February 19, 2014 — Ottawa, ON — Public Works and Government Services Canada
The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, today participated in the Symposium on Making Defence Procurement Work for Canada, hosted by the University of Calgary and the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, where she announced the establishment of an interim Defence Analytics Institute (DAI), a key component of Canada’s new Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS).
The interim DAI responds to a Jenkins report recommendation that the Government of Canada establish an arm’s-length, third-party defence analytics institute to better inform future procurement and support the review and validation of Key Industrial Capabilities (KICs).
In announcing the interim DAI, Minister Finley also announced its board of directors:
- Tom Jenkins, Chairman for OpenText Corporation, as the Chair of the interim Defence Analytics Institute
- Tim Page, President of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI)
- Christyn Cianfarani, Director, Government Programs, Research and Development and Intellectual Property, CAE Inc.
- Iain Christie, Executive Vice-President of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
- Peter Gartenburg, Vice-President, Ottawa Operations, L-3 Communications
- Dr. Craig Stone, Director of Academics and Associate Dean of Arts, Canadian Forces College
- Dr. David Bercuson, Director of the University of Calgary’s Centre for Military and Strategic Studies
- Dr. Janice Stein, Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto
- Dr. Louis Bélanger, Professor of Political Science at Université Laval and Director of the Quebec Institute for Advanced International Studies
The Defence Procurement Strategy represents a fundamental change in the Government of Canada’s approach to defence procurement, and its three key objectives are to: deliver the right equipment to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Coast Guard in a timely manner; leverage our purchases of defence equipment to create jobs and economic growth in Canada; and streamline defence procurement processes.
Marcel Poulin
Office of the Honourable Diane Finley
Media Relations
Public Works and Government Services Canada
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