CNSC renews the Darlington Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licence
News Release
December 23, 2015 - Ottawa
Following a two-part public hearing, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced today its decision to renew Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s (OPG) Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licence for the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (NGS) located in the Municipality of Clarington, ON. The licence will be valid from January 1, 2016 until November 30, 2025. With this licence renewal, the Commission authorizes OPG to undertake the refurbishment and life extension of the four reactor units comprising the Darlington NGS. The Commission also authorizes OPG to operate the Darlington NGS Units 1–4 beyond 210,000 equivalent full power hours up to the proposed refurbishment outages, to a maximum of 235,000 equivalent full power hours.
In making its decision, the Commission considered information presented at a public hearing on August 19, 2015 in Ottawa, ON and on November 2–5, 2015 in the Municipality of Clarington, ON. During the public hearing, the Commission received and considered submissions from OPG and 281 intervenors, as well as CNSC staff’s recommendations.
CNSC staff will provide annual regulatory oversight reports on the performance of the Darlington NGS and on the status of the refurbishment project and emergency planning, as part of the CNSC’s annual Regulatory Oversight Report for Canadian Nuclear Power Plants. CNSC staff will present these reports at public proceedings of the Commission.
The Commission expects updates from OPG on the status of the refurbishment project following the return to service of each reactor unit. Furthermore, the Commission directs OPG and CNSC staff to provide a more comprehensive update to the Commission on the status of the refurbishment project following the return to service of the first reactor unit or by no later than the mid-term of the licence period. This update will be considered in a public proceeding of the Commission, with public participation. The Commission looks forward to public participation and is of the view that the annual Regulatory Oversight Report for Canadian Nuclear Power Plants and the more comprehensive update to the Commission after the return to service of the first reactor unit or at the mid-term of the licence period will provide opportunities for interested persons to participate in Commission public proceedings.
The Summary Record of Proceedings and Decision and transcripts of the hearing are available in both official languages on the CNSC website at, or by contacting the CNSC. A detailed Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision will be published on the CNSC website at a later date. The webcast of the hearing is also archived on the same site for a period of 90 days.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security and the environment; to implement Canada’s international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy; and to disseminate objective scientific, technical and regulatory information to the public.
Quick facts
- The CNSC issued OPG a Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licence for the Darlington NGS, valid from January 1, 2016 to November 30, 2025.
- Darlington NGS has four operating CANDU reactors, which started commercial operation between 1990 and 1993.
- The CNSC has full-time staff at the Darlington NGS who perform inspections to evaluate operations and to verify compliance with regulatory requirements and licence conditions.
- Darlington NGS’s performance and the status of the refurbishment project and emergency planning will be reported annually in the CNSC’s Regulatory Oversight Report for Canadian Nuclear Power Plants.
- There will be several opportunities during the licence term for the public to participate in Commission proceedings regarding the Darlington NGS facility.
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