Archived - Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System Memorandum of Agreement on the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System and Consultation on the Cooperative Legislation

The provincial Ministers responsible for securities regulation in British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, and the Minister of Finance Canada have signed a Memorandum of Agreement setting out the terms and conditions to establish a Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System. Together, they renew their invitation to the Ministers responsible for securities regulation in all other provinces and territories to participate in the Cooperative System.

The Memorandum of Agreement formalizes the key features of the Cooperative System as set out in the Amended Agreement in Principle announced on July 9, 2014. Key features of the Cooperative System include:

Appended to the Memorandum of Agreement are the consultation drafts of the proposed provincial and federal legislation which are being released for public comment for 60 days until November 7, 2014. The key legislation includes:

The Authority will administer both the provincial and federal legislation and a single set of regulations under authority delegated by each participating jurisdiction.

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