MARPAC Lodger Units
Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific)
Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific)
Located at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific) (CF H Svcs C (P)) offers outpatient care to all Canadian Armed Forces members serving within Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC), as well as those in other military units throughout the surrounding area.
The clinic offers outpatient services including: primary care, physiotherapy, x-ray, laboratory, ophthalmology, preventative medicine, pharmacy and selected specialist services. Comprehensive mental health services, including pre and post deployment screening, are also provided through the Mental Health Department.

Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental & Test Ranges
Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental & Test Ranges
The Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR) is an Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) Field Unit located at Nanoose Bay, British Columbia.
CFMETR provides operation and maintenance of the joint Royal Canadian/United States Navy Nanoose Three-dimensional Underwater Tracking Range and the Jervis Inlet Range.
The Range also provides data analysis of Canadian ship system trials, torpedo exercise firings, and other special trials at the Nanoose Range or other allied tracking ranges as well as development and operation of the Canadian Forces Sonobuoy test ranges.

Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Rocky Point
Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Rocky Point
Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Rocky Point is one of four ammunition depots strategically located across Canada. CFAD Rocky Point provides ammunition and ammunition-related support to Canadian Armed Forces operations and Department of National Defence activities.
The unit also provides second line ammunition supply and maintenance services for HMCS Ships, CFB Esquimalt, 19 Wing Comox, 443 MH Squadron and reserve units (39 Canadian Brigade Group). CFAD Rocky Point is a lodger unit of CFB Esquimalt and belongs to Canadian Materiel Support Group (CMSG), which is a unit of Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC).
Opened in 1955, CFAD Rocky Point is located 35 km southwest of Victoria and occupies approximately 500 acres of property on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. The unit employs 52 civilians and 4 military personnel. The depot supports the Canadian Armed Forces by providing high quality ammunition services in a timely and efficient manner.

Real Property Operations Unit
Real Property Operations Unit
The mission of Real Property Operations Unit (Pacific) is to provide quality, timely infrastructure support to Maritime Forces Pacific and other Canadian Armed Forces installations in British Columbia. This support ensures that the Formation can operate, maintain and deploy combat-capable, multipurpose maritime forces on behalf of the Commander Royal Canadian Navy to meet Canada's national and international commitments.
Real Property Operations is responsible for all building and public works construction, maintenance, and the operation of utility plants and systems. The unit also provides services such as emergency repairs, the Base Urban Search and Rescue Team and HAZMAT emergency spill response.

Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Mass Notification System
Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Mass Notification System
Because our personnel work in a large area and a wide variety of locations including outdoors, in ships, vehicles or workshops, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt installed a Mass Notification System (MNS) in February 2015. MNS is an audible warning system consisting of a network of radio controlled public address speakers that will provide a warning siren followed by verbal direction during an emergency.
What kind of emergencies will this system be used for?
The system can be programmed to provide a variety of warnings including hazardous material emergencies, environmental threats, tsunami evacuation and increases to our security posture.
Will the sirens be tested?
On the first Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m the system will be tested for approximately one minute.
Where are the speakers located?
The speakers are currently located in Dockyard, Naden and Work Point. There is the possibility of extending the system to West Shore properties such as Colwood, Albert Head and Rocky Point in the future.
How is the system activated?
Once an imminent threat has been identified to CFB Esquimalt, a warning alarm will be initiated by the Regional Joint Operations Centre (RJOC).
The system may occasionally be used during exercises such as the Great B.C. Shakeout or military emergency response exercises. In these instances Emergency Management B.C., local community emergency coordinators, 911 operators and police will be informed. Additionally, CFB Esquimalt will issue a public service announcement and a reminder will be posted on the CFB Esquimalt Facebook page.
What do I do if I hear the siren?
The MNS is designed as a notification system for CFB Esquimalt personnel. If you hear the siren at times other than the monthly tests, it is recommended that you tune in to local radio or television stations who will provide information and instructions from civilian emergency management officials, if appropriate.
How many warning sirens are there?
Four different siren tones will be used: test tone (alternating tone); evacuation tone (low to high to low tone); shelter in place tone (repeated blast of single tone) and the all-clear tone (similar to Westminster chime).
What will the warnings sound like?
Tone | Activation | Voice Message |
TEST TONE (alternating tones) |
First Wednesday of each month for 30 seconds at 1100 hrs. Followed by the ALL CLEAR tone. |
Test Voice Message: "This is a test of the siren system. It is only a test. If this had been a real alarm you should listen to this system for further instructions. This is a test." |
(low to high to low) |
Real-time evacuation. 1 minute followed by voice message. Cycle repeated 3 times every 6 min until ALL CLEAR is sounded. |
One of two messages: Tsunami Alert Voice Message: "Tsunami alert, tsunami alert. Move to higher ground or inland now. This is NOT a drill. Tsunami alert, tsunami alert, move to higher ground now.” (Wail tone) French Evacuation Warning Voice Message: "An evacuation order has been issued for the base and you must leave now. This is NOT a drill; an evacuation order has been issued for the Base, leave now.” (Wail tone) |
(repeated blasts of a single tone) |
Real-time shelter/lockdown. 1 minute followed by a voice message (for Shelter). 15 seconds followed by a voice message (for Lockdown). Cycle repeated 3 times every 6 minutes until the ALL CLEAR is sounded. |
One of two messages: Shelter Voice Message: “A dangerous condition exists on the base and you must seek shelter indoors. SEEK SHELTER NOW. Do not proceed outside until directed to do so. This is NOT a drill.” (repeating tone) Lockdown Voice Message: “Security alert, security alert. This is a Base Emergency. Commence lockdown procedures now. This is not a drill.” (repeat) |
(resembles Westminster chimes) |
When/if a warning has been cancelled. 1 minute followed by a voice message then a 2 minute rest period. This process will be repeated 3 times. | All Clear Voice Message: “All Clear, All Clear.” (All Clear tone) |
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