Backgrounder: Residents of Saskatchewan to benefit from improved bridge, water and recreation infrastructure


Backgrounder: Residents of Saskatchewan to benefit from improved bridge, water and recreation infrastructure

Joint federal and provincial funding through the Investing in Canada plan will support 13 bridge improvement projects, 11 water and wastewater projects, and 6 recreation infrastructure projects in Saskatchewan.  

The Government of Canada is investing more than $6.7 million in these projects, with the Government of Saskatchewan providing over $6.9 million. Contributions by recipients toward their respective projects are close to $10 million. In total, this represents a combined infrastructure investment of more than $23 million.

Bridge improvement projects funded under the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Rural Municipality of Antler No. 61

Lamotte Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new precast concrete and steel bridge to extend the lifespan of the crossing.




Rural Municipality of Brock No. 64

Grid 604 Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new pre-cast concrete and steel bridge.




Rural Municipality of Clayton No. 333

CTP Grid Road 753 Bridge Replacement

Work includes the dismantling and disposal of the existing structure, the installation a new substructure and superstructure, and the construction of bridge abutments and approaches. 




Rural Municipality of Clayton No. 333

Dyck Memorial Road Bridge Replacement

Work includes the dismantling and disposal of the existing structure, the installation of a new substructure and superstructure, and the construction of bridge abutments and approaches. 




Rural Municipality of Kelvington No. 366

Salkeld Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new precast concrete and steel bridge. Work includes the dismantling and disposal of the existing structure, the installation of a new steel and/or concrete substructure and superstructure, and the construction of the bridge approaches.




Rural Municipality of Keys No. 303

Main Haul Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a series of new steel culverts. Work includes the dismantling and disposal of the existing structure, and the installation of new steel culverts.




Rural Municipality of Keys No. 303

Newberg Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a series of new steel culverts.




Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38

Eugene's Bridge Replacement

Replace the timber bridge over an unnamed tributary of Long Creek with large diameter steel culverts.




Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38

PFRA Bridge Replacement

Replace the timber bridge over Roughbark Creek with large diameter steel culverts.




Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38

Todd's Bridge Replacement

Replace the timber bridge over Long Creek with large diameter corrugated galvanized steel culverts.




Rural Municipality of Lomond No. 37

Souris River Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new precast concrete and steel bridge. Work includes the dismantling and disposal of the existing structure, the installation of a new steel and/or concrete substructure and superstructure, and the construction of the bridge approaches.




Rural Municipality of Silverwood No. 123

Grid 703 Bridge Replacement

Replace the existing bridge with a new precast concrete and steel bridge.



$500,000Footnote 1

Rural Municipality of Wood River No. 74

Pinto Bridge Replacement

Upgrade and replace part of the original bridge.




Total federal, provincial and municipal/other funding




Water and waste water management projects funded under the Green Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

City of Humboldt

Regional Authority of Carlton Trail Waste Management District Decommissioning of REACT Waste Management Facility

Complete a drainage feasibility study for the site and decommission the active landfill cell by building a final clay cover.




Rural Municipality of Barrier Valley No. 397

Archerwill Lagoon Expansion

Expand the lagoon system by adding a primary cell and a secondary cell to treat the effluent from the rural municipality and the Village of Archerwill.




Town of Dalmeny

Water Pumphouse and Reservoir Upgrades

Upgrade the water pumphouse to ensure reliable treated water distribution. Work includes the construction of a new water pumphouse building with a below grade concrete reservoir storage.




Town of Hague

Municipal Landfill Closure

Formally close and decommission the existing landfill site.




Village of Borden

Sewage Lift Station Upgrade

Replace existing pumps, and perform electrical upgrades and associated works.




Village of Consul

Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Install a membrane filtration system and water treatment building foundation, and perform associated mechanical, piping, electrical and structural works.




Village of Holdfast

Water Treatment Plant Upgrades

Upgrade the water treatment plant, replace a raw water line, and perform associated piping, mechanical and electrical works.




Village of Kenaston

Lift Station Upgrade

Conduct various upgrades to the existing lift station.




Village of Theodore

Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Add a reverse osmosis system with pre-treatment, and perform associated mechanical, electrical, piping and structural works.




Village of Torquay

Water Treatment Plant  Upgrades

Conduct a well assessment; install a new reservoir, treatment equipment, and a UV disinfection system; and perform associated electrical, piping, pumps, and mechanical works.




Village of Vanguard

Upgrading the Distribution of Pumps at the Water Treatment Facility

Upgrade the pumps to enable hydrant and water main flushing, to increase the availability of potable water in times of high water use, and to reduce the likelihood of precautionary water advisories due to equipment breakdowns.




Total federal, provincial and municipal/other funding




Recreation infrastructure projects funded under the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream, or the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Beardy's & Okemasis Cree Nation

Veteran's Memorial Hall Upgrade

Upgrade and
expand the existing Veteran's Memorial Hall including electrical and mechanical upgrades, site improvements.




Village of Canwood

Curling Rink Re-Build

Rebuild the shelter over the 3 sheets of curling ice and attach it to the viewing area.




Village of Christopher Lake

Village of Christopher Lake Park Enhancements 2020

Build a new gathering structure for seniors, and an outdoor community arena.




Resort Village of Coteau Beach

Community Centre Construction

Build a community centre with barrier-free access, washrooms and a large common area to host activities like gymnastics, dance, yoga, basketball and other team sports and community events.




Village of Fillmore

Skating Arena Revitalization

Upgrade the skating rink by installing new boards, safety glass, and asphalt flooring.




Town of Kronau

Community Recreation Cooperative Outdoor Skating Rink Revitalization

Build a new outdoor skating rink, shack and cement pad that will expand the existing skating rink so the area can be used year-round for other recreation and community activities.




Total federal, provincial and municipal/other funding




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