Ecological corridors projects selected for funding across Canada by province
Project title
Sustainability of the Plaisance-Tremblant Corridor Connectivity Plan
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Funding amount
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Project description
Expand the protected and conserved areas within the corridor by at least 75 hectares of land, gather scientific knowledge of wildlife use, road mortality rates, and ecosystem services to equip stakeholders, such as municipalities, with the knowledge to integrate connectivity into practices and policies.
Project title
Restoring Ecological Connectivity within the Frontenac Arch Region through Ethical Space and Co-governance
Frontenac Arch Biosphere Network
Funding amount
Matching funds
Total project amount
Project description
In partnership with the Algonquin to Adirondack Collaborative and Plenty Canada, advance work and conservation planning are underway in the Frontenac Arch region through Indigenous to non-Indigenous relationship-building, collaborative stewardship, corridor mapping, and road ecology research in the region, and advance co-management using Two-Eyed Seeing and Ethical Space.
Project title
Building the Highlands Corridor to connect three provincial parks in Central Ontario
Haliburton Highlands Land Trust
Funding amount
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Total project amount
Project description
Advance the protection of 8,500 hectares of ecologically significant lands and waters within the Highlands Corridor and 121 hectares of private land acquisition, while increasing private land stewardship through the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust “Partners in Conservation” program.
Project title
Activating Big Picture Ecological Corridor Opportunities in Ethical Space
Carolinian Canada Coalition
Funding amount
Matching funds
Total project amount
Project description
Using Ethical Space and Two-Eyed Seeing, advance a regional collaborative approach to conservation and stewardship, including an Indigenous-led approach to healing the land, support diverse stewards and communities to enhance 200 hectares of corridor lands through activities such as securement, healthy landscape planning, habitat restoration, zoning, stewardship agreements, easements, band council resolutions and more.
Project title
Delineation and Connectivity Enhancements of an Ecological Corridor in the Sault Ste. Marie and Garden River National Priority Area
Ontario Nature
Funding amount
Matching funds
Total project amount
Project description
In collaboration with Indigenous communities and regional partners, identify and assess gaps in ecological connectivity to delineate an ecological corridor, and develop draft governance and management approaches reflective of Indigenous and regional partner priorities.
Project title
Pronghorn Xing and the Assessment of Functional Ecological Corridors in the Grasslands of Alberta and Saskatchewan
Alberta Conservation Association
Funding amount
Matching funds
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Project description
Informed by scientific evidence and Indigenous knowledge, maintain the pronghorn’s core seasonal migration routes between summer and winter ranges by identifying corridors between remaining tracts of native prairie, through continued research on pronghorn movement using GPS collar data to inform final placement of wildlife crossing structures across the Trans-Canada Highway.
Project title
Advancing Ecological Connectivity, Corridors and Crossings in the Canadian Rockies of southwestern Alberta
Miistakis Institute
Funding amount
Matching funds
Total project amount
Project description
Collaboratively delineate corridors, improve the integration of ecological connectivity into government planning and policy, and expand road ecology research to monitor effectiveness of a road mitigation system recently announced for Highway 3. Expand, update, and socialize a unique Connectivity Risk Assessment tool which can be used to inform impacts of a development to specific corridors.
Project title
The North Cascades One River Grizzly Bear-Salmon Project
Okanagan Nation Alliance
Funding amount
Matching funds
Total project amount
Project description
Identify critical corridors for salmon and grizzly bears using a Two-Eyed seeing approach, create restoration action plans for the critical corridors and leverage the Nation Guardian programs for corridor monitoring and management.
Project title
Indigenous-led Cultural and Ecological Corridor from Southern to Central Vancouver Island
IISAAK OLAM Foundation
Funding amount
Matching funds
Total project amount
Project description
Enhance both ecological connectivity and cultural connectivity, through knowledge sharing, coordination of Indigenous-led conservation efforts, capacity building, and restoration to improve numerous habitats including rearing and spawning habitat for Pacific salmon.
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