Lytton Homeowner Resilient Rebuild Program

Helping to rebuild fire-resilient, energy-efficient, and comfortable homes

The Government of Canada is committed to helping Lytton build back better. The Homeowner Resilient Rebuild Program provides top-up grants for eligible Lytton homeowners who wish to rebuild fire-resilient or fire-resilient and Net Zero Homes.

Who is eligible for the program?

Owners of a residential property:

Eligible homeowners accepted into the program will receive grants towards building one of three home types:

  1. Fire-resilient
  2. Net Zero Ready and fire-resilient
  3. Net Zero and fire-resilient

Building to Net Zero standards requires working with certified Net Zero professionals to integrate specific design elements and materials from the very first stages of designing a home. The Homeowner Program includes support towards home design, construction, and Net Zero certification.

More information

The program is accepting applications until March 31, 2026. We encourage potential applicants to:

  1. Review the program eligibility requirements (see above).
  2. Download the information sheet for a step-by-step guide on accessing the program (see below).
  3. Reach out to PacifiCan at for a one-on-one consultation to discuss your rebuild plans and financing options and receive an application form.
  4. Contact the Canadian Home Builders’ Association to source a list of certified Net Zero builders: or 250-828-1844


Fire-Resilient Homes

Fire-resilient construction helps prevent damage to your home and belongings, and buys valuable time for evacuation
in the event of a fire. For example, fire-resilient homes include use of:
  • Non-combustible materials such as metal or asphalt roofing
  • Design features such as enclosed gutters and eaves
The Lytton Homeowner Resilient Rebuild Program is using a list of fire-resilient measures that was informed by FireSmart, the Wildlife Urban Interface guidelines, the Standards Council of Canada, as well as local bylaws.

PacifiCan will provide eligible homeowners with a program guide featuring this list of fire-resilient measures.
In order to receive the fire-resilient grant, the homeowner is required to meet all stated program measures.

Net Zero Ready and Net Zero Homes

Net Zero Homes produce as much clean energy as they consume and rely on renewable energy systems such as
solar panels. Net Zero Ready Homes are built to the same standards as Net Zero Homes, but without a renewable energy system installed.

Benefits of Net Zero Homes include:
  • Greater comfort and healthier living
    • Tightly built and well insulated, which quiets noise and reduces drafts
    • Provides power during outages
    • Filters air to reduce allergens such as dust, pollen and outdoor pollution
  • Reduces costs
    • Lowers utility bills
    • Protects homeowners from energy price increases
    • More durable due to high performance and better insulation
  • Environmentally responsible
    • Reduces energy consumption
    • Improves resilience to climate events such as heat waves
    • Preserves natural resources

It all adds up to a better living experience
Find out more about Net Zero Homes from the Canadian Home Builders’ Association:
Contact the Canadian Home Builders' Association Central Interior Office here:

T: 250-828-1844



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