Backgrounder: A $45 million investment in green infrastructure projects across Saskatchewan aims to safeguard public health


Collective funding through the Green Infrastructure Stream (GIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) will support 14 project to protect public health across Saskatchewan.

The federal government is investing more than $18 million towards these projects, while Saskatchewan is contributing over $15 million. Local governments are investing more than $12 million and are responsible for any additional costs.

Project information:

Location Project Name Project Details Federal Funding Provincial Funding Recipient Funding

Village of Beechy

Landfill Decommissioning

Decommission and reclaim the Beechy Landfill. The reclaimed landfill will be owned by the village and the RM of Victory No 226. 




Rural Municipality of Bjorkdale No. 426

Peesane and Chelan Landfill Decommissioning Project

Decommission and reclaim the Chelan and Peesane landfills of RM of Bjorkdale No. 426. Reclaimed landfill has the intended use of native pastureland.




Rural Municipality of Duck Lake No. 463

Landfill Closure and Decommissioning

Decommission and reclaim two historical waste cells and four historic waste piles at the Duck Lake Landfill.




Town of Eatonia

Sewer Line Rehabilitation

Enhancing the town's wastewater management system by replacing collapsed or obstructed sewer lines and rehabilitating aged sewer mains.




Rural Municipality of Excel No. 71

Viceroy Landfill Decommissioning and Land Reclamation

Decommission and reclaim the R.M. of Excel No. 71’s Viceroy Landfill, with the intended use of native pastureland.




Town of Gravelbourg

Water Tower Decommissioning and Watermain Replacement

Increasing the capacity of critical watermains on 1st Ave., Bettez St., Main St. and 7th Ave. due to decommission the aging water tower that has exceeded its design life.




Village of Hodgeville

Landfill Decommissioning and Transfer Station

Decommission and reclaim the village’s landfill.




City of Humboldt

REACT - Decommissioning of Non-engineered Four Remaining Cells of the Transfer Station of Humboldt

Decommission and reclaim the historical hilltop cells.




Village of Mistatim

Landfill Cover

Decommission and reclaim the village’s landfill with the intended use of a transfer station surrounded by undisturbed grassland.




Town of Regina Beach

Landfill Decommissioning Project*

Decommission and reclaim Regina Beach's non-compliant landfill cell, implementing a Ministry-approved plan for native pastureland use.




Village of Rhein

Landfill Closure

Decommission and reclaim the village’s landfill with the intended use of native grassland.





Northwest Regional Solid Waste Management

Diverting the solid waste from existing non-engineered dumpsites to one of two new engineered regional solid waste facilities. The project also includes the decommissioning of the existing non-engineered landfill sites for the 18 municipalities.




Village of Wilcox

Phase II ESA and Landfill Decommissioning

Decommissioning of the village’s landfill, located directly adjacent to the wastewater lagoon.




Town of Wolseley

Phase II ESA and Closure Plan*

Decommission and reclaim the town’s landfill.




* Federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment obligations.

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