Backgrounder:  Canada and Alberta invest in healthier communities with recreation and water infrastructure for residents of southeastern Alberta


Backgrounder: Canada and Alberta invest in healthier communities with recreation and water infrastructure for residents of southeastern Alberta

Canada and Alberta invest in healthier communities with recreation and water infrastructure for residents of southeastern Alberta

Joint federal, provincial, and municipal funding through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan will support 6 projects in southeastern Alberta. These investments will create jobs, grow the economy, and support healthier and more sustainable communities.

The Government of Canada is investing more than $16.7 million in these projects through the Green Infrastructure Stream (GIS) and the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream (RNIS) of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan. The Government of Alberta is providing over $15 million, while the municipalities and communities are contributing more than $11.2 million.

Project Information:

Location Project Name Project Details Federal Funding Provincial Funding Municipal / Other Funding


Sanitary Wastewater Replacement and Hort Lift Station Connection

Expansion of wastewater lines, a new connection vault at the lift station, and a new sanitary dump station.

$1,332,400 $1,110,222 $888,378

Municipal District of Acadia No. 34

Acadia Valley Community Hall

Construction of a new community hall and the demolition of the existing hall.

$560,000 $466,420 $973,580

Municipal District of Taber

Horsefly Emergency Spillway (Phase 1)

Construction of a concrete spillway and upgrades to canals attached to Taber Lake to allow the controlled release of excess water from Taber Lake to the Oldman River to improve the flood attenuation capacity of the St. Mary River Irrigation District’s main canal.

$8,878,049 $7,397,610 $5,919,391


Wastewater Treatment System Expansion

Construction of new anaerobic cells, a new facultative cell, a new storage cell, and the rehabilitation of the existing storage cell to increase the capacity of the Town to service the community.

$3,200,000 $2,666,666 $2,133,334

Town of Taber

Water Treatment Plant pH Adjustment CO2 Injection

Installation of new C02 injector pump in the Town’s water treatment plant facility.

$176,000 $146,652 $117,348

Town of Taber

East Taber Constructed Wetland

Construction of an engineered wetland to manage excess storm water during excessive rainfall.

$2,531,000* $3,228,870 $1,211,130

* An additional $429,000 will be provided to the East Taber Constructed Wetland project through the federal Gas Tax Fund.

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