Canada obtains WENRA observer status

News Release

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) recently gained observer status in the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA). The CNSC made the request to become an observer, to promote the exchange of experiences with fellow regulators and learn from international best practices. 

As an observer, the CNSC will have the opportunity to participate in WENRA’s working groups on reactor harmonization and on waste and decommissioning.

WENRA is composed of the heads of 18 European nuclear regulatory agencies. An additional 10 countries are invited to participate as observers. The association is a network of nuclear safety regulators who examine significant safety issues and aim to develop a common approach to nuclear safety within the European Union. Canada is WENRA’s first non-European observer.


“WENRA is making progress on challenging topics that the CNSC is also tackling, including mandatory peer reviews, long-term operation, and probabilistic safety analysis,” said Dr. Michael Binder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CNSC. “WENRA’s experience in identifying best practices for safe operations, decommissioning and waste management is valuable for our own regulatory development.”

Quick facts:

  • WENRA has been in place since 1999
  • Canada is the 10th country to join WENRA as an observer and the first non-European country

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Aurèle Gervais
Media Relations
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

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