Backgrounder: Minister Boissonnault announces federal investments for inclusive learning and skills development in Alberta


PrairiesCan is investing over $8.8 million for 11 projects in Alberta through several federal programs, including the Community Economic Development and Diversification program (CEDD); the Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF); and the Regional Innovation Ecosystems program (RIE). These investments are expected to support over 1,600 jobs and approximately 4,500 training opportunities.

Total PrairiesCan funding of $8,807,705 for these 11 Alberta organizations is enabling inclusive youth learning supports and skills development for underrepresented groups such as Indigenous entrepreneurs, newcomers, and women. 

Community Economic Development and Diversification program (CEDD) - $1,534,324

The CEDD program supports economic development initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and diversification of communities across the Prairie provinces. Through this program, PrairiesCan enables communities to leverage their capacity and strengths to respond to economic development opportunities and adjust to changing and challenging economic circumstances. Today, PrairiesCan announced CEDD support for two organizations:

  • Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (Cando) ($184,324)

Create a coaching program for Indigenous youth economic development officers, entrepreneurs, and business owners.

  • Momentum ($1,350,000)

Expand existing start-up business development programs, including those related to social enterprises, and increase access to these programs for underrepresented groups in the Calgary area.

Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) - $2,758,117

The JGF is a $700-million federal program to support regional job creation and position local economies for long-term growth. The Fund provides businesses and organizations with either interest-free loans or non-repayable funding to help job creators and the organizations that support them to prepare for growth, build resiliency, enhance competitiveness, and create jobs. Today, PrairiesCan announced JGF support for two organizations:

  • Community Futures Entre-Corp ($407,050)

Develop the Workforce Initiative South East (WISE) program to support underrepresented workers, including youth, women and new Canadians, to re-enter the workforce and find better career opportunities in growth sectors and emerging industries in southeast Alberta.

  • Technology Alberta ($2,351,067)

Develop and implement Phase II of the First Industrial Research, Science or Technology (FIRST) job placement program.

Regional Innovation Ecosystems program (RIE) - $4,515,264

The RIE program helps create, grow, and nurture inclusive regional ecosystems that support what business needs to innovate from start to finish. Through RIE, targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow and compete globally. RIE also promotes inclusive growth by helping underrepresented groups more fully participate in the innovation economy. Today, PrairiesCan announced RIE support for seven organizations:

  • The A100 (incorporated as Alberta 100 Tech Entrepreneurs Inc.) ($150,000)

Develop a training program and platform to cultivate technical marketing and customer success talent for small- and medium-sized enterprise growth in Alberta. The new funding builds on PrairiesCan’s previously announced funding of $236,500 towards the program.

  • Alberta Chambers of Commerce ($765,632)

Improve labour market outcomes and support economic recovery through facilitating and coordinating with post-secondaries in Alberta.

  • Cybera Inc. ($700,000)

Grow data science talent for Alberta’s small- and medium-sized firms through mentorship and work integrated learning that will provide aspiring data scientists with applied industry experience and hands-on training.

  • InceptionU ($1,200,000)

Develop and deliver a program for tech-transitioning talent that provides small- and medium-sized firms access to skilled labour to accelerate the growth of Alberta’s digital technology sector.

  • Mindfuel Foundation ($363,606)

Support an early-stage entrepreneurship business training pilot that will bring promising young talent together with early ecosystem supporters and mentors. This new funding builds on PrairiesCan’s previously announced funding of $229,625 towards this project.

  • Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) ($308,026)

Create and deliver the Blue Book Program to provide students with the opportunity to move a business from ideation to launch.

  • Young Agrarians ($1,028,000)   

Scale up the Young Agrarians Grow-A-Farmer Program to deliver specialized agriculture entrepreneurship programming, on-farm internship, business mentorship, and ecosystem capacity building to increase new and young people entering the sector, and enterprise-readiness for new farm entrepreneurs across the Prairies.

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