Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) – applicant guide

The intake period for the Jobs and Growth Fund in the Prairie provinces is now closed. Applications received and acknowledged by PrairiesCan prior to the intake period closing will be evaluated subject to remaining funding.

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This help guide is a companion for Prairies Economic Development Canada's (PrairiesCan) Jobs and Growth Fund.

The Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) provides funding to businesses and organizations to help create jobs, and position Canada’s economy for an inclusive recovery and long-term growth. Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies (RDAs), in this case PrairiesCan, the fund will provide $700 million nationally over 3 years to position the regional economies for long-term growth by transitioning to a green economy, fostering an inclusive recovery, enhancing competitiveness, and creating jobs across Canada.

Applications will be accepted through a continuous intake process.  All projects must be completed prior to March 31, 2024, as no further funding will be available after that date.

For more information regarding the program please contact us.

Eligible applicants

Eligible activities

The JGF will support projects that contribute to near-term job creation and long-term resilience through projects that will:

Please refer to the landing page for further details on these eligible activities.

Project examples

How to complete the application

Refer to the guide below for information on how to complete the application form.

Organization information

Legal name of applicant organization*

The legal name as shown on the certificate of incorporation or registration.

Operating name (if different than legal name)

Provide the name you are operating under if different from the full legal name.

Mailing address (including suite, unit, apt. #)

The mailing address of the applicant organization.


Your organization’s website address (if available).

Email address

Include the general email address of your organization.

Are you an Indigenous (First Nation, Métis, Inuit) organization or government?*

Select Yes or No.

Corporate status*

Indicate if your organization is a for-profit or not-for-profit.

Organization type (select best fit)*

Select from the drop down menu what most accurately reflects your organization type.

I have a CRA Business Number*

Select Yes or No.

Provide your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business number or Goods and Services Tax (GST) number (first 9 digits only)

The unique business number or GST number assigned to the applicant organization by the CRA. A business number or GST number must be obtained through the CRA. For information on obtaining a business number visit the CRA’s business number registration page.

Incorporation number

As shown on your Certification of Incorporation.

Date of incorporation

Indicate the date the organization was incorporated.

Jurisdiction of incorporation*

Select from the drop down menu your organization’s jurisdiction of incorporation.

In the province of

Indicate in which province the organization was incorporated.

Alternative number and alternative number type

Please enter if you do not have a CRA Business Number or Incorporation Number, so your organization can be identified (e.g. band number, education number).

Number of employees working for your organization (full time equivalents)

Indicate the number of FTEs working for your organization (and if applicable, any affiliated companies). Part-time employees should be calculated based on their equivalent to a FTE (i.e., 1 part time employee working approx. 20 hrs/week should be represented as 0.5 FTE).

Provide a brief summary of your organization (maximum of 500 characters, including spaces)

The description of the applicant organization and an explanation of the organization’s mandate and priorities.

Include the date your organization established business in Canada.

Indicate if your organization is a subsidiary of another company.

Project primary contact person*

This person will be contacted for any follow-up on this application.

Project secondary contact*

This person will be contacted if the primary contact is unavailable.

Project information

Project title (maximum of 90 characters, including spaces)*

Provide a project title that accurately reflects the activities and results of the project. Should your project be approved, this description will be disclosed on PrairiesCan’s public website as part of its proactive disclosure guidelines. A project title can be a maximum of 90 characters, including spaces.

Project address is the same as mailing address on the account? (Yes / No)

Select “Yes” if the address at which the project will be undertaken is the same as the organization’s mailing address. If checked, the mailing address will be automatically entered.

Project address / location iIncluding suite, unit, apt #):*

If the project address is different from the mailing address, enter the location at which the project will take place.

Briefly describe your project activities in plain language. This is an important section as it will be used in summary documents to describe your project at various review stages. (maximum of 1,000 characters, including spaces)*

The description should provide the department with a high-level overview of the project and outline the main elements of the project. It should provide an understanding of why you are seeking financial assistance, how you will use the funds, and how the funds will support the objectives of your project. Do not use technical language in this section.

Eligible projects should provide linkages to job creation and long-term resilience through projects that will meet program objectives:

1) transitioning to a green economy; 2) fostering an inclusive recovery; 3) preserve Canada’s competitiveness, future proof SMEs and enhance resilience through productivity improvement and digital adoption; and 4) strengthening capacity in sectors critical to Canada’s recovery and growth.

You will be provided another opportunity to explain how your project meets these program objectives when completing the Jobs and Growth supplemental form.

You will have an opportunity to provide a Full Project Description in the Timelines section.


Briefly describe the economic benefits associated with this project. (maximum of 1,000 characters, including spaces)*

Provide an explanation as to how economic outcomes (e.g. job creation, revenue growth, etc) will be achieved. Identify and detail all assumptions to support the reasonableness of your economic outcomes.  All projects will be screened for significance of outcomes and the likelihood of achieving them.

If your project supports the Government of Canada’s commitment to inclusive growth (under-represented groups) you may include this in your explanation. Note: recipients will be encouraged to track inclusiveness indicators.

You will be provided another opportunity to explain in the ‘Benefits’ section.

Which RDA priority does this project best support?

Choose priority that best aligns with your project’s objectives, activities, and outcomes. Your project may be compared to similar projects within the chosen priority area.

To select 1 of RDA’s priorities, click on the magnifying glass icon and the “Lookup records” window will appear where you can then select a priority from. Scroll down for “Other.”

RDA Priority

Lookup records

Explain how this project supports the indicated priority. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Explain in detail how the project’s objectives, activities, and outcomes align with the selected PrairiesCan priority.

Project timelines

Proposed start date*

This is the proposed date the agreement between the Recipient and RDA comes into effect. Eligible project costs incurred after this date may be reimbursed with proper documentation. This date may be up to 12 months prior to the receipt of application, but no earlier than April 19, 2021. Any costs incurred prior to this date are not eligible for reimbursement under the terms of the agreement and are outside of the scope of the project.

Proposed end date*

This is the anticipated date the project activity will cease and may be as late as March 31, 2024.

Project costs

Description, type, amount


List the various cost items you anticipate incurring in the implementation of the project. Each cost item should have its own line (see instructions below).

Recipients must ensure all project cost items are clearly verifiable.


Indicate if the cost is capital (e.g. purchase of equipment and associated costs such as installation) or non-capital (e.g. salaries, professional fees).


The anticipated amount of the cost item.

Total project costs

Automatically sums the cost items listed above.

Note: This total must equal the total expenditures from the ‘Cash flows’ section below.

To add a project cost item, click on the Add New Cost Item button and the following window will appear for you to provide the information. Click the Submit button once complete. You will still have the ability to edit the project cost item after hitting this Submit button.

Add Project Cost Item

Cash flows

Total fiscal expenditures, RDA funding, non–RDA funding

Total fiscal expenditures

Anticipated total project costs incurred from April 19, 2021 to March 31, 2022 (2021-22); April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 (2022-23); and April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 (2023-24). 

RDA funding

The amount of RDA funding being requested to support 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 expenses.

Non-RDA funding

Automatically generated: the portion of project expenditures not covered by RDA funding.

To enter cash flow information, click the down arrow on the far right for the fiscal year you are interested in (e.g. 2021-22). Click the Edit option that appears.

Cash Flows

Enter the Expenditures and RDA Amount Requested information and then hit Submit. You will still have the ability to edit the project cost item after hitting the Submit button.  

Total expenditures, total RDA funding requested, and total non-RDA funding

The system will automatically calculate total RDA funding requested, as well as ‘Total fiscal expenditures.’ Note that this total must equal total projects costs from the ‘Project costs’ section.

RDA funding requested*

This is the sum of the ‘RDA funding’ column in the ‘Cash flows’ section. It is automatically calculated.

Total expenditures*

This is the sum of the ‘Total fiscal expenditures’ column in the ‘Cash flows’ section. It is automatically calculated.

Note: This total must equal the ‘Total project costs’ from the ‘Project costs’ section above.

Total non-RDA funding*

This is the sum of the ‘Non-RDA funding’ column in the ‘Cash flows’ section. It is automatically calculated.

Note: This total must equal the ‘Amount provided by funding partners’ from the ‘Funding partners’ section below.

The solid arrows point to the fields that must balance, and the dotted lines indicate what column is being summed to produce those totals.

Funding partners

The first line in the list of funding partners is reserved for the applicant organization. Please add other funding partners or contributors, if any, in subsequent rows. Identify all potential contributors that will provide a monetary contribution to the project. In-kind contributions are not eligible, and therefore should not be listed in this section. In-kind contribution is defined as a project cost that does not involve a cost incurred and paid for by the project proponent.

1) To add a funding partner, click on the Add New Funding Partner button and the following window will appear for you to input the information. Click the Submit button once complete. You will still have the ability to edit the project cost item after hitting this Submit button.

Create Funding Partner

2) To edit what your organization will be contributing towards this project, click the down arrow on the far right for the fiscal year you are interested in. Click the Edit option that appears and a similar pop-up window as shown above will appear.

Funding Partners

Applicant, other funding partners

Identify all potential project contributors including the applicant organization that will provide funding as a monetary contribution or in-kind contribution. Note: applicants must ensure all contributions are clearly verifiable.

Funding category

Select from the drop down menu the description that best reflects the funding source.

Funding confirmed

In the case where your organization (Applicant) is a source of funding, indicate yes if you have cash on hand.


The anticipated amount of funding this partner (Applicant or funding partner) will provide.

Total amount provided by funding partners

Automatically sums the funding amounts listed above.

Note: This total must equal the ‘Total non-RDA funding’ from the ‘Cash flows’ section above.

Briefly describe any partnerships (non-financial and financial) including any costs covered (maximum of 1,200 characters, including spaces)*

Describe partnerships that would be important to the success of the proposed project.


Primary activity*

Choose 1 primary activity that best aligns with your project’s objectives, activities, and outcomes. Your project may be compared to similar projects of a chosen primary activity.


Note these should be measured from the project funding start date until 1 year following the project completion.

Number of jobs maintained

A job maintained refers to a job that existed within the organization prior to the project, but will not continue, or would likely be lost if the project is not funded. One FTE job is the equivalent of 12 person-months of employment. In the case of seasonal or part time employment, the person months of employment should be converted to FTE job. For example, an employee that works 6 months of the year is 0.5 FTE.

Number of jobs created

A job created refers to a job that did not exist with the organization prior to the project, but which was created as a result of the project.

Revenue growth

Provide a numerical value that totals the year over year from the project funding start date to 1 year following the project completion date.

Number of entities supported (businesses or organizations)

For organizations that support businesses, provide a numerical value.

Number of clients receiving business services

For organizations that support businesses, provide a numerical value.

Number of communities supported

If applicable, provide a target of the number of communities your project expects to support.  It should be a numerical value that totals the year over year from the project funding start date to 1 year following the project completion date.

Please provide information on any other significant economic benefits that your project could achieve (maximum 2,000 characters, including spaces)*

Provide a detailed explanation as to how the economic outcomes listed above will be achieved and list economic outcomes not listed above. Identify the numbers of jobs requiring highly qualified personnel, which is defined as individuals with university degrees at the bachelor’s level and above. Identify and detail all assumptions to support the reasonableness of your economic outcomes. All projects will be screened for significance of outcomes and their likelihood of achievement.

Does your project have activities that will benefit Francophones? If your project includes activities that will directly benefit the Francophone community in Western Canada or if you are willing to modify your project to extend its benefits to the Francophone community, choose yes.*

Select Yes or No.

If yes, describe how the project activities will benefit Francophones (maximum of 1,500 characters, including spaces).*

Explain how this project will or could benefit the Francophone community in Western Canada and what specific activity(ies) will or could include.


Full project description (maximum of 3,000 characters including spaces).

This description should provide clear understanding of the following:

Project timeline – milestones*

A milestone is a project activity that can be clearly defined and measured. Provide a list of significant activities or project milestones than can be measured and tracked to ensure the project is proceeding as planned. These should be significant milestones that will be used to ensure your project’s performance over the course of the project, up to the stated completion date of the project.

Date of expected completion*

This is the date that the milestone should be completed by.

Timeline comments*

Add any information necessary to provide additional clarity regarding the milestones.


Are other organizations currently providing a similar activity, service, or product?

Select Yes or No.

Describe how your activity, service, or product is different or unique compared to others (maximum of 1,000 characters, including spaces)

For-profit organizations: How many years has your organization been doing business in the indicated target market/sector List your major competitors. Describe how your project could affect your competitive position and/or market share within Canada and internationally. Identify if your project will adversely impact other businesses in Canada.

Not-for-profit applicants: Identify any similar or complementary initiatives in Canada or internationally. Does your project build upon or duplicate other initiatives or clearly illustrate that your project is not duplicating existing programs. Outline how your activity, service or product is different or unique?

Provide the rationale for the project and RDA’s involvement in the project (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Fully explain how the project will fill a market gap or an industry need.

  • Describe the opportunity or challenge and how your project is a solution.
  • Provide a rationale for government’s role in the project.
  • Provide details on how this project is incremental to the organization’s current operations or activities.
  • Clearly outline if the project aligns with other Government of Canada priorities; provincial government priorities; industry needs; and your organization’s long-term research, capital, and/or strategic plans.
Which western Canadian province(s) will directly benefit from this project? Select all that apply.

Select all provinces that apply.

Will the project result in the generation of revenues?

Select Yes or No

If yes, please explain (maximum of 1,000 characters including spaces).

For not-for-profit/non-commercial projects only: Explain how much and what the revenues will be used for in the comment box.


Clearly demonstrate that your organization has effective governance measures in place to execute this project. Indicate how oversight will be provided to the project. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation of how your organization is governed (e.g., board of directors, advisory board) and its structure along with a brief explanation of key executives’ credentials (e.g., indicate the level of experience of the board members, such as the number of years of experience each member has on the board of directors). Clearly demonstrate that your organization has effective governance measures in place to provide appropriate oversight of this project. Indicate how these individuals will specifically be involved in providing oversight on the project.

Describe the qualifications and related experience of the key individuals that will be responsible for managing and implementing the project. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)*

Provide an explanation of the qualifications and experience of those members of your organization who will be directly managing and implementing this project. Clearly demonstrate that your organization has the management skills and leadership to carry out this project.

Jobs and Growth – Supplemental form (Download fillable PDF form)

Does your project have environmental benefits, or otherwise support the goals of transitioning to a green economy?  Examples include projects with benefits related to renewable energy, greening of buildings, sustainable transport, sustainable development, water or waste management, etc.

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please explain: (e.g. reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adoption of clean technology, climate change adaptation projects, etc.) (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.

Does your project support the development or adoption of digital solutions to improve productivity and/or increase efficiency? Examples include projects with benefits to help scale businesses, enhance their productive capacities, and increase resilience.

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please outline how your project will leverage digital investments and/or automation to help scale-up business, enhance productivity or increase resilience. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.

Will your project support the strengthening of sectors critical to Canada’s recovery and growth and help build future resiliency (e.g., food production, medical supplies, biomanufacturing, etc.)?

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please indicate the critical sector(s) and how your project will contribute to growth and long-term resiliency in Canada. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.

Will your project support key economic sectors within your region by enhancing supply chains and/or strengthening production capacity or capabilities?

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please provide your project details and how your project outcomes align with increased sectoral sustainability and capacity building. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.

Will your project foster an inclusive recovery?

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please describe how your project activities and outcomes will foster an inclusive recovery by supporting 1 or more of the following under-represented groups: women, youth (ages 15-34), Indigenous peoples, Black communities, racialized communities, newcomers to Canada, 2SLGBTQI+, and persons with disabilities, members of an official language minority communities (Francophone). (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.

Has your organization experienced (or is continuing to experience) challenges due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please outline how your organization was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and describe how this project will further contribute to recovery and position your organization/community for future growth. (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.

Please include all other government COVID-19 support you are receiving by listing the name of the program and the amount of funding received (examples include CEWS, CERS, BCAP, HASCAP).

Is your organization, its directors or officers a party to legal proceedings that may adversely affect the business?

Select Yes or No.

If yes, please provide details (maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces)

Indicate if there are any current legal actions which could, directly or indirectly, affect the organization.

Are any of the activities of the proposed project expected to occur on federal lands?*

Select Yes or No.


Upload here the supporting documents to be provided with your application

Upload the following mandatory documents (marked*) and other supporting documents:

  • financial statements for the past 2 years* (Interim financial statements are acceptable for new businesses that do not have financial statements for the past 2 years.)
  • interim financial statement (past 6 months)*
  • forecasted income statements and cash flows*
  • confirmed funding*
  • Jobs and Growth supplemental form*
  • marketing/business plan (e.g. Information to include in a business plan by BDC business plan website)
  • project plan
  • independent market assessment
  • supporting documents

Signing authority

Indicate the individual within your organization who has signing power/the authority to enter into an agreement. This person may be different from the contact person. Note that the fields marked with the red* need to be completed in order to submit this form.

Diversity and inclusion

The Government of Canada is committed to diversity and inclusion so that all Canadians have the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the growth of the economy. Gender and diversity data collected may be used for research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, risk management, strategy development, reporting, and gender-based analysis (including GBA+). This information can help the Government of Canada monitor progress on inclusive access to federal support programs and services; to identify and remove barriers; and, to make changes to improve inclusive access. The Government of Canada understands that participation of underrepresented groups is an integral part of building strong and inclusive communities and economy.

No personal identifying information will be shared. Aggregate and anonymous data may be shared with other federal organizations and/or published for reporting and monitoring purposes.

Is your organization majority (i.e. over 50%) owned or led by individuals who self identify as:

Definition: majority owned or led is defined as individuals with long-term control and management of the organization and an active role in both strategic and day-to-day decision making.

If applicable, please indicate whether your organization is led or majority-owned by 1 or more of the listed groups. Note that this information may be used in the assessment process. Aggregate and anonymous data may be shared with other federal organizations, and/or published for reporting and monitoring purposes. If you do not know if a particular group is involved in the management team, or prefer not to answer, please select ‘prefer not to answer/do not know’ from the drop down box.

Will your project directly support any of the following diverse groups?

This question is regarding the people that will benefit from this project. Will your project directly support any of the groups listed? If so, please answer ‘yes’.  If you do not know if your project will directly support a particular group, or prefer not to answer, just leave the field blank. This information may be considered in assessing your project.

If yes, please specify (maximum of 1,500 characters, including spaces)

Provide an explanation.


For this step, any errors or omissions in the form will be brought to your attention, and you will be given the opportunity to review them, and make any necessary corrections.


Before you can complete and submit your application, it is necessary in this final step for you to affirm that you are aware of certain statutory obligations, that your organization meets the eligibility requirements for the Jobs and Growth Fund, and that the collected information may also be used for consideration under other government programs.

Click off the check box to indicate you have read and agree with the acknowledgements.

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