Fact Sheet - Appeal of a PBC Decision

Who can file an appeal?

You or a representative can appeal a decision of the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) on your conditional release.

Your representative can be a family member, friend, lawyer, community support, or another person you approve. Only one (1) person can be identified as a representative. A person becomes a representative when they file an appeal on behalf of the offender. No other forms or documents are required.

Decisions that can be appealed

Decisions that cannot be appealed

Grounds for an appealFootnote 1

How to submit an appeal

To submit an appeal, you or your representative must submit the following documents to the PBC’s Appeal Division:

The information must be submitted by either:

The Appeal of a PBC Decision form is available from your Case Management Team.

Representatives can access more information and the Appeal of PBC Decision form on the PBC’s website: Canada.ca/parole

The Appeal Division’s decision is final.

You or your representative can seek Judicial Review of an Appeal Division decision at the Federal Court within 30 days. Refer to subsection 18.1(2) of the Federal Courts Act for details.

For more information on the appeal process, contact your Case Management Team.

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