Backgrounder: Residents of Saskatchewan to benefit from recreation, water, and bridge infrastructure projects


Backgrounder: Residents of Saskatchewan to benefit from recreation, water, and bridge infrastructure projects

Funding through the Investing in Canada plan will support 26 infrastructure projects in Saskatchewan. The Government of Canada is investing more than $21 million in these projects, with the Government of Saskatchewan providing over $12 million. Contributions by recipients toward their respective projects are more than $12 million. In total, this represents a combined infrastructure investment of more than $46 million. Funding recipients are responsible for any additional project costs.

Recreation infrastructure projects funded under the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream, the Green Infrastructure Stream, or the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Big River First Nation

Big River First Nation Arena Build Project

Construction of a new arena and associated amenities connected to a high school.




City of Flin Flon

City of Flin Flon Safe Playground Upgrade

Various upgrades to the area and replacement of the playground equipment and rehabilitation of the outdoor rink.




City of Weyburn

Weyburn Recreation and Cultural Centre Facility Out of Contract Amenities

Construction of new amenities related to hockey, soccer and other recreational activities.




Northern Village of Denare Beach

Northern Village of Denare Beach Community Hockey Bunk Revitalization Project

Expansion of the outdoor ice surface to create a skating ring around the main skating surface that will allow for both hockey and skating simultaneously.




Town of Ogema

Ogema Regional Park Authority Swimming Pool Rebuild

Replacement of the existing outdoor swimming pool.




Resort Village of Big Shell

Resort Village of Big Shell Recreation Committee Playground Project

Construction of a playground near the beach.




Town of Assiniboia

Town of Assiniboia and District Recreation Complex

Replacement of the
existing ice arena built in 1956 with a new multi-use facility. It will include a teen centre, full-size rink, walking track, multi-use sport and recreation room, a canteen, dressing rooms and a Lakota First Nation Education and Interpretive Centre.




Town of Delisle

Town of Delisle Splash Park

Creation of a splash park and green space facility.




Town of Duck Lake

Town of Duck Lake Belladrome Upgrade

Roof replacement, kitchen area upgrades, installation of  weeping tiles, and addition of wheelchair accessible bathrooms.




Town of Eston

Town of Eston Lions Pool Upgrades

Upgrades to the existing facility, including change rooms, washrooms, pool flooring and associated works.




Town of Hague

Town of Hague Arena Floor Upgrades

Install a concrete floor and associated floor heating/cooling systems for the existing ice surface.




Town of Hudson Bay

Town of Hudson Bay Aquatic (Pool) Renewal / Replacement

Renewal of the existing pool, which is at end of its life cycle, along with associated works.




Town of Lanigan

Town of Lanigan and District Water Park Project

Replacement of the existing community pool with a new waterpark facility. It will include a swimming pool, splash park and other amenities.




Town of Rosthern

Town of Rosthern Jubilee Sports Centre Arena Revitalization

Upgrades to the arena
floor and roof to ensure facility longevity.




Village of Abbey

Village of Abbey Playground Revitalization

Revitalizing the playground at the Abbey Business
and Community Centre.




Village of Canwood

Village of Canwood Curling Rink Re-Build

Rebuild the shelter over the 3 sheets of curling ice and attach the new structure to the viewing area.




Village of Craven

Village of Craven Park and Community Garden

Create a new park and community garden complete with a play structure, a full size basketball court, half soccer field, and a community garden with a small orchard.




Village of Muenster

Muenster Community Center Board Wheelchair Accessibility Project

Renovate the entrance by removing walls and installing two new sets of doors, replacing handrails, installing a ramp and a wheelchair elevator.




Village of Odessa

Village of Odessa Community Hall

Replacement of the existing hall with a new facility capable of supporting local and area events.




Village of Rama

Village of Rama A New Way to Play

Installation of an accessible play structure, accessible picnic tables, and an accessible swing set and bench.




Whitesand Regional Park

Whitesand Regional Park Kitchen / Canteen Upgrade

Renovations to the kitchen / canteen area at the Whitesand Regional Park.




Total federal, provincial and municipal / other funding




Water and waste water management projects funded under the Green Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Duck Mountain Provincial Park

Duck Mountain Provincial Park Waste Water Treatment Upgrades

Improvements to the existing sewage lagoons and associated works.




Town of Hudson Bay

Town of Hudson Bay - Sewage Lift Station No. 1 and Force Main Upgrade

Replacement of the main sewage pumping station and sewer force main connecting the lift station to the town's sewage lagoon.




Village of Edenwold

SaskWater - Edenwold - Village of Edenwold Potable Water Supply Pipeline Project

Expansion of the existing regional drinking water  system.




Total federal, provincial and municipal / other funding




Bridge improvement projects funded under the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Rural Municipality of Porcupine No. 395

Farley Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new precast concrete and steel bridge. Work includes dismantling and disposal of the existing structure, the installation of a new steel/concrete structure, and construction of the bridge approaches.




Rural Municipality of Preeceville No. 334

Hinchliffe Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new precast concrete and steel bridge.




Total federal, provincial and municipal / other funding




* The Rural Municipality of Preeceville No. 334 Hinchliffe Bridge Replacement project is partially financed under the federal Gas Tax Fund.

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