OTTAWA – October 10, 2014 – The Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, today announced the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Walker as the new Chairperson of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) External Review Committee (ERC).
"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Walker as the new Chairperson for the RCMP External Review Committee. The appointment takes effect October 14.
By providing civilian review of RCMP labour relations, the ERC plays a key role in helping ensure the fair and impartial treatment of members of Canada's national police force. The ERC reviews certain types of grievances as well as appeals regarding formal disciplinary measures, and discharge and demotion cases.
Ms. Walker comes to the ERC with excellent legal and leadership skills which she demonstrated as Managing Partner of the Ottawa office of Osler. Her appointment comes at an important time for both the ERC and the RCMP.
In June 2013, Parliament passed the Enhancing RCMP Accountability Act which gave the RCMP new tools to modernize its conduct, grievance and human resources management processes – the goal being to prevent, address and correct performance and conduct issues in a timely and fair manner.
As Chairperson of the ERC, Ms. Walker will lead the development and publication of new ERC service standards, pursuant to the modernized processes, which will be reported on annually. The service standards are another requirement of the Enhancing RCMP Accountability Act and will further contribute to fair and transparent labour relations within the RCMP.
I would like to wish Ms. Walker the best of luck with her new position. I would also like to thank Mr. David Paradiso for acting as interim Chairperson and for his many years as Executive Director/Senior Counsel for the ERC."
The ERC is an independent agency reporting to Parliament through the Minister of Public Safety Canada. For more information, visit:
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Jason Tamming
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Media Relations
Public Safety Canada