December 29, 2014 – Gatineau, Quebec – Employment and Social Development Canada
The Honourable Dr. K. Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, is proud to report on the key accomplishments within her portfolios this year.
Over the past year, the Labour Program remained focussed on keeping Canadian workplaces safe, fair and productive and ensuring that our workforce is strong and well protected.
Amendments to the Canada Labour Code focused on streamlining processes to achieve better health and safety outcomes for Canadians. Emphasis was put on workplace parties working together to identify and resolve health and safety issues, which in turn will enable the Labour Program’s health and safety officers to focus more time and energy on preventive measures to avoid accidents and illnesses in the workplace.
The Government of Canada introduced the Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity Program, which will provide financial support to organizations developing best practices and strategies to facilitate increased participation of under-represented groups in federally regulated companies.
Strong and stable labour relations are essential to the economy. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service worked with federally regulated employers and unions to help them successfully conclude collective bargaining agreements, without a work stoppage, 96 percent of the time this fiscal year. Experienced mediators offered workshops to employers and unions across Canada on how to ensure the best possible outcomes at the bargaining table and in the workplace.
The Labour Program also undertook a number of initiatives to better support employers and employees in modern workplaces. It strengthened labour standards and introduced Web-based reporting mechanisms to reduce red tape for employers. As well, the Wage Earner Protection Program provided over $28 million in financial compensation to more than 11,000 workers who lost their job because their employer went bankrupt or was subject to a receivership.
In 2015, the Labour Program will continue to develop proactive measures to help employers and unions work collaboratively to address workplace issues such as health and safety, labour standards and employer employee relations. The Labour Program will also continue to transform and modernize its core business and improve policies and programs to better align them with the realities of the 21st century labour market.
Under her mandate as Minister of Status of Women, Minister Leitch released the Government of Canada’s Action Plan to Address Family Violence and Violent Crimes Against Aboriginal Women and Girls. With an investment of nearly $200 million over five years, the Action Plan takes concrete action to prevent violence, support victims and protect Aboriginal women and girls.
To support the economic advancement of women, the Government of Canada, through the Women’s Program, sought proposals to address barriers and other factors that limit opportunities for women.
In line with Economic Action Plan 2014’s commitment to increasing mentorship for women entrepreneurs, the Minister consulted Canadians on increasing the number of women entering into and succeeding in business. The Minister also created an expert panel and an advisory council to advise her on overcoming challenges that women in business face.
In addition, since the release of the Government’s Advisory Council for Promoting Women on Boards, Minister Leitch has been actively promoting the goal of having women attain 30 percent of boards of directors’ positions in Canadian private and public companies over the next five years.
In 2015, Status of Women Canada will continue its support of women and girls reaching their full potential by creating economic and leadership opportunities, and taking further action to address gender-based violence.
Andrew McGrath
Director of Communications
Office of the Hon. Dr. K. Kellie Leitch, P.C., O.Ont., M.P.
Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women
Media Relations Office
Employment and Social Development Canada
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