Northern Scientific Training Program Special Awards

Malcolm Ramsay Memorial Award (Life Sciences)

Malcolm Ramsay (1949-2000) was a biology professor at the University of Saskatchewan and a world-renowned polar bear expert who died in a helicopter accident. To honour his invaluable contribution to Arctic research, an award has been set up in his name.

George Hobson Memorial Award (Physical Sciences)

George Hobson (1923-2015) was the second Director of the Polar Continental Shelf Project and a geophysicist specializing in seismic exploration. To honour his invaluable contribution to Arctic research and the NSTP, an award has been set up in his name.

Robert McGhee Award (Human Sciences)

Robert McGhee is an archaeologist whose research is focussed on the history of Arctic peoples, and who served on the Northern Scientific Training Program Committee for 25 years. To honour his invaluable contribution to Arctic research and the NSTP, an award has been set up in his name.

Éric Dewailly Memorial Award (Health Sciences)

Éric Dewailly (1957-2014) during his career was a Professor of Environmental Health at the faculty of Medicine of Laval University, Director of the Public Health Research Unit of the Laval University Medical Centre, and a scientific director of the WHO Collaborative Center in Environmental Health. To honour his invaluable contribution to Arctic research, an award has been set up in his name.

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