Tips for Completing a Record Suspension Application

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Tips for Completing a Record Suspension Application

Applying for a record suspension? You're not alone.

More than three million Canadians from all walks of life have a criminal record.

Each year, the Parole Board of Canada receives thousands of record suspension applications

from people who want to have their criminal record set aside.

Unfortunately, each year many of these applications are returned to applicants

before they can be processed because of missing or incomplete information.

This can delay a decision on a person's application by days, weeks, and even months. And that can put lives on hold.

To avoid delays, here are some simple steps to follow to ensure that your application is complete before you submit it.

First, read the Parole Board of Canada's Official Record Suspension Application Guide carefully,

and complete each of the steps listed in it.

The process may look complicated, but it's really not, especially if you take it one step at a time.

The Guide and a step-by-step video tutorial on how to apply for a record suspension are available on the PBC website, for free.

The Guide includes a number of official forms.

Make sure you read each form closely, and fill in each section as required.

Take your time, and answer all questions completely and truthfully.

Once you've done this, it's a good idea to double-check your answers so you don't forget anything.

The Parole Board of Canada must be able to read the information you write on the forms,

so make sure to print your answers clearly, and use blue ink, which is easier to read.

The PBC must also be able to identify all of your forms as yours, so print your name on both sides of each form,

and on any extra paper that you attach to it. You also need to sign your name on each form where indicated.

Make sure you get official seals or stamps and signatures on the Court Information Form and Local Police Records Check Form.

Include a copy of your proof of ID with your application (for example, a driver's license or health card).

Make sure that the photocopy or scan is clear and readable.

Include only original documents with your application,

except for immigration documents and your Proof of ID – these should be photocopies.

On the Measurable Benefit/Sustained Rehabilitation Form, you need to explain what the measurable benefit will be to you,

and in what ways it will sustain your rehabilitation into society.

"Measurable benefit" simply means "how will your life be improved" –

"for example, will it help you go back to school, get a special license, or a job?

"Sustained Rehabilitation" means "how will it help you to remain law abiding and contribute to society?"

Remember that all official court and police documents must be dated, signed, and have official seals or stamps.

Documents that have been tampered with will not be accepted.

Include the correct application fee of $657.77, by certified cheque, money order or bank draft.

Make it payable to the Receiver General of Canada.

You can also pay by credit card – see the Guide for details.

So that's it.

Remember – double check that you've included everything and that everything is properly filled in.

The checklist at the back of the Application Guide will help you with this.

And one last thing, if your mailing address changes after you send in your application,

you need to send the PBC your new address.

The Parole Board of Canada must be able to contact you directly.

For more information or assistance, visit the PBC website (,

call our 1-800 number (1-800-874-2652), or email us.

(On screen - Website:; Call (toll free) 1-800-874-2652; Email:


Please note that the PBC application fee referenced in this video is incorrect. The current application fee is $50.00. 

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