Location spotlight – Lethbridge, Alberta

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An illustrated map featuring the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. A location marker is pointing to the approximate location on the map where Lethbridge, Alberta is located.

Lethbridge is a vibrant community with a population of over 107,000, known for its collaborative spirit that benefits the entire region of southern Alberta. The city is in the center of a trading area that serves nearly 342,000 people in Alberta, British Columbia, and the State of Montana.

Located just one hour north of the Alberta-Montana border, Lethbridge is closer to the U.S. market than any other city in Alberta and is also easily accessible to major markets across Western Canada by road, rail, and air.

A photo of the High Level Bridge in Lethbridge, with flowers and grass in the foreground, and a blue sky in the background. An aerial view of Lethbridge.

Discover Lethbridge

Often referred to as the “Gateway to Opportunity,” Lethbridge has a rich history rooted in its natural resources and drift mines. With over 330 days of sunshine annually and 85% of Alberta’s irrigated land, Lethbridge is a prime location for agriculture and value-added ag industries.

Additionally, Lethbridge is a cultural and historic gem, located just an hour away from four UNESCO World Heritage Sites and boasting an active film industry and local music scene. Did you know scenes from Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Interstellar, and The Last of Us were filmed in and around Lethbridge?

A photo of the City Hall building in Lethbridge. The front of the building is cylindrical, with floor to ceiling windows. A photo from a scene in the movie Interstellar, featuring a corn field with a farmhouse and farm equipment situated in the centre of it. A photo of a large outdoor sign that reads “Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site.”

PrairiesCan’s Lethbridge office

PrairiesCan’s office in Lethbridge is located in the historic downtown post office clock tower building (“The Post”), a landmark with deep historical roots. This building is not only a significant part of the city’s heritage but is also rumored to be haunted!

The office’s central location in downtown Lethbridge provides convenient access to the city’s vibrant cultural and economic activities, while also offering an accessible and welcoming space for potential clients to engage with PrairiesCan and explore their innovative ideas.

A photo of downtown Lethbridge, primarily featuring the post office clock tower building nestled among trees and other commercial buildings. A shot of the entrance to PrairiesCan’s office in Lethbridge, featuring a wall with a TV mounted on it that is showing PrairiesCan’s logo.

“The Lethbridge and southern Alberta regions are very collaborative when it comes to growth and support of the area. Having a representative from PrairiesCan in Lethbridge increases access that individuals and businesses in southern Alberta have to federal programs and makes it much easier for us to understand the needs of the region.

The more we know and are engaged with the local network, the easier it will be to positively impact and support the ongoing work to grow a resilient economy and collaborative community.

Entrepreneurs, businesses, students, organizations, and communities are already benefiting, and as PrairiesCan becomes more known, the ability to impact will only increase. This community of partners is small but mighty!”
— Brandie Lea, PrairiesCan Business Officer

A portrait of Brandie Lea, who is looking at the camera and smiling.

Economic organizations

In addition to PrairiesCan, Lethbridge is home to a number of other community-minded organizations, institutions, businesses, and individuals who work collaboratively to support economic activity in the region. Some of these organizations include: Community Futures Lethbridge Region, Economic Development Lethbridge, Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta, Alberta SouthWest Regional Alliance, and SouthGrow Regional Economic Development.

A photo of a set of front doors to a building, with decals on the doors’ windows that say “Economic Development Lethbridge.” A logo featuring an abstract green leaf, with text: “Community Futures Lethbridge Region.” A photo of the reception area of an office. Bookshelves are in the background.

Academic institutions

Academic institutions in Lethbridge are driving forward technological advancements and creating an environment of innovation on the Prairies. The University of Lethbridge is renowned for its high-quality research in various fields, while Lethbridge Polytechnic is making strides in applied research in agriculture, value-added ag, and in the cutting-edge fields of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Extended Reality (XR).

An aerial view of the University of Lethbridge building, situated on a grassy hill. A photo of a woman wearing virtual reality goggles, smiling with her hands out in front of her.

Lethbridge success story: Alberta Sugar Beet Growers Association

PrairiesCan recently supported the Alberta Sugar Beet Growers Association (SBGA) by investing $242,000 towards a project aimed at evaluating new market opportunities to grow the Alberta sugar beet industry. This funding was part of a larger initiative with a total project cost of $610,000.

Additionally, PrairiesCan contributed more than $2 million to support a complementary project at Lethbridge College, which now operates as Lethbridge Polytechnic, with a total project cost of $5 million.

An image of a row of sugar beets in soil. A drone view of a Sugar Beet Harvester on a farm field.

This project added seven state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment at Lethbridge Polytechnic’s Agriculture Research Innovation Facility. This facility is home to the Mueller Irrigation Research Group and the Advanced Post Harvest Technology Centre, which are focused on industry-driven applied research.

Through this partnership, SBGA collaborated with the Advanced Post Harvest Technology team to explore innovative processing methods and value-added opportunities in the sugar beet industry. Specifically, SBGA had access to Lethbridge Polytechnic’s expertise and specialized equipment, enabling the partners to research and develop a novel product.

A photo of a lab technician walking towards a lab. A photo of a lab technician closing the doors to a lab.

In Lethbridge’s community

In January 2024, PrairiesCan partnered with Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) to host the Lethbridge Buyers Expo and Information Session, a valuable community event that brought together local businesses and government agencies.

Held at Tecconnect, the expo hosted 50 attendees and 12 agencies, including notable exhibitors like the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), Canadian Heritage, Defense Construction Canada, and more.

This event provided a rare and important opportunity for the Lethbridge community to engage face-to-face with government contacts, a significant advantage given the city’s distance from major hubs like Edmonton and Ottawa. Attendees appreciated the chance to connect in person and gain insights into the resources and support available to them.

A photo of the exterior of the Tecconnect building in Lethbridge at sunset. A photo featuring several people in a room mingling and conversing with one another.

“The people at PrairiesCan are genuinely interested in helping you find a way to strengthen and grow your company, stimulate innovation, and build communities.

“If you are looking for support and have a viable idea, connect with a PrairiesCan representative and they will be happy to offer guidance!

“It may be investment support, it may be an introduction to a funding agency or valuable contact, it may be advocacy for a project; we do our best to help you on your journey.”
— Brandie Lea, PrairiesCan Business Officer

A portrait of Brandie Lea, who is looking at the camera and smiling.

Lethbridge office contact information

The contact information for PrairiesCan’s Lethbridge service location may be found on our service locations page.

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