Info Source at PacifiCan

Info Source provides an overview of information we collect, use, disclose and retain. For a detailed description, visit Treasury Board Secretariat’s Info Source page.

On this page

Sources of federal government and employee information

Woman sitting at a work desk using a laptop computer

Info Source identifies the personal information and records PacifiCan uses to serve the public and our employees. Visit our Access to Information and Privacy page for more on how to make an access to information or privacy request.

  • What are classes of records?
    Classes of records are the categories or types of records that we create, collect and use for a program or service.
  • What is a personal information bank?
    A personal information bank is a searchable collection of personal information.

On this page, we describe: personal information banks, authority to collect the information, why we collect it, how we use the information, how we share (disclose) it and where we hold the records within PacifiCan.

What you can find in Info Source

Info Source explains PacifiCan programs and activities, as well as the records and personal information we create, collect and use to serve stakeholders. It helps people, including our current and former employees, access their personal information held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

To learn more about PacifiCan visit our About Pacific Economic Development Canada page.

Programs and services

PacifiCan has 4 programs that serve the public:

The classes of records and the personal information bank related to each program are listed below.

Business Growth

The Business Growth Program focuses on trade, investment and market access, and business productivity. It supports British Columbian businesses, industry and research organizations to help them be more productive and competitive, and participate in global markets.

Classes of records

Personal information banks

Business Services

The Business Services program includes 6 Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN) members. PacifiCan funds these independent organizations. WCBSN helps prospective and current entrepreneurs to start, grow or expand small businesses across British Columbia.

Classes of records

Personal information banks

Community Initiatives

The Community Initiatives program provides targeted funding to support economic development activities in communities across across British Columbia. We provide dedicated, temporary funding for these activities, in response to the specific challenges that affect the communities.

Classes of records

Personal information banks


The Innovation program makes strategic investments with British Columbian businesses, industry organizations and post-secondary institutions. It boosts business innovation through research and development, and by bringing new technology to market.

Classes of records

Personal information banks

Internal services

Internal services are groups of activities and resources that support our internal programs and activities. Internal services apply across PacifiCan and do not include those specific to a program. The classes of records and personal information banks are listed under each internal service description below.

Acquisition services

Acquisition services involve getting a good or service

Communications services

Communications services effectively manage our communications, and ensure they are well-coordinated and responsive to the needs of the public.

Financial management services

Financial management services include planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Human resources management services

Human resources management services determine strategic direction and allocate resources among services and processes. They also analyze risk exposure and determine how best to reduce risks. They ensure that our service operations and programs comply with laws, regulations, policies and plans.

Information management services

Information management services manage information efficiently and effectively to support program and service delivery; informed decision making; accountability, transparency and collaboration; and access to information and record for use by present and future generations.

Information technology services

Information technology services use technology to support our priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity and to enhance services to the public.

Legal services enable us to do all we do within the law.

Management and oversight services

Management and oversight services involve activities to determine strategic direction and allocate resources among services and processes. They also include those activities to analyze risk exposure and determine how best to reduce risks. They ensure that our service operations and programs comply with laws, regulations, policies or plans.

Materiel services

Materiel services help manage materiel in a sustainable and financially responsible manner.

Real property services

Real property services help manage real property in a sustainable and financially responsible manner throughout its life cycle.

Travel and other administrative services

Travel and other administrative services include our travel services, as well as other internal services that do not fit in other categories.

Classes of personal information

Not all personal information is in a personal information bank. Some personal information may be in unrelated files and records that are not arranged or retrieved by your name or other personal identifier. You can retrieve this his type of information by giving us details, such as:


This class of personal information contains correspondence addressed to us from external organizations and people. This includes requests for information, complaints, opinions and other submissions related to PacifiCan programs, activities and policy issues. It might contain some unsolicited personal information from the correspondent. To retrieve this information, you must provide details, such as name, date of communication and subject.

Public opinion research

This class of personal information comes from public opinion research on topics related to the PacifiCan mandate and mission. Retrievable records consist of completed data-gathering forms or methods, such as:

These forms may contain information that identifies the research participant. Personal data in these classes of records are not used for administrative purposes.

Supplier development activities

We create this class of personal information to connect private sector companies, associations and/or other supplier organizations to prime contractors on major crown projects as part of the Government of Canada’s Industrial Technological Benefits (ITB) program. It may include the names and contact details of British Columbian supplier officials. This information is not used for an administrative purpose. PacifiCan may disclose company information to promote British Columbian companies, including these contact details.

Additional information

The Government of Canada releases information outside of the formal request process. The Open Government Portal gives you access to the information that we proactively disclose, including briefing note titles and summaries of completed Access to Information Act requests.

You may submit Access to Information Act requests or Privacy Act requests online through the Government of Canada’s Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Online Request page. Requests for correction of personal information must be made directly to PacifiCan ATIP by submitting the Record Correction Request Form. For more information on our approach to Access to Information and Privacy visit the PacifiCan Access to Information and Privacy page.

Department manuals

The manuals listed below are handbooks, guidelines or written procedures used by PacifiCan to administer programs, deliver services, and make decisions about public or employees. Manuals without a link can be requested by submitting an ATIP request.

Reading room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, you can use our reading room to review materials on site. Contact our ATIP team at to schedule a time. The address is:

Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan)
1300-300 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC  V6B 6B4

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