.g., new tools, creative approaches that have resonated well with employees and managers, meeting with small groups, equipping managers to lead conversations, equipping values and ethics office/practitioners)?

Equipping executives with tools and Agency-specific scenarios to support team and individual conversations has been helpful.

Question 11

What indicators will be used to measure increased employee awareness of the role of values and ethics in their daily work (e.g., Public Service Employee Survey, pulse surveys, engagement with focus groups)?

Given the size of our Agency, informal discussions and feedback from managers and employees will help us measure our progress as well as results of the Public Service Employee Survey.

Question 12

Will these indicators be disaggregated by identity factors?

  • No

Question 13

Is there any additional information that you would like to share regarding your organization’s work on values and ethics (e.g., to advance particular recommendations of the Deputy Ministers’ Task Team on Values and Ethics Report)?

As we move forward, we remain committed to implementing CanNor’s newly updated Code of Conduct and providing valuable training to staff across the Agency. Our goal is to equip employees with practical guidance that directly addresses their day-to-day realities. By doing so, we ensure that CanNor continues to uphold its public service values and ethics in its unique northern mandate and operating context.

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