News results

Showing 191 - 200 of 304 results

Minister Lebouthillier to travel to France to meet with the CRA's international partners in efforts to combat tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance

| Canada Revenue Agency | news releases

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that the tax system is fair to all Canadians. To that end, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is working with its international partners to combat offshore tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance by enhancing information sharing and refining its practices.

The Government of Canada is launching a “tell us once” approach for online direct deposit payments

| Canada Revenue Agency | news releases

The Government of Canada continues to work to provide Canadians with high-quality service that will help them manage their tax and benefits online, anytime and anywhere. It will now be easier for Canadians to update and share their direct deposit banking information quickly and safely between the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

Disability Advisory Committee holds first meeting

| Canada Revenue Agency | news releases

The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of supporting persons with disabilities and their family members by ensuring they have access to all the tax measures to which they are entitled. To that end, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is committed to administering measures for persons with disabilities in a fair, transparent, and accessible way.

Minister Lebouthillier meets with Québec City area businesses to discuss the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement

| Canada Revenue Agency | news releases

The Government of Canada is listening to Canadians from across the country and from all sectors and backgrounds about trade, including through roundtable discussions that focus on the need to support our goals of providing stable, rewarding and well-paying jobs for Canadians and helping grow our middle class. Canada, the United States and Mexico are working together to modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). At the same time, the Government of Canada continues to pay close attention to Canadians’ views on trade and its importance to economic development.

Media opportunity, Parliamentary Secretary Khera, on behalf of Minister Lebouthillier, on improvements to tax filing services for Canadians

| Canada Revenue Agency | media advisories

On Wednesday, January 17, 2018, media are invited to participate in a one-on-one telephone or in-person interview with Kamal Khera, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue, on improvements to the services available to people filing paper tax returns and those with low or fixed incomes.

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