Dr. Julie Cruikshank awarded Polar Knowledge Canada’s 2019 Northern Science Award

News Release

Halifax, Nova Scotia, December 5, 2019 – Polar Knowledge Canada is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2019 Northern Science Award is Dr. Julie Cruikshank. The award was presented at the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting on December 5 2019 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Dr. Cruikshank, Professor Emerita of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, has a long and distinguished record of documenting the oral histories and life stories of Athapaskan and Tlingit elders, and exploring Yukon First Nations’ systems of narrative and knowledge. Her work, built on a foundation of respectful relationships, has helped Yukon First Nations recognize and honour the strengths of their cultural traditions, and has brought new insight into the nature of history and the interplay of different knowledge systems. Yukon Indigenous governments regularly draw on Dr. Cruikshank’s work and her knowledge.


“The Northern Science Award is an opportunity to honour exemplary achievement in the field of northern research. It also recognizes the crucial importance of transforming the results of research – knowledge – into action. Dr. Cruikshank’s work will continue to have an enormous impact on Yukoners and all Canadians for years to come.”

The Honourable Dan Vandal,
Minister of Northern Affairs

“Dr. Cruikshank’s work has supported lndigenous Yukoners in finding their rightful place in contemporary Yukon and Canadian society. As a result of her work, programs and services provided by the governments of Canada and Yukon – especially in education, health, environmental protection, community development, and justice – are better able to support efforts towards reconciliation, which will help improve opportunities for lndigenous Yukoners, and honour the values of Yukon First Nations citizens.”

Dr. David J. Scott,
President and CEO, Polar Knowledge Canada

Quick Facts

  • The Northern Science Award comprises the Centenary Medal, which commemorates the hundredth anniversary of the first International Polar Year (1882-1883), and a cash prize of $10,000.
  • First awarded in 1984, it is presented annually to an individual or a group who has made a significant contribution to meritorious knowledge and understanding of the Canadian North. In the spirit of the last International Polar Year (2007-2008), the Northern Science Award also recognizes the transformation of knowledge into action.

Associated Links

Northern Science Award: https://www.canada.ca/en/polar-knowledge/fundingforresearchers/awards.html#h2-1

Polar Knowledge Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/polar-knowledge.html


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Media Relations
Polar Knowledge Canada

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